Aliens vs. Predator supposed on pc to kick consoles butt

well obviously if they are going to be showcasing dx11, this is one title we shouldn't have to worry about being infected by consoles.
Haven't been a fan of the other games either, but this one may just be it...

Screens look pretty good.
Sweet music to my ears :)

We're entering that period of time where the consoles technology is really starting to show its age in comparison to the PC, any developer who is interested in exploring new technology can no longer ignore the PC's massive lead.

Can't wait for Dirt2 or AvP :)
Console fags are crying everywhere.... :D Time for MS to put out a $600 barebones console that will RRoD within a month. All the minions are ready...

Glad they are doing this the right way. Usually companies make crappy textures then port them to the pc. It should be high resolution textures on the pc then down size them for consoles like how they are doing it for the pc. PC first then down grade it for consoles. Games would sell better on the pc and it would still sell on the consoles. win win situation. A lot of developers work backwards these days though. This game might give me the incentive to finally move to windows 7.
I agree, most of the recent multiplatform games have been designed with a lowest common denominator aproach which makes the consoles the lead platform. Decent multiplatform games are possible, Bioware has proved this recently with DAO, you just need to focus on the best platform first then downgrade the graphics for the slower platforms.

Splitting a texture resolution in half is easy, inreasing a soupy low quality texture to a high definition one is much harder, same goes for model detail and other art assets.
Console fags are crying everywhere.... :D Time for MS to put out a $600 barebones console that will RRoD within a month. All the minions are ready...


And ignorance is reigning supreme. :rolleyes:

Anyways, at least another developer can get something right.
Man, I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those crappy PC to console ports like Starcraft 64, Doom for the SNES, and Farcry for the Xbox. Developers need to take their time with their ports from the PC and do the consoles justice. I hate it when they just do a quick port without utilizing the advantages of a console.

In reality though, it's probably just going to be another Vietcong, ugh.
This game might give me the incentive to finally move to windows 7.

Yep, I'm hoping to jump on the Windows 7 boat too! Although I'll probably wait until my next complete rebuild and will upgrade to SSD at the same time.

At least we can get DX11 in Vista, even though I wont have the hardware to use it until my next build XD

Great news about AvP having good PC roots and I totally agree with you Conker about doing it properly on PC then downgrading the graphics for console optimization. Should be a more common approach than it is!
Sweet music to my ears :)

We're entering that period of time where the consoles technology is really starting to show its age in comparison to the PC, any developer who is interested in exploring new technology can no longer ignore the PC's massive lead.

Can't wait for Dirt2 or AvP :)

I think it's funny you think that with just two games, both sponsored by ATI to showcase dx11. (Dirt2 was delayed because of them remember) You got one of the biggest games of the year (MW2) downgrading a whooole bunch too.

Now flip side is that yea, it generally seems like ports are doing it right these days. Capcom and Ubisoft really seem to be doing them right which both were some of the worst offenders. Dragon Age was delayed for the console versions but it was a successor for Baldur's gate and they wanted to make a "sequal" for it. I not a picky person for games and ports but I am glad to see this extra attention happen though and do hope there IS a trend and people SUPPORT the devs when they do this. I hope DA is blowing away the numbers of the console version's definately some old school meets new school Baldur's gate :)

(BTW, I'm loving me some Dragon age but who's playing this on the console? it seems to me that it was be a pain in the ass to really play this game with so much micromanagment on a console?!)