Best game music?

holy shit this song just put a huge fucking ear to ear grin on my face.

I can picture it now, rolling a screen full of tanks up on to my unsuspecting buddy in the next room (so I thought), then boom, screen shakes like a 9.0 earthquake cuz I just got nuked now here comes his fleet of planes and the screen is 5fps chaos!! lol!

This game's music was larger than life. :cool:
Wow I never knew 4 strings was the title music for Homeworld until now, I used to rave out to that song back in the day.

Absolutely. The song is just epic, marking the beginning of an incredible journey through the rest of the soundtrack (and game-play).

Oh yes, I loved MMX!

Final Stage Part 1:


MMX had somewhat of a sad story. Dr. Light built him with enough intelligence to be able to choose his own path, hoping that he would choose a peaceful one. But he seemed inevitably destined to fight.
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Battlefield 2142 had some intense orchestra during the load screens that I absolutely love.


Same goes for most Blizzard (good to see Tristram was listed on the first page :p) and Square Enix games. The quality of music they churn out is just amazing.

The background music for Fyrestone in Borderlands is pretty memorable too:

It set a great tone for the game.
Thanks for putting up Killer Instinct music, I completely forgot about my favorite fighting game of my childhood. I did some digging up, and the guys that made that game also made: Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie (and its sequels, excluding Rare's most recent game Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts), Blast Corps, GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox Adventures, Diddy Kong Racing DS, and recently, Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise.

Holy. Shit. What a talented bunch.
Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot to mention Donkey Kong Country. Some of the best ambient tracks I've heard. Pick one, it'll probably be good.
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines had my favorite soundtrack:
Swamped -
Isolated -
Lecher Bitch -
Cain -

The Total War series has always had nice theme music.
Here's the one actual English song from Rome - Forever -

I'm currently playing Blood Bowl, and it has a decent theme music.
I loved the homeworld soundtrack, and vampire soundtrack is also good.

I vote as well for WC2.

My contributions:

SimCity opening theme ( i can't find it)

SC2K: (whole thing is great imo, but here are some samples) he has all the SC2K tracks on his page.

I think SC3K has some great jazz tunes for a video game.

and some classics:
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I'm sure these have all been mentioned but...

Mass Effect
Final Fantasy 7
7th Guest and 11th Hour.

Plus + 1 to nearly all the other games ppl posted too. Anyone remember the intro soundtrack to Zone 66?
Tie FIghter 95'edition and John Williams. Can't beat good ol' Imperial March :)

Nah. TIE 95 used redbook CD audio, and I think the event-driven iMuse GM Midi soundtrack in the original DOS version of TIE Fighter from Clint Bajakian was scounds better. TIE had an original theme- and it was far superior than regurgitating John Williams' classic score (which every SW game did ad nasueum afterwards)
TIE Concourse
TIE gameplay

Bajakian also crafted the soundtrack to what is still the greatest Old West FPS ever made: "Outlaws"
Outlaws Main Theme
The Last Gunfight
The Ballad of Dr Death

And five days of discussion and nobody brings up Interstate '76???
I76 Intro theme

or No One Lives Forever 1 & 2?
NOLF Main Theme
NOLF Bad de dum
NOLF2 Unity HQ

and I'm surprised no one mentioned TF2

Main Theme
The Art of War
Faster than a Speeding Bullet
Mark Morgan's original soundtrack for Fallout is the most atmospheric soundscape ever put into a game without doubt.

The soundtrack for Mirror's Edge is mighty cool, I love the contrast between the fast paced 'chase' music and the mellow ambient.

I also loved the soundtrack from GTA - Vice City. Not an original score but I grew up with a lot of that music so it registered with me.
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