So, Finally Playing Crysis...


Jul 15, 2009
.... until the "Relic" level. I'm sure most of you can guess what I'm talking about before I even state it...


What is the deal with the extraction point in the Relic level? I've run across many, many people with problems not being able to finish. The extraction chopper doesn't come. I see ZERO nano-suit enemies. I get NO radio chatter stating that I've "encountered" a "new" enemy, or whatnot. I've killed all the guys in the area, including the helicopter that chases you down the river... and the one that just seems to flutter on by the graveyard, only to get swallowed up the "edge" of the map.

I've been running around in the dark (Apparently this "super" soldier didn't pack better batteries) blasting my way through trees... with grenades, rockets, guns, vehicles. Nope, I get no "It's time to get your ass kicked because your stealth bar is too high" music. Where is my company? The little frogs ain't doing it!

Restarted the level three times. Nothing.

Where am I sitting at now? I'm currently "saved" at the top of the highest peak I can find... where I continue to load the game, only to jump Nomad off the cliff to his death over and over again....


....... Anyone? :p
That's strange (as you may have gathered). If I remember correctly, you should encounter a few Koreans in stealth suits (with a crack about them looking more like knock-offs of the American versions). Once you clear the area, the aircraft should land and pick you up. If possible, I would say to load an even earlier save -- something is broken. Alternatively, start a brand new game and use a cheat to get you to the beginning of the right level (give it a google, I'm sure there's a console command to "warp" you to the beginning of that level) -- you might not have the right loadout, but you should be able to gather up weapons pretty quickly and continue on.
Killing the 4th nanosuit guy triggers the VTOL script. If you didn't kill 4, there is one hiding somewhere
Nah game is just broken. Played the same part as OP a few dozen times over the course of two or three installs. Killed all four Koreans, easy stuff, then nothing. Just google the level skip code and put it into the console.
Yes. The game is broken.

I see some of you have said I need to find the nano-suit guys.... They do not appear at all. Even after I make a ton of noise.

... I'd hate to cheat my way through to that level, but I may need too. I'm tired of starting the level over again.
Open the common console by hitting the ~ key and type in:
con_restricted 0 and press the Enter key.

To load up your next level, simply type: map assault

Idk what up with your game but you finished that level and the script isnt running. do you have any mods installed to the game?
I beat the game 3 times and never had a problem like that.
had a similar problem (different level). i restarted comp and started from an older save and re did the level..... major glitch
I remember this happening to me the first time I played it.If you made it to the cemetery and haven't encountered the enemy Nanosuits,then you probably took the wrong route to get there. I found that I had somehow taken a shortcut through the forest and skipped past some sections. Apparently you have to take a certain route to trigger the fight in the cemetery,if the Nanosuits don't appear,the game can't progress.
Thanks for the responses guys. Yes, I finally was able to go into console, but not via "~." Had to manually assign it to another key...

Anyhow, finally on to the next level....
I had this problem. The trigger to spawn the 4 nano'd guys is in the graveyard. Enter it through the west 'gate' and walk straight ahead, roughly halfway in.

Then again, if you consoled to the next level you're set. Too bad you had the problem because Relic is one of the most fun levels in the game.
I had this problem. The trigger to spawn the 4 nano'd guys is in the graveyard. Enter it through the west 'gate' and walk straight ahead, roughly halfway in.

Then again, if you consoled to the next level you're set. Too bad you had the problem because Relic is one of the most fun levels in the game.

Yeah it's one of my favorites too. Going through the same area in reverse and at night felt like an entirely different level.

I've never had that problem personally. My best guess would be that he approached the checkpoint in an unexpected way and it screwed up the event. It's unfortunate that the game wasn't very polished in terms of game-stopping bugs.
Ya I was re-playing Crysis and I got stuck, had to turn on devmode and enable clipping to walk through walls lol. Game has a lot of bugs. First time I played it there was still a black hole in the ship on the final level.
I don't think the game is buggy in the usual sense,the only problems I had were more due to it's wide open nature that allows you to go just about anywhere. Sometimes you can miss key points that trigger events that move the game along. This only happened to me twice,once in the cemetery fight mentioned,and in the sequence where the entrance to the cave that the main Korean baddie is hiding gets blown open so you can enter it.