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  1. M

    Black Friday Shoppers Destroy Walmart Displays

    ... I think I saw half of them produce a line from Shakespeare and the other half were busy throwing their own poop... Yeah, while this BS was going on, I was sitting back playing BF3, enjoying an adult beverage.
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    Steve Jobs' 'Curious' Lack of Public Philanthropy

    These guys donated on their own so every time someone doesn't "publicly" donate (as much as these two in particular *or any number of un-named*) now we're going to chastise the rest??? What about this... What about how many jobs "THE JOB" created or how many families he has kept and is KEEPING...
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    Tornado Before & After Using Google Street View

    Actually... I work with A certain Govt agency that deals with this sort of thing as an IT Technician... I can tell you that we are here in full force in AL and the other areas like OK that got hit today will be declared disasters and will have the support they need very quickly.
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    Mexico State Congress Asks Ban of Video Game

    Yeah, yesterday Fox was crying about the game Bulletstorm or wtver the hell it's called... I love how having zombies blown away in a movie, or trying to burn a cop alive like in Reservoir Dogs is ok, but put it in a video game and people claim it'll cause a surge in rapes and murders; 1st...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Yeah, I keep hearing about this term TRIM and the word Sandforce... I know jack and #@$% about them... Anyone care to elaborate a very tiny bit so I can start my exploration? And are you sure that RAID0 wouldn't be the way to go... Sure they're fast, but wouldn't a RAID0 config be faster...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    So going back to what my PS consisted of... Does anyone have any thoughts on SSD? IE, what is a good deal... What about a RAID0? Would it be worth buying two smaller drives and running them in a RAID0 since it's more stable, or should I just run 1 larger one as my main OS drive? What...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Well, the only things I've bought so far are the Maximus II and the H70... I think I'll hold off on the CPU upgrade. The H70 wasn't a bad purchase as it will still fit the newer platforms, so once I do build a new system, I can still use the H70, so that's not money wasted. Far as the MB goes...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Yeah I've heard this a few times... But an SSD still ?won't? deliver the speed of a RAID0 config will it (by it's self... Non RAID SSD)? My two RAID 0 HDs = 1.16 TB... *2* Western Digital Caviar Blue WD6400AAKS 640GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive Item #...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Hahaha, why do I feel as though I am having a conversation with "The Architect" of The Matrix? All great points and more to the point of what I was trying to get at. Asus Maximus II = $169 H70 = $109 ------------------------------- (this is what I've bought so far) $278 Now, the...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Hahah, yeah... I "ain't" one of those lucky few. I do all my buying/trading on EBAY and yes, the Q6600 is selling around a hundred or perhaps less "short" of what I'd buy a Q9550 for. So... Lemme rephrase... Is the Q9550 worth a hundred bucks or, best case, lets say $80? Far as selling the...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Yeah, but my current system is using DDR2.... It's not a matter of cash saved to purchase a system in the future or not... I'm looking at a small amount of money thrown out after selling the Q6600 if that's my decision. I typically use the same system for 4+ years at a time depending on the...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    No performance limitations that I'm aware of... Even though it's in my signature, here are my complete system specs... MB - Biostar TP I45 --------------- RMA, just got the Maximus II CPU - Q6600 @ 3.4GHz ---------- Considering bumping to the Q9550 RAM - 8GB OCZ Platinum DDR2 1066 GPU -...
  13. M

    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    Well, I can run the Q6600 on the Biostar TP45 MB at around 3.4 stable, although it's a bit hot. That's one reason I'm getting the H70 liquid cooler, I know it'll reduce the temps enough for me to probably get it up to 3.6 (possibly higher) stable. But, like I said, I'm getting the Asus Maximus...
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    Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

    The situation... My Biostar TP45 MB recently crapped out and while I'm having to RMA it, I went ahead and bought a used Asus Maximus II MB along with the Corsair H70 liquid cooler. Any ways, I'm debating on upgrading my current Q6600 to a Q9550. I don't have the cash or the desire to upgrade...
  15. M

    Why Nielsen Ratings Suck

    Amen brother. Don't get me wrong, I think the networks should rethink their business model because it's beginning to heavily compete with streaming content and many people skip over commercials through use of their DVR. But yeah, most people seem to think we live on Big Rock Candy Mountain where...
  16. M

    Hunter Killer Flying Robot of Death

    Yeah I think homemade & armed UAVs probably already exist, but people are smart enough "not" to post about them on the web. And since we're talking about it... Say someone does use one as a weapon against someone else, what's the Govt going to do... Ban all servos and hobby engines/RC...
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    Woman Wants Law Stopping Mean Internet Posts

    Yeah, I'm about tired of the whole bullying thing... It's your right in this country to be a dick. I was bullied through most of elementary and high school until I hit my growth spurt. Now that I'm 6'1" and 270lbs, not many people want to F with me... That's the nature of the game and a simple...
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    Why Best Buy Checks Your Receipt

    Yeah, I have hundreds of complaints against BB's business practices, but this isn't one of them. As others in this thread have already commented on, it's not like they're the first or the last to adopt this trend and personally, I see their point. That being said... If you want to bitch...
  19. M

    Your Mom Hates This Video Game

    BWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAH This is great! I absolutely loved this and I don't think it targets kids, in fact, I think it targets just who it's suppose to target which is the typical 18-30+ age group. Great marketing!
  20. M

    CNN: Gaming Leads To Mental Health Issues

    Just because kids who game 30+ hours a week show signs of depression and anxiety does not mean that their gaming is the cause... Perhaps they're gaming because they're depressed or suffer from anxiety and are using this as an escape? But then again, this did come from CNN... So it's no surprise...
  21. M

    Warrantless Cellphone Search Is Legal In California

    This is illegal as hell... They need a warrant. So for those of you who agree with this BS, the next time you get pulled over for a traffic violation and the cop asks to browse through your txt messages & what not, don't complain about it... I hope he enjoys the nudes of your GF.
  22. M

    NASA Names Most Absurd Sci-Fi Film

    Yeah, it tells me that they're about as anti-American as you can possibly get. Freaking Dances with Smurfs BS. Sure, the movie was fun to watch, but when you delve deeper into the kiddy pool of a plot, you'll end up banging your head. It was pure propaganda; "Gee man, the military industrial...
  23. M

    NASA Names Most Absurd Sci-Fi Film

    Yeah, quite frankly, I find it funny that they didn't mention, The Day After Tomorrow, as one of the worst... But then again, that wouldn't fall into place with their global warming agenda.
  24. M

    Best Net Neutrality Explanation Ever

    Trees are a renewable resource, we have paper companies that reforest what they cut down... There are more trees in North America today than there were when Columbus landed in 1492. And all this was down under a free market. Any ways, to the rest of you socialists on this post... Wtver...
  25. M

    Best Net Neutrality Explanation Ever

    Yeah, I understand this diagram... I understand that it's a Socialist/Big Gov't interpretation. I'd rather have ISPs regulating themselves than have a "we care about you" gov't dictating what I can and can't see in the name of fairness or some other BS notion that's simply designed to mask their...
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    The "Power Eater" Igloo

    Man made climate change doesn't exist and guns protect us from tyranny. ;)
  27. M

    same preformance as a 4870x2???

    yup, i ended up reverting to an older ccc and driver set... 10.5. I think it's BS that this is even cropping up, but wtver. I'll deal with it for now, besides, 10.5 ran fine for me any ways.
  28. M

    same preformance as a 4870x2???

    So, I went to BBuy and bought a 5750... I deleted the drivers, CCC, did a safe boot, ran driver sweeper, shut the computer down, installed the new card and it booted to windows the first time and was pushing between 30-60 fps in ArmaII:AO. No real issues with the card, so that's telling me...
  29. M

    same preformance as a 4870x2???

    Yes, I've already updated it to the most recent bios.... cleared cmos, etc... no cigar... Still boots the same way. I guess that's why I'm leaning towards a video card issue, rather than a MB issue. Although, I have no way of testing it without having a spare MB or GPU around, which I don't...
  30. M

    same preformance as a 4870x2???

    The short of it is... I have a Biostar TPI45 MB and a Powercolor 4870x2. I've noticed lately that the card isn't preforming as it should be and for the last month, whenever I boot into windows, my computer "attempts" to boot twice and on the 3rd time it loads properly, which is a built in safety...
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    9A Code on TP I45?

    yeah, i think it might be a video issue becuase i think that 1 of my adapters on my 4870x2 has been disabled and it's no longer showing the Xfire status. wonder if 1 of my vid chips is dead or perhaps the bios is just no longer recognizing it or who knows.
  32. M

    9A Code on TP I45?

    I havea T-Power I45 MB and as of the last couple days, I've been getting a 9a error on the MB... It attempts to boot twice and then on the 3rd time it boots into windows.... This just started happening recently w/no hardware changes or anything of the sort... No software changes, etc... Any idea...
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    President Warns Grads of iPad Perils

    Didn't Stalin and Marx comment on how the various forms of entertainment "distract" people from the social goals of the State; And should be limited? Eat, live, sleep and die with the State and nothing other than the State upon your mind. Far as racism goes... I hear that term floating...
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    Tactile Gaming Vest

    ... I wonder how this will simulate a knife to the head (while hack'in CS)... ;)
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    Facebook 'Linked to Rise in Syphilis'

    ... Experts still searching for link to bad teeth.
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    Intel & iBuyPower - Gulftown Giveaway Contest

    The rest can't handle power of that magnitude! You must pick me!
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    Gaming Can Make a Better World

    K, so I was looking at her superstruct game... Here's a snippet from their continuing plot (This is part of their solution to disease I guess).... "The future's changing us faster than we're changing the future. … In response to the World Health Organization’s suggested limits on gatherings...
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    Gaming Can Make a Better World

    And by the way, what is with [H] posting all this BS as of late... Mainly dealing with climate change, toilet paper (supposed deforestation) use and other liberal hack jobs? Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me??
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    Gaming Can Make a Better World

    Ok, so the new game (at the end of the speech) is supported by the world bank... Hahaha, yeah, ok. This is nothing more than a means to condition people... The real speech should have went like this.... "People spend 10,000 hrs playing video games... This equates to a 2nd schooling... Lets...
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    Gamer Stabbed in Head For Using Wallhack

    Hahahaha, sweet, sweet justice! Lady Liberty is blind and somehow, now, so is this guy I bet! Thanks [H] you made my day... Perhaps I don't have to drink tonight after all!