NASA Names Most Absurd Sci-Fi Film

all the Mexicans in the theater erupted into loud applause at the bit where Americans were border jumping into Mexico and the reporter said Mexico won't let them in unless the US forgives all loans. I walked out. Would've walked out earlier but I wouldn't have got a refund, so I tried to stick it out. It was kind of fascinating if you looked at it in a detached way, like a study on propaganda. (which basically that's all it was).

You give Emmerich WAY too much credit. Its a popcorn thriller with a plot ripped from events current at the time or writing. 2012 is the same thing. Emmerich and his crew make shit up as they go along with the plot and use whatever angle works for the time. Whether is alien invasion (ID4) giant monsters (Godzilla), global warming (DAT), or the BS with the world ending next year (2012 of course). You're reading way too much into the movie and applying a level of depth to the film that is far beyond the reach of anyone involved.
I can't believe anyone would take any movie Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich made seriously. They got lucky with Stargate (and milked the hell out of it) and Independence Day (mainly due to Will Smith and the fact it was a slow summer for movies when it came out). Everything after that was unimaginative drek. They should be banned from movie making for what they did to Godzilla alone,that movie was a total insult to fans of the King of Monsters.
Personally (having seen neither) I thought The Core was an even stupider movie premise than 2012.
I did enjoy 2012's CGI though. I had no idea the entire Russian plane in that movie was rendered in CGI even when its on ground. It looked very realistic to me.
I've never seen 2012 and after reading that article, I'll pass on watching it in the future. Just like I passed on seeing Avatar and still haven't watched it today


Some many of these directors are implanting their beliefs in films today is disturbing.
There are so many films based on evil and terror that I makes you wonder who's really running Hollywood.

Fantasy or not, films like Avatar tells me a lot about what is in a directors mind, M. Knight movies are a good example also.
While Signs did have some stretches of the imagination, I thought it was well done for the atmosphere and the general story. It is one of my more favorite alien movies.

The Fourth Kind wasn't toooooo bad of a modern alien movie. It was a little more modest as opposed to the big budget movies. What it had going for it was the idea that what you were watching something that really happened. Add in the small town feeling and you get a fairly creepy movie. I would liken it to a modern Fire In The Sky. Except that Fire In The Sky at least feels like in was based on an actual event.
Actually, the part of 2012 that I found most unbelievable as far as science, was that the eruption of Yellowstone park was somehow survivable by driving away.. unharmed. I'm not even bothered that the pyroclastic flow being outran (thought that, in itself, is stupid). I'm annoyed that the sheer shockwave and sound didn't affect ANYONE. I know I'm supposed to ignore these things but the given the last few Yellowstone eruptions haven't been below a 7 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index and that they tend to throw larger than 250 square miles of gas and ash into the air and that the last recorded level 6 event (Krakatoa) had a potential decibel level in the 180 range (heard from upwards of 3000 miles away), you'd think that an even larger explosion would yield something in the 220+ decibel range (which is what's expected, at the least) which would deafen, if not kill, anyone in the near area. Enough for the flow to catch up with them at the very least...

Rant over.
I'm not even bothered that the pyroclastic flow being outran (thought that, in itself, is stupid). I'm annoyed that the sheer shockwave and sound didn't affect ANYONE.

hollywood does not have a concept of shockwaves. in their explosions it is the shrapnel and fireball that will kill you. as long as you can outrun the slow moving fireball you are fine.
Zarathustra[H];1036651761 said:
Anyone who actually believes in that 2012 crap just needs to off themselves right now. PLEASE!

Are you kidding?!

Think of all of the comedy gold we'd be without!
First, who reads the Sun unless they're bored in the supermarket line.
Second, does NASA really think those terrified of the world ending can even find their site on the internet?
Third, SciFi films of the 60's set the bar so low it's been paved over in the back lots of Hollywood.
2012 was a good popcorn flick but I do like disaster movies so maybe Im giving it a bit of a leg up because of that...
I have to admit, though...if I'm going to go out, I want to go out like Woody Harrelson's character did.
You know, crushed by a giant flaming ball of verdant earth in the midst of a super volcano eruption, screaming at the top of my lungs.
I don't care what the Mayan were smoking however I find interesting the Galactic Alignment in 12/21/12.

Discovery and History channels have been airing some documentaries indicating that alignment could create some issues. The other thing that called my attention was it only happens every 26,000 years and last time was the ice age.

I personally don't buy 100% what NASA said about the Galactic Alignment but who Am I to debate the most intelligent people in Earth :D
I don't care what the Mayan were smoking however I find interesting the Galactic Alignment in 12/21/12.

The Mayans never have and never will say 2012 is the end of the world. The Long Count calendar has a definite start, but it doesn't have an end.
It looks like they at least got rid of the big bang denialist that was running PR.

Slightly more on topic, it seems that Dr. Hyde's review (a climatologist who foolishly claimed he wouldn't see The Day After Tomorrow unless somebody paid him $100, a virtual hat was passed around the internet and the net (then usenet) got a review) is behind google's signup wall. Sigh.
Discovery and History channels have been airing some documentaries indicating that alignment could create some issues. The other thing that called my attention was it only happens every 26,000 years and last time was the ice age.

Sure. Maybe a little effect on waves, if there will be any. The other planets are too far and are too small to have any significant effect on us. Look at the moon if you want more proof. In galactic terms it's on our doorstep, yet only thing it can achieve are the some small tides. Even all planets in alignment won't have effect even marginally comparable to the effect of the moon and the sun. If it will affect the tides by more than a few cm then you can call that a "big effect".
Oh and about the Mayan calendar - did really a Mayan somewhere in 15th century (or what is the date when that mayan calendar was made) did really care about the calendar for more than few hundred years ? If mayan would be still alive, we would have a updated calendar too. Our calendar ends every 365/366 days. Does that mean end of the world every 365/366 days ? No, just nobody cares to make calendars further in future. The Maya guy did make a good job, he made a calendar for few hundred years. Enough time to make the next one :). Whoops, we killed out the Mayans, so no one did the next one. Nevermind :).
On the contrary, they named Gattaca one of the more realistic. While as someone in the field of bioinformatics, I wouldn't necessarily agree, it is a good film regardless.

And while Gattaca is more realistic it sucks. I haven't seen 2012 so I'm not sure if it sucks worse than Gattaca, but that would be hard to do. That movie is slow, real slow. Kind of like the over-rated Blade Runner.

Some many of these directors are implanting their beliefs in films today is disturbing.
There are so many films based on evil and terror that I makes you wonder who's really running Hollywood.

Fantasy or not, films like Avatar tells me a lot about what is in a directors mind, M. Knight movies are a good example also.

Yeah, it tells me that they're about as anti-American as you can possibly get. Freaking Dances with Smurfs BS. Sure, the movie was fun to watch, but when you delve deeper into the kiddy pool of a plot, you'll end up banging your head. It was pure propaganda;

"Gee man, the military industrial complex man (takes a toke) *cough cough*, like what did the blue guys ever do to us man *cough cough*. I want a blue tail man... Yeah, that'd be wicked dude... Blue tail."

All that aside... The Core, was just as bad as 2012 though lacked the budget.
The Fourth Kind wasn't toooooo bad of a modern alien movie. It was a little more modest as opposed to the big budget movies. What it had going for it was the idea that what you were watching something that really happened. Add in the small town feeling and you get a fairly creepy movie. I would liken it to a modern Fire In The Sky. Except that Fire In The Sky at least feels like in was based on an actual event.

I thought the Fourth Kind was totally awful. Especially their fail marketing scheme of trying to convince people it was based on actual events, which was pure fabrication.

The makeup on the girl in the interviews, holy cow that was poorly done, looked like she had donut powder all over her face.
Oh and about the Mayan calendar - did really a Mayan somewhere in 15th century (or what is the date when that mayan calendar was made) did really care about the calendar for more than few hundred years ? If mayan would be still alive, we would have a updated calendar too. Our calendar ends every 365/366 days. Does that mean end of the world every 365/366 days ? No, just nobody cares to make calendars further in future. The Maya guy did make a good job, he made a calendar for few hundred years. Enough time to make the next one :). Whoops, we killed out the Mayans, so no one did the next one. Nevermind :).

Everything you wrote here is factually incorrect. The Mayan calendar is 100% accurate and never ends. The calendar has cycles of 144,000 days. Basically, every 394.3 years ends an era. The calendar starts at 3114 BC. The world will have technically ended 13 times in 2012 if we base our thought process on Holywood culture rape.

The day after Dec 21, 2012 will be recorder as on the Long Count calendar.
And while Gattaca is more realistic it sucks. I haven't seen 2012 so I'm not sure if it sucks worse than Gattaca, but that would be hard to do. That movie is slow, real slow. Kind of like the over-rated Blade Runner.

Yikes. These aren't action films you're referring to, they are sci-fi literature. Next you'll be criticizing Rendezvous with Rama.

2012 is an action film, and a complete shit one at that.
First of I agree with that the 2012 thing is ridiculous. As to the other thing about we don't know when the Mayan calender started, thus we don't know when the long cycle will end, please read what the calender is based on before making such a universally stupid comment. The Mayan calender, just like many other calenders of the ancient world is celestial based, thus a hell of a lot more accurate then the Roman/Christian calenders we use today.

Now a couple of things from that NASA site, polar shift is well over due, by more then twice the normal cycle from samples collected, not to mention with the weather I am more likely to believe a polar shift then "global warming". From an archeological point of view I am dying to see when is under the ice in Antarctica, but know I won't get to see it until the first wars are over about who get the land and oil there. The other about the solar flares, but I'll let people read that themselves to get the joke.
And while Gattaca is more realistic it sucks. I haven't seen 2012 so I'm not sure if it sucks worse than Gattaca, but that would be hard to do. That movie is slow, real slow. Kind of like the over-rated Blade Runner.

If You think those movie's suck what do You like?
Everything you wrote here is factually incorrect. The Mayan calendar is 100% accurate and never ends. The calendar has cycles of 144,000 days. Basically, every 394.3 years ends an era. The calendar starts at 3114 BC. The world will have technically ended 13 times in 2012 if we base our thought process on Holywood culture rape.

The day after Dec 21, 2012 will be recorder as on the Long Count calendar.

OMG. The point was - the physical calendar found and the whole theory is based on does is exactly like our calendar. The cycle of our calendars always end on 31.12. - but that doesn't mean there is no next day, otherwise numbered as 1.1. of the next year. Exactly as the mayan calendar - the physical copy (stone instead of paper) does end on Dec 21, 2012, but that doesn't mean it doesn't start it's next cycle next day. I didn't talked about calendar system, i was talking about physical copy, about that damn rock. And in that sense, that calendar does end on Dec 21, 2012.

Next time read what i wrote, not what you think i wrote.
Yikes. These aren't action films you're referring to, they are sci-fi literature. Next you'll be criticizing Rendezvous with Rama.

2012 is an action film, and a complete shit one at that.

2012 is technically a disaster film.
I've never seen 2012 and after reading that article, I'll pass on watching it in the future. Just like I passed on seeing Avatar and still haven't watched it today

2012 was so cliche it made me vomit. It's nothing but a series of "whew it almost got me" throughout the entire friggin show. NOBODY'S that lucky.