Woman Wants Law Stopping Mean Internet Posts

Agreed but we all know this won't come to fruition. Maybe some sites will adopt the practice yet a great many more won't even consider such a thing for fear of 'upsetting' their user base.

take away the anonymous nature of the internet and this kind of stuff wouldn't happen.
Best thing to do is try and ignore these types of people. Karma eventually comes into play and deals with them.

No, it often doesn't, that is the problem with todays world, people just 'ignore' everything and figure it will take care of it's self, why not actually do something about it instead of just turn your head.
No, it often doesn't, that is the problem with todays world, people just 'ignore' everything and figure it will take care of it's self, why not actually do something about it instead of just turn your head.

What do you suggest people do, realistically?
What do you suggest people do, realistically?

I know this question is not directed at me, but I'd like to chime in here. I can think of one recent real-world example. The Westboro Baptist Church (The God Hates Fags people for those who don't know the name of the place) recently planned on protesting the funeral of the 9 year old girl that was killed in Tucson during the attack on Congresswoman Giffords. A lot of people, including some pretty rough biker gangs, got wind of this, got together, and made sure those creeps weren't going to get anywhere near the memorial service. The Westboro losers decided not to show, and the Arizona state legislature passed emergency legislation outlawing protests at or near funeral sites.

That's what needs to happen. People of good conscience need to stand up against the asshats of the world and stop cowering any time someone tries to hide behind "Freedom of Speech" as an excuse to be a complete tool and do things to deliberately hurt others. Online this is a lot harder to do since the internet is so easy to troll with, but social network sites and any place with a comments board usually have rules in regards to threatening, harassing, or other kinds of bad behavior. If they do not, then the site admins can be pressured into implementing such rules and actually enforcing them. That's one part of it. The other part is that people that dislike this kind of behavior need to get off their butts and report the offending users. If you see something ugly going on report it, then get together with your friends and ask them to report it too. One report on a bad post might not get much attention, but when a moderator or an admin gets about 30+ reports on the same post they'll tend to listen.

All it takes is one person to decide they're not going to put up with it, and then that person deciding to rally others to their cause to make things happen. If that sounds a little unrealistic, keep in mind that this is how real-world revolutions happen, and one of those turned out the country that invented the electronics that we're typing back and forth on. It's just a matter of whether someone prefers to just let bad people do whatever they want, or do something about it.
prostitution, drug use are legislated morality.

It could also be said that prostitution is illegal because prostitution helps spread STDs. As for drugs it could be argued that the demand and trafficking of it contributes to crime.

Although as for drugs it could also be said that if it were legal no one would be committing crimes to get it and use it.

Guess I half agree with you. :)
Oh, haha, thats some funny shit. Though nobody likes trolls but asking for the law to prohibit "mean posts" on the internet is somewhat laughable.
Yeah, I'm about tired of the whole bullying thing... It's your right in this country to be a dick. I was bullied through most of elementary and high school until I hit my growth spurt. Now that I'm 6'1" and 270lbs, not many people want to F with me... That's the nature of the game and a simple law isn't going to change the minds of kids as they have little understanding of repercussions/consequences. That's like saying if we make crack illegal, the addicts won't get it... Or if we outlaw guns, then criminals won't use them.

Of course, don't confuse what I'm saying either, I'm not saying that bullying is a crime... It's not and it shouldn't be. It's this whole nanny mentality that has continued to strip us all of our freedoms for the last 100+ yrs and will continue to do so until we wake up, let our balls drop (or put on our big girl panties) and realize that while we all have equal protection under the law, we are all not equal and instead we simply have to find our niche in life.