same preformance as a 4870x2???


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2008
The short of it is... I have a Biostar TPI45 MB and a Powercolor 4870x2. I've noticed lately that the card isn't preforming as it should be and for the last month, whenever I boot into windows, my computer "attempts" to boot twice and on the 3rd time it loads properly, which is a built in safety feature for bad OCs and hardware issues.

So... That accompanied with the reduced frame rates and lack of graphic stability leads me to believe that it's a bad/dying card??? The TPI45 has a set of jumpers that allow you to shift from 8x8 or 16x8... When running 8x8 the system loads normally, when running x16 it does the 3 boot attempts in a row. I had been running the card in the x16 slot for the last year and a half without a hitch... So, again, this pointing me towards a GPU issue.

So, with all this in mind... What would you think? GPU or MB issue?

And for the real question... If it is a GPU issue... What "single (ATI) card" solution would rival the preformance of the 4870x2???
HD 5870.

Your mobo is probably the culprit though; try a different mobo bios?
If you haven't already, I would start with the above (Update bios) and a clean install of windows with Fresh drivers. It definitely sounds like a motherboard or software issue.

Unless your video card is really dieing you would be mostly wasting your money to buy a 5870. You'd gain a few features such as DX11 but benchmarks all over the place show the performance between the 5870 and a 4870 X2 go back and forth. Sometimes the 5870 has a slight lead sometimes the 4870 X2 has a slight lead.
Yes, I've already updated it to the most recent bios.... cleared cmos, etc... no cigar... Still boots the same way. I guess that's why I'm leaning towards a video card issue, rather than a MB issue. Although, I have no way of testing it without having a spare MB or GPU around, which I don't... So it's off to BBuy to "borrow" a video card for testing. hehe.
Yes, I've already updated it to the most recent bios.... cleared cmos, etc... no cigar... Still boots the same way. I guess that's why I'm leaning towards a video card issue, rather than a MB issue. Although, I have no way of testing it without having a spare MB or GPU around, which I don't... So it's off to BBuy to "borrow" a video card for testing. hehe.

Good call :).

Updating bios and clearing cmos is a great check, but definitely does not confirm in any way that it is not the mobo.

Another GPU @ 16x PCIE is a great way to test though.
So, I went to BBuy and bought a 5750... I deleted the drivers, CCC, did a safe boot, ran driver sweeper, shut the computer down, installed the new card and it booted to windows the first time and was pushing between 30-60 fps in ArmaII:AO.

No real issues with the card, so that's telling me that the 4870x2 was simply dieing.... Now, my next question... ATI CCC will load the drivers & all that, but WILL NOT load up the CCC??? So, for example, CCC is not in my tray, it is in my programs, but whenever I click on it to load it up, my mouse flickers and it simply won't load. I also tried uninstalling it and just using the drivers and then the CCC separately but still no cigar... Any ideas on this one?
I had that issue with CC unable to load either, and in the process it would sometimes corrupt my drivers when I tried to launch it. My only solution that worked, a clean install of Windows and immediately upon first boot installing it again.

This was Win 7 x64 Pro edition, I'm not saying to go to that extreme, but honestly, its the only thing that worked. Since then, the CC's install just fine. Maybe it was cause Win 7 RTM was so fresh at the time, I dunno, but that was the only thing that worked.
yup, i ended up reverting to an older ccc and driver set... 10.5. I think it's BS that this is even cropping up, but wtver. I'll deal with it for now, besides, 10.5 ran fine for me any ways.