The "Power Eater" Igloo

I bet the real point to this was to show off their mad camera skills... or to show the world how retarded they are... I don't have enough caffeine in me to figure out which yet.
I love it. Show how wasteful we are by wasting more! Brilliant!
Are the buckets there to collect condensation off the units lol
I wonder who is footing the electric bill for his "art"? All the article mentions is a nearby meter to measure consumption.
So it's like protesting nukes by dropping nukes?
Jesus, I'm all fecking over that!
"We're not gonna protest! We're not gonna protest! We're not gonna protest!"
Thank goodness that they spun around the 'art' a hundred times. Otherwise I might have missed something important.
It's not [H] unless they also measure heat and noise and compare its performance to the GTX 580 and HD 5970.

They should at least make the fridges fold, or something.

I only have one refrigerator.
Yes, they have more than twice the number of fridges I have.
I don't care for this as a point generator, it is wasteful just for the sake of waste, the message is muddy. It has no purpose...