Facebook 'Linked to Rise in Syphilis'

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
OMG!!! Facebook has been linked to a rise in Syphilis! What do I do? Did I wash my hands after I touched my Facebook? Did I use protection when I friended that old classmate? Quick, everyone panic!!!

Professor Peter Kelly, director of public health in Teesside, claimed staff had found a link between social networking sites and the spread of the bacteria, especially among young women. He said: “Syphilis is a devastating disease. Anyone who has unprotected sex with casual partners is at high risk.
I think your porn collection keeps you safe from syphilis, Steve!

But on topic, wasn't there a related article in how Facebook is a rising cause of divorce and martial infidelity?
So, Facebook = rise in Syphilis
and Craigslist = rise in Murder rate.

I always knew facebook was disgusting and dirty... now I have proof!

They obviously weren't practicing safe hex.
its because girls change their minds constantly and only in recent years everyone is within a drunk/high/depressed text message away from hooking up at a 'right' moment. timing is everything, and social network sites multiply the number of tries you get expoentially- you can say 'whats up' at any time to people you barely remember from grade school and you could never do that before.
I have to admit Facebook has personally led to a rise of something I probably shouldn't discuss here. :eek: ;)