9A Code on TP I45?


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2008
I havea T-Power I45 MB and as of the last couple days, I've been getting a 9a error on the MB... It attempts to boot twice and then on the 3rd time it boots into windows.... This just started happening recently w/no hardware changes or anything of the sort... No software changes, etc... Any idea guys?
Love how when you hit the "manual" button on web site nothing happens
No manual found in Download section either.

Send a request to Biostar Tech Support if you cannot find a list of boot error codes in your paper manual.

Follow the procedure in your manual and clear the CMOS. On reboot go directly into the bios and "load factory defaults" or "load failsafe defaults" whatever, save and reboot and see if you still get the message.

9A on a Phoenix bios (they bought Award ) is a "shadow option ROM " error. That points to raid enabled without a raid controller/driver/card or video card - basically a device in the computer that needs to load its own software into memory during startup. Like when you first turn on the computer if you have an add on video card, you will see (if the monitor come to life quick enough) a little line of text saying the video ROM loaded, That is an example of a device loading its code into "shadow ROM" which is a section of reserved memory the computer allocates for the bios code and other very basic/low level code that actually do the work. The OS will talk to this code to do most of the stuff the computer does.

So it could just be a setting wrong in the bios or something on your motherboard (video and raid are the two ones that immediately come to mind).

Or I could be completely wrong. I had to go lookup and guess at your exact bios etc. Only Biostar knows for sure and when you ask them tell them to send you a complete list because the LED POST code display on your board is a God Damn Worthless POS without an explanation of what the pretty lights and numbers mean. (Really, if not in your manual I would pitch a happy darn fit at them in a nice way. ) :eek::D
yeah, i think it might be a video issue becuase i think that 1 of my adapters on my 4870x2 has been disabled and it's no longer showing the Xfire status. wonder if 1 of my vid chips is dead or perhaps the bios is just no longer recognizing it or who knows.