Mexico State Congress Asks Ban of Video Game

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I am not trying to be insensitive or anything but, when you have 40 murders in a single weekend in your town, I think worrying about a video game making you "look bad" is just stupid.

A shoot-em-up video game set in the border town of Ciudad Juarez has angered local officials who are busy fighting all-too-real violence. Chihuahua state legislators said Sunday they have asked federal authorities to ban a the game, "Call of Juarez: The Cartel," which is based on drug cartel shootouts in Ciudad Juarez.
So basically they want to ban a re-enactment of actual life in their shithole
theres always somebody else to blame. dont you get it its not their fault that they are having this drug wars in their town. its the video game. get a clue people.
Wow...just wow.

This is their daily life:
'State congress leader Enrique Serrano said the main concern was the potential effect on children in Ciudad Juarez, some of whom have already been taught to "duck and cover" if firefights erupt outside their schools.'

And yet videogames are the thing to worry about? REALLY?
Yeah, yesterday Fox was crying about the game Bulletstorm or wtver the hell it's called... I love how having zombies blown away in a movie, or trying to burn a cop alive like in Reservoir Dogs is ok, but put it in a video game and people claim it'll cause a surge in rapes and murders; 1st Amendment what?

These people piss me off to no F'ing extent... They make wild claims and accusations with no scientific data to back up their claims and the media uses them to peddle their own agenda. And most of the time, there is actually scientific data to dispel what their so called "expert" is touting, but they handily ignore said evidence because it conflicts with their view.
And that's why I'm ashamed of my schitty country and schitty city.

I'm from Juárez, and I approve this videogame!
And that's why I'm ashamed of my schitty country and schitty city.

I'm from Juárez, and I approve this videogame!

I was going to write a reply to you but then I realized according to the odds you've probably been killed in drug violence by the time I read your post.

Rest in peace my friend!
At least 40 people have been killed in Ciudad Juarez since Friday, making it one of the most violent weekends in the city in years, Mexican officials say.

How does a video game make them look worse than this? Hell, a video game might give them hope that someone IS coming to help. :eek:

I was going to write a reply to you but then I realized according to the odds you've probably been killed in drug violence by the time I read your post.

Rest in peace my friend!

Oh... no... wait... I just remembered, all this violence is the product of GRAW 2!!!

Damn you Tom Clancy and your CajaX 360!!!
It is being banned because the cartels are using it as a recruitment and training tool ;)
So movies like Machette and the Mariachi Trilogy are Ok but a video game isn't? WTF?
Sorry about your life KillerFry, but hey if your coping skills suck as bad as your state legislators you can always rely on drugs to get you by, it seems to work for the tourists.

The funny is the title of " Chihuahua state legislators"

Sorry about your life KillerFry, but hey if your coping skills suck as bad as your state legislators you can always rely on drugs to get you by, it seems to work for the tourists.

Well... sadly, one gets used to it and learns how to get by. Is is overblown by media, but it does suck.

Yet, when I need to get away from it all, I'll have Bulletstorm waiting for me. That, and there's always raid night to look forward to :p
Just hearing him say "gentleman's sausage" with a straight face was worth the price of admission.

I actually use that phrase now, when ever I need to describe a mans gentiles. Even if you're not into cars, it's still a great show to watch. Seriously.
I think a bit of a bigger issue is the guns coming from the north (US) and the drugs going to the north/west (US/Europe).
Well... sadly, one gets used to it and learns how to get by. Is is overblown by media, but it does suck.

Yet, when I need to get away from it all, I'll have Bulletstorm waiting for me. That, and there's always raid night to look forward to :p

Beg to differ, most of the time shooting events don't make it to local media. And only some of them are covered by national networks.
Beg to differ, most of the time shooting events don't make it to local media. And only some of them are covered by national networks.

That's what I mean. There are a lot of cities that are far worse than Juárez; yet for some reason, Juárez is the world's anus and media whore.

Yeah, it's bad, but there are far worse places - within México - that no one talks about.

And it's not a warzone like some media would have you believe. In the last three years I've not experienced any kind of violent event; because I know what places, what people to avoid and at what times.

Is it bad? Yes. Does it suck? Yes. It's the absolute worst example of violence in México? Definitively not.
theres always somebody else to blame. dont you get it its not their fault that they are having this drug wars in their town. its the video game. get a clue people.

it kind of isn't, if Americans weren't putting so much coke up their nose, they wouldn't have this issue, at least no where near as bad.
Video games are an easy target, guys like this can spend plenty of time blaming games while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing for his constituents. YEAH nothing ever went wrong in Mexico before those EVIL video games showed up rabble rabble rabble
to all the 'experts' in this thread:

to prove ur (worthless) opinion(s) as correct fact, u would need to remove *all violent video games, then see *if violent crimes drop.

if they dont, ur opinions are now correct fact
if they drop, ur opinions are worthless crap

so quick to defend = so quick to fail
theres always somebody else to blame. dont you get it its not their fault that they are having this drug wars in their town. its the video game. get a clue people.

and they point it all at you right? i bet you never even knew about the game before this^
it kind of isn't, if Americans weren't putting so much coke up their nose, they wouldn't have this issue, at least no where near as bad.

That's true, no customer, no marketing.

Of course if we would just deal with why people feel the need to self medicate themselves to oblivion maybe we could fix all of these kinds of problems.

I've seen reports of increases in drug and alcohol abuse and it's not a big surprise that these nasty habits increase when the economy stinks.

So stories like this are just a PR move to put lipstick on a pig to avoid doing the hard work of solving the real problem.

I think the U.S. should just annex Mexico. Would be a whole lot cheaper and solve a lot of problems. figure out if I'm serious about that...

to all the 'experts' in this thread:

to prove ur (worthless) opinion(s) as correct fact, u would need to remove *all violent video games, then see *if violent crimes drop.

if they dont, ur opinions are now correct fact
if they drop, ur opinions are worthless crap

so quick to defend = so quick to fail

Find a non violent video game and play it. There is no good games that are non violent.
Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors is non violent, go play that game.
i know, no way in heck it is happening, just saying, as said above, no customers, no demand....
to all the 'experts' in this thread:

to prove ur (worthless) opinion(s) as correct fact, u would need to remove *all violent video games, then see *if violent crimes drop.

if they dont, ur opinions are now correct fact
if they drop, ur opinions are worthless crap

so quick to defend = so quick to fail

yes.. but judging by ur post, the real question is, do u understand it? ;)

I see you have not learned. Sad day for us in the great Estados Unidos.

In both your original post AND reply, its "you're" not "ur", and "you", not "u".

Maybe I've misunderstood you, ¿Habla usted español?
I see you have not learned. Sad day for us in the great Estados Unidos.

In both your original post AND reply, its "you're" not "ur", and "you", not "u".

Maybe I've misunderstood you, ¿Habla usted español?

it is actually learnt not learned

see? two can play that game!

u understood my post, u just didnt like what was being said, so u decided to nit-pick @ the english :rolleyes:
it is actually learnt not learned

see? two can play that game!

u understood my post, u just didnt like what was being said, so u decided to nit-pick @ the english :rolleyes:

Wrong on both counts:

First of all, learned and learnt are interchangeable, one is British and one is American. Specifically "learned" is American. Tell me you're Brit and all is forgiven, both the spelling and ignorance.

Second of all, I didn't finish your original post, I couldn't take it seriously, it just happens to be that your combination of attempting to sound serious while writing like a 12-year-old was grinding on my sensibilities like nails on a chalk board.

In fact I think this is the first ever grammar-nazi thing I've posted in many, many years, you drove me to it, congratz.

But seriously, its a forum, not twitter, you have no letter limit and you spelled much longer words without issue in the same post. I don't care about what the message was, I'm a gamer through-and-through, but I'm also someone who notices when a post is made needlessly difficult by someone's injection of lingo or, more likely, ego, usually wanting to be perceived in a certain way. I don't blame you, my younger sister does the same with her friends, but she also does not try to present arguments in the same manner, as she knows that she would be hard to understand, much less to take seriously. Capiche?

Back to the laughing at Mexican sports cars.
Wrong on both counts:

First of all, learned and learnt are interchangeable, one is British and one is American. Specifically "learned" is American. Tell me you're Brit and all is forgiven, both the spelling and ignorance.

Second of all, I didn't finish your original post, I couldn't take it seriously, it just happens to be that your combination of attempting to sound serious while writing like a 12-year-old was grinding on my sensibilities like nails on a chalk board.

In fact I think this is the first ever grammar-nazi thing I've posted in many, many years, you drove me to it, congratz.

But seriously, its a forum, not twitter, you have no letter limit and you spelled much longer words without issue in the same post. I don't care about what the message was, I'm a gamer through-and-through, but I'm also someone who notices when a post is made needlessly difficult by someone's injection of lingo or, more likely, ego, usually wanting to be perceived in a certain way. I don't blame you, my younger sister does the same with her friends, but she also does not try to present arguments in the same manner, as she knows that she would be hard to understand, much less to take seriously. Capiche?

Back to the laughing at Mexican sports cars.

so u couldnt take me serious, but expected me to take u serious? lul wuh?

I rather be ignorant than arrogant like urself

here u go my lil grammar nazi friend:
