Tactile Gaming Vest

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Are your moves on the virtual battlefield second to none? Are you a l33t 360 no-scoping bastard thirsting for a new challenge? If so, check out this new Tactile Gaming Vest…we’ll see how cool you are when you can actually feel the impact of the virtual bullets. :eek:

TGV is a haptic feedback device designed to increase the immersiveness of first- and third-person shooter games. The vest includes a multitude of solenoids, eccentric-mass motors, and Peltier elements controlled by custom electronics and a personal computer. When the player’s character experiences injury in the game, the vest simulates the appropriate sensation (bullet hit, vibration, and/or heat) in the correct location on the player’s body.
um - I had a force feed back vest back in the 90's . Granted it was based on the subwoofer channel being ported to the vest. Got 2 boxes still pack in my cellar
i already own two of the TN Games 3rd Space Vest. got them at xmas time. it's quite a lot of fun, this project seems to go the extra steps. the impact that the vests simulated injuries has on you psychologically does improve your ability as a player (in first person shooters), as I experienced myself and my son as well. He was sucky at first person games for as long as i've ever known, but the vest had the impact where he could feel the consequence of running/gunning, taught him to think before acting essentially improving his gameplay overall and experience. Also note, when playing say FPS titles like MW2 where they have helicopters and such, getting hit several times in a row over and over and over, it doesn't hurt physically but your mind starts to think that you're getting hurt and whatnot. VERY VERY fun if you have someone to experience it with. alone it's spectacular but the feeling wears off over time which is a bummer. trouble is with these types of add ons is that the game developer essentially allows you to use the vest, so currently there's not a whole lot of support for games that have come out over the last few years. it's mainly recent titles that have support. it'd be better if it translated to other games than FPS as well. Say Racing games where you could feel the pressure as the gforce increases as you do, or sports titles. All in all, hella cool. for a while i felt i couldn't play any of my fps games without wearing it, but suiting up before a game started to make me feel......like an idiot? just think about being in ventrillo and saying "hold up guys....i gotta get my vest on" or them hearing you go "oww oww oww oww" everytime you get shot...
I would hate to feel what 30mm round from a GAU-8 would be like. :eek:
Dude in the pic looks more like a suicide bomber than a gamer.

More like part of some sinister plot...

"We're having the hostage play the arcade version of San Francisco Rush. If he runs out of time the vest will detonate."

"The ARCADE version?! You bastards!"
I'd hate to see what kind of feedback the vest gives you when the server lag spikes :O
So what happens if a grenade explodes and you're near it...?

Or if you get a double slammy with a shotgun in the groin...?
Ridiculous. Can see no reason to ever try this lame invention. Is it supposed to increase the immersion to have your body tapped by forces inside a vest now? Laughable.