Steam Sale...Jeebus!!!

Prototype has been out since june 2009 not once have i seen the price below $20.So i bit on it.:D

Prototype 19.99 USD
Subtotal 19.99 USD
Tax 0.00 USD
Shipping 0.00 USD


Total 19.99 USD
Blah bought torchlight for $10 a few days ago. Good thing I've been playing it like crazy or I'd be mad.
bought the Hitman Pack for $13 and bought GRAW1 and 2 and World in Conflict Complete for $24.

Deals FTW!
So I decided I can afford one more game, and its come down to this, FO3:GOTY or DA:O? Both are the same price. Ive played about halfway through vanilla FO3 on teh xbox. Never tried DA:O, and I cant try the demo ATM as my rig doesnt have the horsepower and my new one is still in the mail.
So I decided I can afford one more game, and its come down to this, FO3:GOTY or DA:O? Both are the same price. Ive played about halfway through vanilla FO3 on teh xbox. Never tried DA:O, and I cant try the demo ATM as my rig doesnt have the horsepower and my new one is still in the mail.

I'd go with Fallout 3, but that's just me (I prefer more action and less yapping in my "RPG"). Oh and free roaming too.
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I'd get DA: O. Newer game and I found it to be a far better game than FO3 ever will be.
Rome total war gold is very very tempting.

Do people still play BF2? I liked that game, but never bought all the stuff that came out, a complete pack for 7$ seems good. How is the population?

Tons of people still play it, great game.
So I decided I can afford one more game, and its come down to this, FO3:GOTY or DA:O? Both are the same price. Ive played about halfway through vanilla FO3 on teh xbox. Never tried DA:O, and I cant try the demo ATM as my rig doesnt have the horsepower and my new one is still in the mail.

Dragon Age hands down. Game of the Year.
Dragon Age hands down. Game of the Year.

I ended up going with Dragon Age. I have a buntch of 360 games that Im going to trade in at a local store and put it towards FO3 on the 360.

I watched a buntch of trailers/gameplay videos on youtube and now im psyched for my new rig to get here.
I would grab Dragon Age while the sale is going today, although fallout may go on sale before this winter sale is over.
There were quite a few servers around when I was playing BF2 around Thanksgiving, I can only assume the population has gotten better with the recent influx in sales.
They have dark athena for like $7 or something.

I really wanted this for the ps3 for xmas, but didn't get any ps3 games so I got it in steam when I saw the price.

What I didn't see is that the steam version still contains the nazi drm.. Doh, wish I got it for the ps3.
ugh, i really want mw2 to go down in price even though i'll probably get motion sickness playing it like i did with the first and put it down.
I really hope that steam is trying to stick it to console humping game creators to show that we PC gamers are still here. That when you price these games properly, people will buy in droves. I want to see some numbers after this sale is done! Oh, C'MON Crysis Maximum Edition @ noon! Pleeeeeeaaaaassseee!
I really hope that steam is trying to stick it to console humping game creators to show that we PC gamers are still here. That when you price these games properly, people will buy in droves. I want to see some numbers after this sale is done! Oh, C'MON Crysis Maximum Edition @ noon! Pleeeeeeaaaaassseee!

Na, they're just trying to get rid of all their software stock, because everyone knows in 2010 PC gaming will die. ;)
Was hoping dead space would be on sale, so I'm happy with today's deals. Still disappointing compared to the mirrors edge/GTA4/stalker day though.
Purchased so far during the Steam sale:

Burnout Paradise
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Shadow Of Chernobyl
World Of Goo

I've been on a racing binge lately, loving Shift,Grid, Dirt and Dirt2.
I almost bought Burnout Paradise at BestBuy yesterday but they still wanted $29.99.
When it came up today for $7.49 I jumped at it if only for the SP part of the game.

I already had Stalker but for $1.99 and not having to keep the discs around, why not?
killing floor 75% off now ($5), holy crap. any arcade/tactical zombie shooter fans who don't have this yet, you're never going to see it cheaper, no need to demo it at this price.
I need help!! :O

Are Ghostbusters and Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena *really* worth buying? (especially with the latter having DRM and so many issues)
9.99 for Red Faction Guerilla was great. I ended up buying Torchlight for $5 and a few casual games for my wife.
I need help!! :O

Are Ghostbusters and Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena *really* worth buying? (especially with the latter having DRM and so many issues)

Wow, Ghostbusters is still only $7??? I thought it was only on sale for one day.

Ghostbusters doesn't have any replay value and there is no multiplayer for PC. If you are a big fan of the movies, this is just like a sequel and it's kind of cool but the PC controls are a bit clunky and it's still mostly a console port. I enjoyed it quite a bit but never played it again.
Ugggghhhghghhg..... today's sale is really stale. Orange Box is worth it, almost considered it just for the passes you can give out. Will probably get Killing Floor just because it's Tripwire Entertainment and I loved Red Orchestra.
Bioshock made up for it. Prey seemed like an okay deal though it sold out. What I'm waiting for is a crysis maximum edition sale!!