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  • By the way, we can help advertise, staff, support tech and tourneys etc, and what ever else yall want us to do. We are here for the community, and well go as far as we can, and lans want. An example is with this Hyper Gamez event, which we are going pretty all out on. So dont hesitate to ask if yall want us to help out with anything. We have several guys in east tx, and the rest of us are in dallas, so its just a hop over to tyler.
    Cool deal. Ill post event details on our lans and events section. We actually have a registration system yall can use, an example of it is at lan.thetexangamer.com , if needed that is
    hey man, talked to the other main guys in charge ( its 3 of us, doing the bulk of things...) and to my surprise, they welcomed it... actually I shouldn't be surprised, as membership and activity has dwindled the past few months.. adn we need a jump start, like the Amp Super Bowl Commercial...

    We still need to get a few things ready like a signup deal and stuff but here are our two primary sites

    Official Site www.ao1clan.com
    The Ao1 Con Site www.ao1con.com
    I gotcha, didnt know it was a private ordeal. And yeah, thats my shindig :p Thanks for the comments, were working pretty hard with it.
    yes sir, Tyler it is. I would post the lan, but it is not public rlly, for clan members and friends...

    but I will tlak to the other guys in charge of the lan... and see what they say....who knows...

    oh and that is your site? I have been there on many occasions, for one reason or another.... great site you have going on.... I will get back to you on that soon :D
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