Steam Sale...Jeebus!!!

Picked up Torchlight and Ghostbusters, two single-players that are good at the sub-$10 range.
Serious Sam HD
Left 4 Dead 2

Happy with those, Trine is a beautiful game.

Why arent people playing coop Serious Sam though! :(
I ended up with:

GTAIV - $7.50
Ghostbusters - $6
Mirror's Edge - $5
Some Robot game - $2.50
Mass Effect - $5
Stalker: CoS - 2x $2 (gifted a copy to my post-apocalyptic-loving friend)
Stalker: CS - $5
Defense Grid - $2.50
Sam and Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die - $Free

Just under $40 for lots of gaming goodness. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I've been so spoiled by this sale that I probably won't buy many games at full price - I'll just wait until next Christmas.
Defense Grid: The Awakening is awesome. I just picked it up for 2.49 the other day and I can't stop playing it.