Steam Sale...Jeebus!!!

i bought Trine on a whim for $8 today. don't know anything about it.

I was sold after playing the's a very pretty game and requires a little bit of thought to progress through the levels, which I like. Neat use of physics, too.

Wonder what today's deals will hold?
a lot of people were waiting for this... crysis maximum edition 66% off at 13.59
There you go guys. What's with steam? Some days it's stacked, some days it's crap? Today is good.

Crysis Maximum Edition. $14.
Street Fighter IV $10
Shattered Horizon is only $5. I wish this game had single player story.
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Nice deals today... no way I am passing up Crysis Max Ed. for $13.59 and Street Fighter 4 for $10. My backlog gets loooooooonger...
If I had Win7/Vista, I'd try out Shattered Horizon but it's only a multiplayer game. What else is there to do in that besides deathmatch?
Shattered Horizon is only $5. I wish this game had single player story.

+1. Game looks so cool and could be like Dead Space in 1st person...too bad there's no SP campaign but there are plenty of people enjoying it nonetheless.
Is Rogue Warrior really a Bethseda game? Click on the Bethseda 25% off thing. You find Oblivion, Fallout 3, etc. and then Rogue Warrior - game that looks like it should have come out 7 years ago (and still be garbage).


Even IGN says it is a POS you should avoid at all costs.
LOL @ the 26/100 metacritic score

Gotta love the voice acting in Rogue Warrior. I think the box should have a starburst on it that says "He swears. A lot. The end."
Hmm... How is HL:Source? Really that improved vs the original? Or I might as well wait for Black Mesa Source? SF IV looks interesting but I'm considering buying DA:O instead :confused:
Hmm... How is HL:Source? Really that improved vs the original? Or I might as well wait for Black Mesa Source?

Most people say it's mildly improved (in other words don't expect HL that looks like HL2). But I purchased it because I loved the original game so much and would like to play it again with improved graphics. I've been waiting for Black Mesa Source too, but I'll probably have time to play through the original game a few dozen times before BMS comes out. :p
Hmm... How is HL:Source? Really that improved vs the original? Or I might as well wait for Black Mesa Source? SF IV looks interesting but I'm considering buying DA:O instead :confused:

The only difference is water looks better. Thats it. No improved textures, models, nothing.
Don't be expecting HL Source to look like HL redone like HL2.

The textures are still basically the same. The models are all the same. There is not much different at all. You can go watch a HL Source "lets play" on youtube and it'd be fine to just watch that.
I think I'll stick with HL with HD pack, eh :D
What about Street Fighter IV? Really need a good controller?
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You'll need a good controller/joystick if you hope to be competitive with SFIV online or even to get decent with the game.
After playing Shattered Horizon...meh. Too steep of a learning curve...that's going to make things seriously unbalanced later on (people with average skills are not going to stick around...making it tougher for people of average skill to come in later and play.) Oh well, I'm only out $5.
I'm installing now, kinda wondering how I'll fare. Right now it's reminding me of Ender's Game.
I already have Crysis but I bought the Maximum Edition, mostly for Warhead.
What's good is I can just download Warhead [doing so] and keep my retail version of Crysis installed with my gamesaves intact.

There was some mention in the Steam Forum that Steam's version does not have a 64bit executible for Crysis. I Think I'll leave my retail version installed until I finish the sp then I will install the whole Maximum Edition.

Like everyone else, I'm backed up with great games and it's hard to choose what to play next!:p
Street Fighter 4 is a must buy IMHO. It is a spectacular port of the console versions, so good that its one of the few games I'd be fine with having crossplatform multiplayer.
Street Fighter 4 worries me - it's gotten such great reviews that I find myself wanting to buy it even though I suspect that it's not my type of game.

I played Devil May Cry 4 and detested it - but Devil May Cry 4 didn't actually get great reviews. Maybe my first fighter game in Devil May Cry 4 was just a poor choice?

It's the ten dollar price tag that's calling to me here - the only problem is that I've purchased an awful lot of ten dollar games lately that I know I'll never get into. In hindsight I can see that I bought these games impulsively simply because they were priced so low. The thing is, all these ten dollar games add up after a while. For example, I've avoided The Saboteur because of its price - had I not bought all these ten dollar titles I could've just purchased The Saboteur instead, and maybe I would've enjoyed it more?

Any thoughts on Street Fighter 4?
Street Fighter 4 is a must buy IMHO. It is a spectacular port of the console versions, so good that its one of the few games I'd be fine with having crossplatform multiplayer.

Alright, alright, stop pressuring me like this. I'll buy it, I'll buy it.
It's the ten dollar price tag that's calling to me here - the only problem is that I've purchased an awful lot of ten dollar games lately that I know I'll never get into. In hindsight I can see that I bought these games impulsively simply because they were priced so low. The thing is, all these ten dollar games add up after a while. For example, I've avoided The Saboteur because of its price - had I not bought all these ten dollar titles I could've just purchased The Saboteur instead, and maybe I would've enjoyed it more?

Or you could play through part of your backlog of $10 titles that you would normally not get into until The Saboteur comes down in price. That's what I plan to do.

I have to really, really look forward to a game in order to pay full price for it. Like GTAIV for example; when I found out the PC version was going to be several months late I bought a copy of the game and a 360 just so I could play it. But I'm not sure The Saboteur is so awesome that I can't wait a few weeks for it to drop...gotta love PC gaming (sucks for the devs & publishers, though, which don't get as large of a cut after the price drops). I mean it just might be that awesome...but I can wait. If it's not that awesome but still has some merits, I've saved myself some cash (Red Faction: Guerrilla, I'm looking at you).

The last PC game I paid full price for was Doom 3, and that was in 2004. Now I have so many games that I've neglected, it's no problem to play them (and the waiting game) until a new release comes down in price. Heck the GF bought me NFS: Shift for Christmas and I'm considering having her take it back because I've found it online for $28 and would feel guilty letting her pay the full $50. I'd rather have Uncharted 2 which I know won't drop in price for a long time.
I think my sweet spot for PC games has been set at $10 now due to steam.

Steam has officially made it impossible for me, psychologically to pay any more than $15 for a game.
I think my sweet spot for PC games has been set at $10 now due to steam.

Steam has officially made it impossible for me, psychologically to pay any more than $15 for a game.

Computer gaming is my one and only hobby - and it keeps me out of trouble, so I don't mind paying full price for titles. In January it'll be Mass Effect 2. In February it'll be Bioshock 2. In March it'll be Assassin's Creed 2.

There's a sense of immediacy and community that I get from playing a game that's brand new. Playing Dragon Age on day one, alongside a lot of other people on the planet, just makes me feel more engaged somehow. Probably because of the forums, I suspect.
Great deals today pick up Street Fighter 4, Shattered Horizon, Multiwinia + Darwinia :D. 3 more days left lets see what other goodies are worth picking up ;)
Alright, alright, stop pressuring me like this. I'll buy it, I'll buy it.

Atta boy. :)

FYI, there are training modes that will teach you the different move combos for each character, so its pretty newbie friendly that way. Its loads of fun, I have it on my 360 and on Windows so I can play it in my living room and my home office. Hell, I also have it loaded on my Macbook Pro, perfect for when I'm on the road. One of my favorite games this year, I think you'll be happy.
What's sad is all the people complaining about the DRM about Crysis and not buying it on the steam forums. If you can revoke it.. I don't see a big problem especially at this price.