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  1. C

    The Physics Processing Poll

    That is why i voted that I will buy one sometime in 2006 is becuase of UT2007. Upgrade from my 6800GT, get an Ageia card and let the carnage begin.
  2. C

    How many boxen are you running?

    I'm running about 50 boxen, most are P4 either a 1.8, 2.66 or 2.8GHz and one 3.2GHz.
  3. C

    New Lappy!

    you're welcome, it is atually amazing the documentation you can find on the dell laptops and how they show you exactly how to take almost the whole thing apart yourself. I've had to reference pages like that a few times myself for things i wasn't sure of. A website that you might want to visit...
  4. C

    New Lappy!

    Well I wasn't sure at first but after looking at dells website it has both the 5100 and 5150 service notes in the same documents (meaning they are the same). So yes you can take the screen, ram and wireless card and swap it into yours. Here is the page where it gives you a step by step procedure...
  5. C

    Distributed Computer Football League (Fantasy)

    Well this may be a stupid question but what do you do exactly in a fantasy football leauge??
  6. C

    Calling all Active [H]orde Members.

    Do you Fold? Yes, under the name SUSD#30 Do you visit the Forums? Around once a day, sometimes more depending on time. Rarely post becuase i don't have much to say.
  7. C

    Ways we get borgs...

    Mary strikes again!! I get them by asking the boss :)
  8. C

    Community Username

    Well it would have to say in the rules that if you put your name in the "hat" you must borg for whoever wins. That way it will only cover the people who want to participate .
  9. C

    New ParallelATA->SerialATA adapter from Abit

    actually these are made to do the exact opposite. you have a parallel ATA hard drive or cd-drive and this lets you use SATA. You should contact SomeFknGuy and let him know this and if he does not want it I will gladly take it off your hands.
  10. C

    Active User Nose dive

    Also another reason might be the extremely hot weather throught the country, here it is nothing new but in the midwest people might be worried about killing their machines and turning them off. Or they can have a problem with their ac which would keep them out of commision for a few days (which...
  11. C

    BOOM!!! Top 100 and 250,000 points!!!

    Congrats on top 100, I hope to be there within a few months. (check your threat list :))
  12. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    well in reply to the last post our little party hasn't hapened yet. Also I just found out that I can't make it either, I have to help my dad cut and install a bunch of trim today :(. I really wish i could be there. Maybe we can have another one soon.
  13. C

    Congrats to marty9876 just broke into the top 20 of the [H]orde

    congrats marty, or should i say mary? So confusing lol
  14. C

    laptop display ?

    if you are going to use photoshop and not game i would say no, just get the max amount of system ram that you can.
  15. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    yeah, at night it is a beautiful red glow but the camera's i have access to can't pick it up :(
  16. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    Since most of you have probably heard about the florida (floor-eye-da) fire here in Green Valley, here's a couple pics of it from the neighborhood i live in.
  17. C

    The Official [H]orde "Get to Know Each Other" Thread

    Name: Ethan (i'm suprised to see another Ethan in here) Job: Employee for SUSD#30 (Sahuarita Unified School District #30) Title: Network Technology Specialist (a.k.a. High School tech support guy) Location: Sahuarita, AZ Age: 18 (19 in under a month) Hobbies: Computers (what a suprise)...
  18. C

    Actual Ages

    18 (19 on August 1st)
  19. C

    And so it begins... Cheap P3's

    you could just setup a spare comp that you know works have it open and throw hd's from the comps you want to give away in there as slaves and wipe them one by one in windows (or whatever). that will save you a lot of time trying to get each and every comp working and then format it etc. I think...
  20. C

    And so it begins... Cheap P3's

    I'm in for one maybe 2
  21. C

    How old r u?

    18 will be 19 in under a month :)
  22. C

    I ran into alot of unexpected money

    Stick with the Asus A8N SLi Deluxe, the premium just costs more money and does not have any extra features (according to CPU [Computer Power User] Magazine)
  23. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    quick question, how are we going to know who is who? Do we need to print out a [H] logo with our username under it and pin it to our shirt or something?
  24. C

    Anyone else flying thru the lower ranks?

    yeah it would be kindof interesting to see an actual count of who is still folding out of the 471,346 folding names listed. How fast you go through the ranks depends on the PPD as others have said. I up in the 500's for team rank in a months time. It all depends.
  25. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    I'm still planning on attending (hopefully) I think either saturday will work on my part. IMO the best time to meet would be around noon or an hour or two after. Since it will take me 1:30 to get there and the same to get back.
  26. C

    Bunch of output of crappers, anyone care?

    Now don't get me wrong, I know this place has to be moderated etc.I just find it kinda stupid that you fixed marty's post to not say certain things but yet you quoted it which shows exactly what you took out??? :confused: Am I missing something?
  27. C

    Laptop Mods NEONE???

    if you want to see what people have done to their laptops go over to they have sections for every brand and my favorite mod is hooking up led's to the usb power inside and having leds in your speaker ports etc.
  28. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    I would prefer the Saturday. I am hoping to make it, will have to see though. No family to bring though being that I'm only 18 lol
  29. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    any saturday is fine for me just give me a hollar when you decide.
  30. C

    "D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

    Well fellas your need to count is over. 40 boxen are now currently folding at my place of employment. When all is done 130+ GHz will be dedicated to the [H]orde. Edit: Mostly P4 2.8's 13 - 40 = -27
  31. C

    The Full MONTEY

  32. C

    The Official Post Pics of your Boxen/ Folding rigs/ Farms

    Yeah, THere are a few ways to remedy that. You can get a P4 northwood proccessor and extend your batt life that way, or buy the secondary battery which doesn't have the sub and give you around 2 hours. (sorry for getting off topic here)
  33. C

    The Official Post Pics of your Boxen/ Folding rigs/ Farms

    I spy an I9100, nice laptop btw.
  34. C

    The Full MONTEY

    another question why is the title "The full MONTEY"???
  35. C

    [H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

    Cracker Barrell sounds good. If someone doesn't want the cracker barrell food there is a Burger King, and one or two more fast food places right in front of it. Edit: looked at the list of resteraunts there are a lot on E Florence Blvd. Edit again: looked at google maps E. Florence Blvd...