Congrats to marty9876 just broke into the top 20 of the [H]orde

If Spectre's a mod I quit.

Thanks all, honestly it's on to BillR then I don't care what happens. Kidding, only kidding as I've spent hours trying to make an asci middle finger wave for you. I'm just joking! I've come up with a much more offensive wave for you BillR.

marty9876 said:
If Spectre's a mod I quit.

Thanks all, honestly it's on to BillR then I don't care what happens. Kidding, only kidding as I've spent hours trying to make an asci middle finger wave for you. I'm just joking! I've come up with a much more offensive wave for you BillR.


Sheesh everybody is giving it too me :p

Only in the PSU forum am I a mod...that is where I actually hang out the most.
Spectre said:
Sheesh everybody is giving it too me :p

Only in the PSU forum am I a mod...that is where I actually hang out the most.

Well I just crapped you thread! It's somewhat on topic with something someone might be taking about someplace.

See, unlike Moose I don't play favorites with mods, equal hell for all!

Kidding Moose....mostly. :p
Woot! Way to go, marty!

I got to get me these boxen set up and folding, so's I can move out of the thousands and into the hundreds.
marty9876 said:
I've spent hours trying to make an asci middle finger wave for you.
                  !   !
                  !   !
                  !   !
                  !   !
               ---!   !---
           ---!   !   !   !
          !   !   !   !   !    --
          !   !   !   !   !   /  !
          !               !  /   !
          !               !/    /
           !                   /
           !                  /
            !                /
             !              !
I win. ;) :D

Honestly, mine for BillR will tork him more.

Geez, and I scrolled down just for that.
Congrats. I hope to someday knock you back a few!

(until then, if any of us are ever in MN, I'm sure we'll be more than willing to knock back a few with you:p)

Oldie said:
Congrats. I hope to someday knock you back a few!

(until then, if any of us are ever in MN, I'm sure we'll be more than willing to knock back a few with you:p)

marty9876 said:
Well I just crapped you thread! It's somewhat on topic with something someone might be taking about someplace.

See, unlike Moose I don't play favorites with mods, equal hell for all!

Kidding Moose....mostly. :p
You are my favorite marty! :p
Spectre said:
Sheesh everybody is giving it too me :p

Only in the PSU forum am I a mod...that is where I actually hang out the most.

or at OCAU ;)

and marty? top 20? or was that mary?

i can never keep the two strait... or are they?
All hail the crapper king!! Long live Mary, queen of crappers! err uh yeah! :D

I am a queen with out a king....errr wait a minute....

I should post the wall paper from a crapper that it booted up with. She would make a very nice queen! Nothing like turning on a computer and having a naked hottie looking right back at ya.

Thanks again all. Nothing compaired to that little punk Logikality, that guy truly set a new standard for shooting to the moon.