And so it begins... Cheap P3's


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2006
Jun 11, 2003
Ok, I've got acess to ~75+ complete P3's in various condition. My cost, as of right now $5.00 a box. Basically I can pickup a mixed pallet of various ones, pick out the P3's (steal the SDRAM from the others... :) ) and be good to go. Add a hard drive if missing, NIC and so forth from the others.

I started on the first pallet, one started smoking when I plugged it in (I think this was an old computer on Oldbenwa's) put here is a partial quick list of what booted right off the bat. I can pull parts form the other to build just about anything (CD burners/DVD ROM/add RAM/Nics)

I saw one dual P2 in the mess... :D

All I did was quickly grab anything with a P3 logo, POST them- work in good pile, no work into need to kick again pile.

P3 866 128 onboard
P3 500 128 No nic
P3 500 128 No nic
P3 600EB 128 PCI Nic
P3 933 128 On Board
P3 733 Needs RAM/PSU/HSF

They have a "crap" load boxen for me to sort through, a crap load with inventory always coming and going.

The question is, are these worth anything to anybody? Anyone willing to send $5.00 + shipping + packing material (should be able to do most for free) + anything for my time (this could take ALOT of time from a guy with none). Maybe Oldbenwa and I can hook up and knock through a ton one Saturday a month or what not to fill out orders. ~$20-25 for a complete P3 shipped? Fill the RAM out to 196/256 on average? Enough for big work units and mage's fold server.

Yea, pulling parts and shipping naked boxen good idea, takes time though.


Ok, porn time- second pic sucks but left are <P3's right are P3's. I think that have some P4's kicking around someplace too.


That's hawt. Get pics with the cargo door closed, though. Hard to tell what's computers.

As opposed to what's body bags...

Okay, okay, I'll stop. See what you get for mentioning that people think you look like a serial killer, though?

Im in for 2 ...... Let me know when and how much......

I have some NIC's , and a HD or 2 thats not a big deal.....

I'd love to get my hands on a couple of 'em, but shipping to Canada might make them too expensive to be really worthwhile. I dont really know.

I'm surprised K* hasn't made his presence known in here. I know if you have some dead boards with living CPU's he's probably going to want some with the pile of crap he picked up today. :D

Those are some good looking crappers there marty!

I'm in for one. Just let me know how much you want for one of them.
eh i was out on a mission... ;)

but yes... could use spare cpu's, and ram if you can find it, rest i should be good for, maybe a couple psu's

or any VRM's in case these boards dont have them, and need them
I'm going to let this kick for a few days, I know alot of folks don't come around till the weekdays. Looks like ~5 boxen already gone. Just post if your interested.

These will be complete units, if you don't need parts (hard drive/cd rom) let me know and I won't bother with them. If it happens to be in the box I won't pull it either. Many were missing drives/RAM, but that can be pulled form the P2's.

Golden Rule #1: I have to wipe the drives. No OS can come with them, just too many problems. One booted XP....yikes

Golden Rule #2: Need to have folding installed. I don't care if you use the machine (kids machines ect.) but do fold with them. No, I have no way of knowing if you do...

Also, you must be somewhat active in the folding community. I don't want to ship you a P3 933 with 384 meg of ram and have you turn around and sell it on ebay for ~75-100 bucks if you get my drift. I'm pretty active here and know alot of you, if I don't I'll ask the mother of all posters KodiakStar. Finally put all his posting to good use huh.

I'm open to ideas on how to make this a long term good deal for all. My goal is to flood the world with boxen folding for the [H] kicking Roo butt (yea, and the helping mankind deal :D )

gigabyte1024- YGPM
Cover yourself and let me know what YOU want per box.....ive been wanting to build a stack of my own.
I have a bare bones setup in mind! In an enclosure I design myself!

Hey Marty you consider doing some as naked boxen. Cheaper to ship and people can buy plastic shelves and get good density.
would be a good idea, but it might be too much work (and time) for him to deal with strippin them down, unless he found a couple [H] guys around to help him out maybe..
KodiakStar said:
would be a good idea, but it might be too much work (and time) for him to deal with strippin them down, unless he found a couple [H] guys around to help him out maybe..

Wish I could but I am a bit far from him :rolleyes:
Spectre said:
Hey Marty you consider doing some as naked boxen. Cheaper to ship and people can buy plastic shelves and get good density.

Yea I could do that. I'm pretty freaking fast working on puters, my "output" was 3x Oldbenwa's with the previous crapper run. OK, that did not sound too good. :D

I don't want to pull the power switches though, not sure if you even can from some of the OEM boxes. No biggie, just use a screw driver.

Could prolly ship 4x the gear as you could 1 with a case. Some people like cases though, so I want to leave that option open.

I wonder how long it takes to wipe a drive, that could take alot of time. One had a 30 gig drive, you can sell that stuff on ebay.

Also, what all "testing" should I do? Boxen posts good enough? I guess for the wipe I'd need to either boot from CD/Floppy so that could be tested too. Net booting up and grabbing a WU could work, but alot of WU's would be wasted then.
you could just setup a spare comp that you know works have it open and throw hd's from the comps you want to give away in there as slaves and wipe them one by one in windows (or whatever). that will save you a lot of time trying to get each and every comp working and then format it etc. I think that if it posts it's in working condition really, like a lot of people I have hd's nics vid cards etc so if something isn't cosher I can just swap it out.Also you do need to add some on the price for "time spent" on getting all this stuff up man.

Could just ploop in a Linux Live CD for a minute or two, see if it gets to the desktop. Like Knoppix.

I might be interested in 2-3 of them, to replace a few crappers I have in my bed room.
These will be put to good use :D. It would also be nice to have a computer faster then a P2 to try out Linux with.

The faster the P3's the better ^_^. One of the cases even looks like a Dell XPS or Deminsion (what is in that one?).
PM me with some info.

~Thanks marty
If your wiling to strip them, I may take a few. I just don't want a stack of computer towers.
Marty, I could put together a linux cd that would wipe the drives and put a FAH on them. Nothing fancy, just enough to get them folding as quick as possible. PM if you're interested.

unhappy_mage said:
Marty, I could put together a linux cd that would wipe the drives and put a FAH on them. Nothing fancy, just enough to get them folding as quick as possible. PM if you're interested.

I've been thinking about this, more to come.
URGENT UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just found a dual P3 550, no ram but got some to add

Also, found a AMD Slot 1 deally, this fold real good!

Ok, need to get back working :D :D

Ahh, crappers....
I'd be in for a few if you're up to it. Also, where are you?

If I had some money I would snag that dual PIII 550 off your hands if you had some RAM to toss in it. Damnit, I need that second job. Hopefully she'll be working today so I can ask the manager about it.

I just like messing with duallies. And it would be nice to have a faster dually than a PII 266 dually.

If you have any memory from some of the smokers.......I have 3 1gig PIII's I need memory to get going.....where are you located......I might drive up/over and help dispose of some of the junk.........if ya need help
Mad Machinist said:
If you have any memory from some of the smokers.......I have 3 1gig PIII's I need memory to get going.....where are you located......I might drive up/over and help dispose of some of the junk.........if ya need help

You are going to be doing a bit of driving :p
Yea, in MN.

That AMD was a Athlon 700/256 ram box, will be a good folder. Have a 550 I think from Spectre in the crapper farm, does pretty decent PPD, better than any P2 that's for sure.

Price: I'm thinking around ~$37.50 shipped to the lower 48 states. Your guys thoughts? Edit: I'm not sure what I think about different prices, more for a 933 vs. a 500 P3? I dunno, confusing. One price first come gets fastest maybe?

This is gonna get messy real quickly. The 933 Dell is misisng the hard drive cage, yea duck tape or zip strip the HD in (or net boot the box/live CD) but I'm just not sure what folks think about that. The AMD 700 Athlon is missing it's front case cover, not sure if anyone cares about that...

On the plus side, I might just drop $1000.00 and pick up a crap load and sort things out.
I say the messed up case ones go to the brave that fold naked..................boxen that is......don't want to know who folds in the buff.
Let me know what you want total... including your troubles and shipping (plus the original $5 of course!) and I'd be in for four if you decide to ship them.
All four would be dedicated folders.
Nekkid boxen would be OK by me.

[email protected]

Thanx for even considering this!
Just an update and some random thoughts.

First pallet had about 28 boxen. Basically 35% were total junk (486's ect) 35% worth some parts (P2 CPU's, AMD K6-2's, 32/64 meg SDRAM sticks, PSU's (AT/ATX), NIC's, drives), 15% needed to be fixed P3 class, and 15% were basically good to go (need to add RAM ect).

I'm going to try and setup a agreement where I can have first dibs on all boxen to sort though. Basically I'll just have at ~200 boxen, get going what's worth getting going, and gut the rest. Anything less than a P3 gets gutted.

I did not get as much ram as I'd thought I would so, I was thinking the general specs would be-

Case (might be missing a side panel or what not)
MB/192 RAM (enough for big WU's this might be tight inventory wise)/CPU (P3/Celeron P3)/PSU/CD/FD/HD (something)/NIC/Video

I'd POST the system, quick zero the drive, this should test 95% of the system.

I'm going to make a play to get 200+ of these boxen to sort though with hopes of ~40 P3's class machines.

I'm planning on going back in tomorrow to my shop and finish the gutting and get ~8 systems ready to ship. Then get the bulk of the load this week, man that's alot of freaking boxen....... :eek:

Dullie is loaded and folding away! Yea, grabbed a pair of 241 pointer tinkers, just about the worst WU for a P3.

I've gotten all the PM's if I have not responded to you, just still trying to figure this all out. Please bear with me.
i am interested in a couple of naked boxen;) i am gonna build me a plastic tower outside in my sisters playhouse lol;) they don't know that yet lol
You didn't happen to get a couple of PII 333's out of those systems did you? I'm only running 266's in my duallie and I think 333's are about the top end the board will support. If you have a couple you pulled, I might be interested in digging up a few bucks for them.

And don't anyone make fun of me for this one. When you're talking crappers, any little bit helps.

SmokeRngs said:
And don't anyone make fun of me for this one. When you're talking crappers, any little bit helps.
lmfao. HAHA crappers

400 is the lowest i have stooped so far.
SmokeRngs said:
You didn't happen to get a couple of PII 333's out of those systems did you? I'm only running 266's in my duallie and I think 333's are about the top end the board will support. If you have a couple you pulled, I might be interested in digging up a few bucks for them.

And don't anyone make fun of me for this one. When you're talking crappers, any little bit helps.

I may have a couple of 333's if Marty doesn't.....
LMK if you need them.... I will look tonight.