Calling all Active [H]orde Members.


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004
Do you Fold?
Do you visit the Forums?

Just curious to see how many people on the
team actually visit this forum on a regular,
semi-regular, almost never basis.

Please reply in this thread and tell us how
often you visit, and what brings you back,
or, what scares you away...

Please post only once in this thread so we
can keep track of how many of "us" there are!

Keep it clean (mary) and don't forget to post your [H]!
(just so we know who we are passing, or is passing us)


daily visits to the forum!

Here to much
Post to much

Having nothing good to say ever

I am on and post daily. This is usually my first and last stop everyday.

Let's see, got up at 5:30 am, was trolling about by 6ish...

Bed at about 10 or so, so um, yeah that equates to too much time. :D

Well I'm on here in little spurts each day. This forum is fun and makes me laugh and chuckle, and all the information that gets exchanged, and the new people who come in who need help, that's what keeps me coming back.

-MN Scout
magnusvir reporting in.
I am here all day. Not a good idea as I need to concentrate more on college. :D
Yeah I'm here mostly during lunch hour and during evenings when I'm not working on MBA stuff or the gf isn't around. So maybe an hour or so a day. I skim the other forums too, they are friendly too! But I visit here the most cause most of my cpu cycles are taken up by folding, who woulda thunk it...

I fold my underwear from time to time, does that count?

Every hour or so I check forums, my stats, the race page, team rank, top 50 producers (thank god for Firefox's "open all in tabs" option).

I'm such a n00b.

always folding, hardly visit the forum anymore. life is hectic now, i'll be back on the forums soon.
-I'm here daily.
-I've been here daily for years.
-I come for the friendship and the jokes.
-Not scared of anything here... well except the Moose. But that was my fault, I was drunk and BillR said hugging the moose gets you double points for the day.

I'm here several times a day. Unfortunately the Fenris Farm is down due to the air conditioner dieing on me.

I check in at least once a day. Usually a couple times.
I post rarely though. Only when I (think I) have something intelligent to say, or a question to ask. Mostly questions :D

I check in a few times a week but hardly ever post.
I have been folding since the start and will always donate cpu cycles to a good cause.
I visit enough to convince my ex I have OCD, just can't stop....I've been folding for about three days, just got set back up after a 7 month deployment.
Do you Fold?
Yes, under the name SUSD#30

Do you visit the Forums?
Around once a day, sometimes more depending on time. Rarely post becuase i don't have much to say.
just started folding and visiting the DC i guess i'm in. :D

pentium 4 3.22GHz folding right now.

I (along with 2 others that I talk to in real life) would visit the forums more often if the mod got booted and the general attitude of this place changed from a pat-on-the-back crew to better mimick real life where opinions aren't prohibited, but encouraged since they can lead to new ideas.

Not to be a dick, but that's the honest truth. I've said it before... I'm a stats whore so I am not about to change all my machines to fold for someone else, I like my points and enjoy that part of the competition, but I also believe the attitude of this team is why we're #2 and falling behind day by day...

This will probably get edited which pretty much proves me right :rolleyes:

instead I'll jump in once a week to check out the board. Usually I'm in other sections of this forum. So keep it up if you want to get rid of me, I'm losing interest in this forum fast

Rant summary ;-)

- Stop by once a week on average for any decent amount of time
- I fold and I believe I fold plenty, I should be in top 100 of [H] within a month or two
Here whenever I can get internet...usually it's in the evening after work and school. Usually whenever I have spare time at work or school I'll check in once in a while. Just more reading, I read through most of [H] anyway. Not much posting because I really don't have anything to say or I don't know enough to offer advise or anything.


Never visit......ahhhhh....what the hell is that under my name....see this is why I don't visit.......just look what happens :D
I'm here a couple times a day, usually.
Post if I got something to say about (2.65 posts per day)

I think I'm rather well known here. Hell, I'm pretty sure I live here. Just think of what would happen, though, if I had internet access at home. You'd all be in trouble then. Just wait until I can afford cable at my apartment, then I'll run you all out. Actually, I won't run anyone out. If that was going to happen, mary and K* would have done it by now. :p

I lurk here 3-4 times a week..don't post that much.

After a 3 year folding absence (due to lack of computers) I fold, I race, I visit the DC forum 3-4 times a day, and the rest of the [H] forums every couple days. I post about once a day

i check the DC subforum everytime i jump on the internet, which is several times a day.

I check the forum at leat several times a week, don't post much though. I just keep folding away. Although you jerks knocked me out of the top 100 while I wasn't looking. :D
I am at the dc subforum a bunch i post some deff not up to the standards of K* and mary :D but yea i don't know what i would do with out yall to keep me motivated to keep borging and building more machines

Hi. My name is Chris and I FOLD FOR THE [H]ORDE!!! :cool: I carry a pen drive with me to work with portable firefox, music, and the folding console version. I post when needed or not.

KodiakStar said:
Keep it clean (mary) and don't forget to post your [H]!
(just so we know who we are passing, or is passing us)

More badge goodness!!

Nothing keeps me away. Need for radiation therapy from my monitor keeps me here.
here several times a day
don't post so much anymore (and I haven't seen any "we miss you cards" thank you very much :D ) I just haven't had much time lately and besides usually someone answers the question before I get a chance. No point in repeating the obvious answer.

The [H]orde needs You!

Been folding for FAH/UD for years, as borgs allow. Don't think I've ever posted tho. Check forums at least daily.... Kinda freaky around here tho...

often you visit,-- way way too often

and what brings you back-- laughs

Still folding. Just not able to keep up the big numbers anymore since I changed jobs.

I try and stop in the forums about once a week at least.
