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Limp Gawd
May 17, 2005
Hey guys,

If you were going to buy a pre-built computer from a manufacturer, what computer would you buy and why?

Intel? AMD?
Same questions as above. But to awnser your question, The last case I bought was a no name, 27" tall server tower for $30. I've since put $200 into just the case in paint, fans, and soundproofing. No one makes what me wants, so me dooes it me self. I'm personaly strugling with the idea of shelling out $70 for a super lanboy when I'm just gona gut it anyway.
IMO my Super Lanboy is too small, but actually it does what it needs to. If the size is good for you, get one.
QFT = Quoted For Truth

I believe his question is about pre-built *computers*, not pre-modded cases -- i.e. Dell, HP, Sony Vaio...
flobadon said:
QFT = Quoted For Truth

I always thought it meant "Quit Fucking Touching" :rolleyes:

As in "Quit Fucking Touching me you homo, I need time online so I can enhance my e-penis"

went off on a tanget there at the end
flobadon said:
QFT = Quoted For Truth

I believe his question is about pre-built *computers*, not pre-modded cases -- i.e. Dell, HP, Sony Vaio...

Yea, I got that. But it was originally stuck in the case mods. So I answered it appropriately for that section! :D

I have a contract with Dell at work, and wouldn't mind an XPS laptop. Other than that, I would never buy a computer from a company like Dell or HP or whatever. It's not that I'm ubercool or anything like that. I just want complete control over whats in the box. Kinda like a Gardner compared to someone else who uses a lawn service. But thats just me.
The XPS's are nice, my dad bought one not long ago. 3.4 and an X850XT (clocked to PE), he bought the card later, but it's pretty snappy now. Oh, and he has 2 gig of ram in it.

Before I stuck around a while I thought QFT meant Quit Fscking Talking!.
I'd custom pick all my parts and have Monarch Computer build it. They don't suck, their machines are well assembled, and they don't cost much more than building yourself.

Mod Edit - Out of control, and heading nowhere.......B.B.S.
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