Active User Nose dive


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004

(yes the image comes from EoC but there is no compareable chart on

Our active people are dropping like flies... whats going on guys?
Well, since I turned on large WUs on both of my machines they typically take 3-4 days per WU. If there are a significant number of people like me the counts of daily active users might be skewed somewhat since on any given day I moght not report any activity. I'd like to see a graph of average weekly users over say a 3-4 month period before I jump to any conclusions.

Me thinks OC-AMD blow back? Not trying to say anything negitive here, I've heard from some they are just sick an tired of all the bitching lately. Not that it's got anything to do with OC-AMD, just that whole topic/how was handled by all fronts (Stanford) might have turned some off.

Ohh, and summer?

It's still pretty telling that we're in the middle of a downward trend. Also it seemingly coincides with the whole QMD issue about a week and a half ago now.

Well considering it covers about a month, the trend is heading downward loss of around 100 or so users :p
What surprises me is how we had the giant upswing the first few weeks of the month, and then it started bottoming out. Did anything specific go on during that period that would have caused our numbers to jump like that?

All i can think of is the "get to know your [H]'ers... " lots of new faces there.. and there was a bit of pimpage on the frontpage, but that is more or less normal now..
I'm sure there are multiple factors that cause a drop like this. WU's that take a long time to turn in can cause daily drops, but equal out over a week or two. After a surge of new users like we had recently, there are always a bunch that lose interest. Also, I'm sure a few people got all worked up about the Stanford "controversy" that we went through a week ago or so. If it does turn out to be a thinning of the [H]orde, we just need to keep recruiting new people!
Ah yes, I forgot about that thread.... must go back and look at it... mmmm... Mrs. Moose..... :p

Well Ijust started out doing this and I am pretty excited about it :) I have 4 CPUs up and runing right now with another 2 coming online today and I just ordered a Dual 3Ghz Xeon to fold with. Now if only work would slow down enough that I can actually go thru the piles of stuff here and build more boxes. I think that summer (end of school etc) have probably contributed to some of the downswing or it may just be the power bills after people realized that they have to have air conditioning :)
Also another reason might be the extremely hot weather throught the country, here it is nothing new but in the midwest people might be worried about killing their machines and turning them off. Or they can have a problem with their ac which would keep them out of commision for a few days (which happened to me). Almost forgot you also have people leaving for threats of hurricanes etc etc. so lots o different reasons
Finally threatening to crack 100 degrees in spots around here.
Hehe it was 109 on my back porch in the shade yesterday. Supposed to be 100+ again today
Tormond said:
Hehe it was 109 on my back porch in the shade yesterday. Supposed to be 100+ again today

Yeah that is why I say in spots...offically 96 but it cracks 100 a lot of places.
KodiakStar said:
but there is no compareable chart on

Sorry but there is, it's called Team Health.


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire
Well that shows the active % of folders, which is a good thing to have, but was merely stating that there was no chart to show the actual numbers of current active team members
Ok I have looked up my stats, and with my other pc getting tinkers, I have dropped in the ranking.

But still I continue to fold, if you look below me on the rank, you will see a graveyard of skulls populating just about every spot.

Search on the site for my folding name: Scorpionjwp
Then look below at the list.

Gosh I feel like the a grave digger with all the skulls below me.
//forgot to mention, just shows the current active % as well. and not a trend chart for the history. nothing against you or the site King, just thought that it was staggering how many people we have "lost"
If the chart is that important, I'll think about adding one, we'll have to see though because I'm currently swamped working on changes as it is.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire
Yea no rush, do what you need to get done, i was just digging through some old threads today (first page) and saw a post talking about having 999 active users, so i started looking around today to see how many active we have currently so we can boast about how far we have gotten... then i saw we are in a nose dive :(
I also noticed the rate of new folders added to Hardfolding will never compare to the number of folders that drop off.

It just looks like we are cycling some members out and bringing some in.
King_N said:
Sorry but there is, it's called Team Health.


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire

When the last mess started, this was at 17.8, after a few days 17.2 now that.

Not sure what it means, just sure it's QueerStar's fault.

if you saw my personal nurse you woulnt be saying anything ;)

and besides.. you are the one that cant decide what you are.. :D
KodiakStar said:
if you saw my personal nurse you woulnt be saying anything ;)

and besides.. you are the one that cant decide what you are.. :D

what you too good to wipe you own butt? personal nurse.... geez



now I'm pretty jealous actually....
I haven't posted in this thread and I find that hard to believe too. ;)

Oh wait, DOH!

I'm a newbie, still active, although the past two days it's been pretty slow points wise. Went from 1K+ pts/day average to less then that. My P4 was working an Amber core so THAT was slow, my AMD 2100xp is churning a 600pt for the past 4 or 5 days, that MIGHT finish tomorrow and my others are off doing whatever they do. So I sit and wait. Just broke 100WU's yesterday though, not bad for 2 weeks and 2 days :).

18.2 Ghz Folding for the [H]orde
i had like 10+ borgs (at least 2 stealthed) and now i have no borgs.

what the hell?

i'm at debate camp and i'm running FAH on my laptop (which i just got! (and is actually my mother's :()) so i'm trying...

i did switch over the crappers and my A64 to UD for the contest (in which i lost miserably), unfortunately i can't get to them from where i am right now...

but what about the friends i borged? i see them online, they should be churning out units!

i hate it when borgs quit :mad:
Shhhhhh..... :D

Time to go back and hide in the bush!

Anyhow, I think we were all just A.) adminiring your taste & B.) envying your luck! ;)

Maybe she just likes the reach through?!? :eek:
