Search results

  1. S

    1200 build for gaming/photoshop/rendering

    Thanks for the input, Danny. I'm going to make all those changes right now and pull the trigger as some of the deals are ending tonight it appears...and all I have is my chromebook right now. I'll reply to this with feedback as soon as the parts get in and I build it.
  2. S

    1200 build for gaming/photoshop/rendering

    1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Gaming (WoW, SC2, TF2, BF3), photoshop, rendering (video encoding), web browsing, and heavy multitasking will all be done on this PC. 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? Looking for a (soft) budget...
  3. S

    20 Pin ---> 24 Pin Converter

    350W by which brand? A Deer 350W PSU will most likely perform differently than a Fortron/Sparkle 350W PSU.
  4. S

    Is there any danger in using a Vapochill?

    I thought that we were supposed to have the 'Big Crunch', where at a certain point, the universe stops expanding and begins to contract, and we begin to see a red-shift (Doppler Effect), as well as an increase in average temperature throughout the universe? This could have been disproven...I...
  5. S good

    Have you tried reseating it and applying a fresh layer of thermal paste? More paste is not always better. Try everything before you bash the company / cooler... :rolleyes:
  6. S

    Front Runner for Vaporware 2005 Champ

    I pre-ordered one, when does it ship... :p
  7. S

    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

    I've got 9 left, shoot me a PM (and PM only, please). Updated last 12/28/2004 4:47 PM
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    text is fuzzy with AA/AF on

    Are you running on some kind of 'weird' display (by weird, I mean anything that is not a CRT computer monitor)? Maybe you're running it at it's non-native resolution?
  9. S

    Asus A7N8X-X and older hardware

    All the info you need right here:
  10. S

    Is it sad when:

    Yup, done it. My room has terrible insulation.
  11. S

    free pen

    It is also dead for me. I browsed their site to no avail.
  12. S

    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

    Got 10 invites up for grabs. Shoot me a PM.
  13. S

    Vcore lower than rated minimum?

    If your processor runs at a lower voltage, and it's stable, count yourself lucky. :p More voltage will only increase the heat output and reduce the processor lifespan. Don't increase voltage unless you need to (OCing, for example).
  14. S

    Msi Neo Plat Sucks!

    Actually, that's happened to me. I plugged in my PS/2 keyboard, and it didn't work. So I turned the computer off, plugged it in, booted up, didn't work. So I tried a different keyboard, didn't work. So I was "forced" to upgrade to the Logitech Cordless MX Duo (which uses USB, except for the...
  15. S

    Dumpster Diving!

    Not sure. Right now, I just have 6 of those things sitting up there. Four on the bottom row, two on top. Today, I picked up another 14" monitor, another KFC. I had an idea today - maybe I'll buy some splitters, and hook them all up so they show the same picture? I wasn't sure if this was...
  16. S

    Free vs FAR?

    If I'm browsing the "Free Stuff" forum, then I'm not looking to get my wallet out for anything, even if I do get all my money back.
  17. S

    this might get flamed

    A sketchy WLWC at best. And WLWC you have to pay for. (edit: That maybe sounded a bit mean. Just letting you know that the "General Mayhem" stuff is subscription-only, and that this might not belong here).
  18. S

    Dumpster Diving!

    This summer, my friend has been hired by the computer services department at my school to be their lackey-of-sorts - he moves computers, reimages them, and such. He's found some monitors. They're 14 inches and by noname companies, so they were going to throw them out. They weren't *in* the...
  19. S

    Windows XP Setup Problem (please help)

    Is it a new HD? When my hard drive starts disappearing from any application, it's usually because it's about to bite the dust... You said your BIOS detects the harddrive (after a long time). Can you hear the hard drive click or spin at all? If your HD is under warranty, it sounds like...
  20. S

    Windows XP Setup Problem (please help)

    How long ago did he use the CD to install XP on his other computer? Could it have gotten damaged? If that isn't the culprit, try running Memtest (, a memory diagnostic that runs independent of Windows or any other operating system. Do it overnight, and see if there are any...
  21. S

    Another “How does this look/sound”

    What are you planning to do for a graphics card? Besides that, both setups look pretty solid.
  22. S

    3200+ @ 1.09ghz?

    If it's a new system that you've just built, chances are that the motherboard manufacturer has set the speeds to a "safe" setting in order to prevent damage to the processor or other components. The stock multiplier for the AXP 3200 is 11, and the stock FSB is 200. Try setting those as the...
  23. S

    Reattaching CPU pins

    He said his friend ordered a new one, and he has the old one. So there's no real harm in trying to fool around and make it work. Pretty much a free chip.
  24. S

    Power and reset switches ?

    AFAIK, the PSU circuitry does that. It's still just a momentary switch.
  25. S

    Amd Cpu Id

    If you can change your multiplier, the CPU is not locked. All I know is that your FSB * 2 = effective bus speed. 166 * 2 = 333, 200 * 2 = 400. AMD CPUs multiply the FSB by 2, and Intel P4s multiply the FSB by 4. It should say something like "Dual Channel Enabled" at POST.
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    raptor heat & noise in a shuttle

    Shuttle PSUs can power more than you might think. Many people have high-end video cards in their shuttle box.
  27. S

    What apps do you use to clean your comp?

    For spyware and adware, I use a combination of AdAware by Lavasoft and Spybot Search & Destroy. I run them right after each other to make sure that I pick up every bit of malware that I may have on there.
  28. S

    Best bang for your buck 2500+ or 2800+

    IMHO, if you're OCing, no. They both basically have the same limit in terms of maximum clock speed. But YMMV.
  29. S

    What should i get for upgrades?

    I'd say upgrade your videocard to something else. You'd probably want to look into 9600XT, 9700pro and 9800np. I wouldn't upgrade to a Barton. Is that 2400xp at stock or are you ocing? It'd be ~$90 minimum for a very unnoticeable performance increase. I'd also probably get a solid-named...
  30. S

    Sorry but its time for a WT*(<--letter after E) IC7-Max3 issues

    Have you: 1. Swapped RAM with *proven working* sticks? 2. Made sure that the said DIMMs are fully locked and in their slots? 3. Tried switching RAM slots? 4. Tried swapping with a *proven working* video card?
  31. S

    my rig wc rig

    Very nice. I can see that you've been handling your case a lot (lots of fingerprints). Got any more pics? Any of the inside or the watercooling loop?
  32. S

    aqxea 0335 - should I pay $90 for it used?

    I don't think you should. Even if you have a locked Barton, you can up the FSB to 200 and make it 11x200. That's the clock on a 3200. You don't need a range of multipliers to do so.
  33. S

    random freezes; ram or mobo?

    Did you change anything in relation to hardware and/or software before you started having this problem? Why do you doubt it's a software problem? If something comes up "out of the blue" then I usually instinctively think to check everything on my hard drive. Just for kicks, try a virus and...
  34. S

    do i need a bigger power supply?

    Check to see if there are any substantial fluctuations in the voltage lines. Those can uncover a potential problem with your PSU... What brand is your mATX PSU? Is it generic?
  35. S

    computer lockup

    How long has it been since you last reformatted your hard drive? Check for spyware, adware, trojans, and the like. It could be any one of a million things and my guess is, if you have a lot of crap on that drive, that you have a software problem.
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    how big of a power supply

    Name-brand PSUs generally are more reliable than generic PSUs. I've seen a guy try a 500watt bargain-basement PSU and have his computer randomly reboot and fail to power up, upon which he replaced it with a trusty name-brand Antec which had a lower wattage (380, I think?) and had all his stuff...
  37. S

    OCing and errors

    Yes, I believe so. If you're not prime stable for over 24 hours then I suggest you don't run distributed computing programs. It may get you results faster but they'd be wrong results :(
  38. S

    high pitch noise from psu ?

    How old is the PSU? It could be the PSU fan gathering up a thick coat of crud on it. Just a thought, you might want to check it out.
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    9.9 ghz overclock

    Yeah I believe it... :rolleyes: No. Just kidding.
  40. S

    Can i upgrade my psu? Need sound advice!

    Try looking up some guides to building your own computer. I do believe there are some at and . Building your own computer from chosen, bought components is usually more economical and upgradeable than OEM, store-bought, prebuilt computers.