Dumpster Diving!

JaiQuest said:
We're actually not sure that he was a vampire... but he did look pretty scary. Maybe next time I'll get a pic of him, I think we're going diving again tonight to get some more magazines from Barnes and Noble. Either way, it was a horrible experience, the vampire that is.

JaiQuest Crew

You talking about the Barnes and Noble in the Woodlands? The new one by the mall?

I'll probably be there tonight sitting outside of the coffee shop as usual.
xphantg0d said:
6 monitors? not bad what are you going to do with them?

Not sure. Right now, I just have 6 of those things sitting up there. Four on the bottom row, two on top. Today, I picked up another 14" monitor, another KFC. I had an idea today - maybe I'll buy some splitters, and hook them all up so they show the same picture? I wasn't sure if this was possible, but I'm going to be looking into it for the next couple of days.
Yeah, it's the Barne's and Noble in the Woodlands. We'll be hitting it up frequently for more mags

JaiQuest Crew
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this forum, but not new to DD or CC. My husband and I are avid "curbie" shoppers, more so than DD's. We go out twice a week, on trash day. Last night wasn't bad; 19" Toeshibba Color TV (in vg working condition), BMI Modem and Monitor (still have to check these out yet), a really old kitchen pantry. medium size, white w/one door. (needs a bit of cleaning, but we have decided to leave it "rustic" looking), a box of old wrenches, a large heavy stepper excerciser, CSA E587A (in vg working condition) and an old wooden chair, which could use a new seat cover.

Wish we had a pickup or van. Boy...the stuff we had to leave due to our small car. We have a Ford Escort. Can't wait until Thursday!

~ Fran ~
I'm gonna go out on my bike tonight and scope things out since tomarrow is trash pick up.

Gotta scope out the highdollar hobby shop and a few rental places, as well do a little CC browsing.

Find anything good, I'll call my backup and get pics of it.
Wasn't a very good night.

Managed to nab some very nice ceiling fans that are in working condition, tho!

I needed them, to.. These babies look like the ones they want 50 or more bucks at the stores, So I'm content.
little off topic: Komataguri, isn't there a Hurricane coming in? I suggest seeking proper cover.
HvyMtl said:
little off topic: Komataguri, isn't there a Hurricane coming in? I suggest seeking proper cover.

There is. I just learned about it yesterday.

Catagory 4, one of the 50 most powerful storms in recorded history, ect ect
so youre not in Florida then?
Where do you dive to get household items like the fans?
Pack Rat 24 said:
I think he does, just doesn't care...

The eye of the storm, with 145MPH wind will pass, literally, RIGHT OVER MY HOUSE

What can you do, tho?

I wasn't able to hit dumpsters cause of rain, but I did hid the neighborhoods and picked up the fans just about 15 min from my house.

Clean those babies up and gonna put them in the bedrooms and such.
hell even if he is ok, i doubt hell be posting anytime soon. im sure the storm f*cked alot of stuff up, including the power connections. which, actually, is needed for computers... :p

but all jesting aside, i hope he is alright. living in mobile, i can attest to their suckiness. the only reason we didnt recieve any of those storms is we happened to get a mean ass cold front from the north(mid 60's in august? i am actually amazed, even though that is at 0200)
this is getting out of topic..awhh heck wit it...he shouldve put plywood all over his house and put at least ten 2 by 4s over the plywoods then steel cable the whole mobile home to the ground, then put one of those BIG BLUE plastic wraps over his home then steel cable(100 at least) the whole thing down then he'll be safe(very safe), yesterday charley the hurricane came by NY and we hardly felt it oh well, i hope hes ok and everybody else..anyways its been raining lately at night in NY so i couldnt get and diving done
Okay long story short, I got a TV, an old 27" Toshiba, okay the picture is stretched vertically from about halfway up the screen. The guy I got it from said it worked (was throwing it out). This isn't really dumpster diving but it is free stuff that others got rid of. Is there any remedy, I am hoping the pic was stretched (makes almost everyone an Egghead) because it was on the floor near my 3 12" subs, with huge magnets.
I know I'm an idiot for putting them near eachother but still, I had to plug and play.
I survived.

Total devistation.

No power for a week or more

running off a generator, can't keep the computer on long [ stealing time without others knowing ]

I don't live in a god damn mobile home

will return when power is fully restored.
good luck and protect yourself and yor stuff - looting is NOT diving.
See ya in a week.
Anyone else out there in FLA - I wish you the best too.
Now, anyone find any good diving lately?
ninethreeeleven said:
Okay long story short, I got a TV, an old 27" Toshiba...

Open it up, pull the circuit board, and replace the capacitors.

WARNING!!!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING INSIDE A TV, DO NOT DO THIS! There are lethal voltages inside, especially around the anode (the cable that connects to the tube)
Peale said:
WARNING!!!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING INSIDE A TV, DO NOT DO THIS! There are lethal voltages inside, especially around the anode (the cable that connects to the tube)
QUOTED FOR TRUTH. Please DO NOT fuck around with this if you don't know exactly what you're doing. And I don't mean think you know what you're doing. I, like most people here, will fuck around with the insides of just about any piece of electronics I can get the cover off of, but I won't mess around inside TV's.
I just got power back today

Power crews from Pike Energy and Duke Power in the Carolina's kick so much ass for coming down and hitting the power problem harder than anyone else.


DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH A T.V.'S INSIDES Unless you know what your doing!

I was an idiot and did it once, and I got a jolt so bad that I literally lost the function of my left arm for 3 days.
glad to see you back Komataguri. Hope the clean up goes fast. I bet you will be able to find some good stuff in dumpsters in FLA soon. Just make sure you are not mistaken as looters, so I think waiting a bit before diving would be smart.
If you do find a TV that looks like a fixer upper. TAKE IT TO A REPUTABLE REPAIR SHOP. Death can come easy. SAME GOES WITH CRT MONITORS -DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE - the tubes in a crt are similar to the TV tubing and hold high electrical voltage as well.
I found a fetus in a jar in a dumpster once, that incident summoned 3 city police, 2 paramedics and 2 FBI agents...
I wish.

The moral here was not looking in a dumpster next to a house where the new owners are cleaning out and improperly disposing of medical specimens from the attic of a house that was once owned by a doctor.

But believe whatever you like.
omg carnaval. i was just yelling HOLY SHIT while i was loading this thread and watching TECH TV. omg your holy shit just popped out when i was yelling holy shit...seriously no kidding!

a human eh... sick
hmm... my brother says he saw a bunch of computer crap (like 15 computers + monitors) in a dumpster by my local pizzaria, and im going there tomorrow to check it out. ill post pics if anything is worth hauling home (i dont have a car)
edit edit: i went back just now and with my luck, it starts raining five minutes before i get there. i got my dad to come in the car, and i got these things:

2x acer 17" monitors, some frame damage
1x p2 400 computer
1x pentium pro 200 computer
1x HUGE ASS monitor (22" i think) that has a weird input (like four different coaxial cables, someone know what this is? it has a cable that converts it to vga)

there were some more monitors buried under crap, but i didnt feel like digging them out. most of the stuff my bro saw were printers and copiers, etc. so there wasnt really that much stuff there. after i let everythign dry off and test it, ill post pics in the pics thread.

edit: whats black and bubbly and taps on the glass?......

... a baby in a microwave!!! :p :eek:
Hey Guys,
We went dumpster diving last night, the 27th, and found a variety of things. We found more magazines, 2 tall wall mount cd racks, and a ton of picture frames still in the box. The picture frames have a retail value of $29.99 at Linens and Things. The magazines were Rolling Stone, Ancient World, some Art Mag, and 2 other music magazines. We picked these out of the 4 boxes we found. I am now gonna post pics of these on the pic posting thread. We also found a couch which we gave to a guy at work, we bought a couch cover and he's very grateful. We'll get pics of that tonight.

JaiQuest Crew
Dumpster Diving Operation

After giving our friend the couch, we really saw what he could use around his apartment. I'm not gonna go into much detail, because there is information on the hyperlinked page. Just thought this would be appropriate for the DD thread.

JaiQuest Crew
just went DDing last night actually, right after a wedding, found a real silver platter in there. we shined it up a bit, took it to the jewlers and they said it was worth $500 big ones. canadian though
Went diving today for the first time since I've been back in kirksville(came up here saturday). I found a p4x400 soyo dragon motherboard and it is in excellent physical condition. I love the colour of the motherboard. I just don't have a p4 to test the board with and there is no way I am spending $100 for a processor to test a motherboard that I found in the dumpster.
i have this new saying if you get caught while DD. its no longer dumpster diver its dumbster diving. see if you can get catch it