Msi Neo Plat Sucks!


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 17, 2002
MY MSI K8T NEO PLAT. is the bigest peice of shit in the world, half the time it will not boot, the only way to get it to post is by swaping thew USB Keyboard around, if i plug a ps2 keyboard in at the same time a a USB keyboard, the comp just shuts off....its unstabel as hell no matter what BIOS i use, only posts 1 in 10 trys, if i install a driver then restart is rebots and nerver posts again, i have to play with the keyboard, COM jumper and power supply...

after drivers and finally getting to to boot, it seems slower that my old 2600+ M @ 2.5, when my 2.6M was clocked at 2.93 it blew this crap out of the water. I feel as if i downgraded to get on a 64 bit plaatform...I only hope my next A64 mobo will help me see this so called "speed"

and its getting worst! now it just freezes withine 2 mins of boot.

to make it a real crappy deal newegg will onyl let me swap it for another MSI NEO SHITIUM! i hope my next one works!
Banko said:
You probably just got a bad board, calm down.
yeah, if they were all this bad there would be a thousand of these threads, as the neo platinum is the most popular athlon64 board out now.
Yeah I agree you probably got a crap one, swap it for a new one.
I know im just venting.... im sure my replacement will work good... almost...
I(illa Bee said:
I know im just venting.... im sure my replacement will work good... almost...
lol I think we all understand your frustration, I'm sure some of us have gotten hardware that refuses to work right too. :)
CrimandEvil said:
lol I think we all understand your frustration, I'm sure some of us have gotten hardware that refuses to work right too. :)
yea expecially after of 5 DAYS of attempting to maKE IT WORK, and haveing it work great oen moment and bad the next
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are doing, you shouldn't be plugging in PS/2 devices while the machine is on anyway. It can short the ports out and maybe even cause odd behavior (??). PS/2 is not plug n play hardware.
That sucks. My current rig was my first ground up build and I was sweating that I was going to end up with a bum part like you and be struggle with some shit. But nope was surprisingly easy.

My only complaints about this board are that the SATA plugs should have all been in the same spot. Having 3/4 across the board next to the CPU heatsink sucks. And the BIOS never reads the CPU temps right. It consistently reads higher temps then reality and I am on BIOS 1.3. I keep waiting for MSI to fix that bug.
OldPueblo said:
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are doing, you shouldn't be plugging in PS/2 devices while the machine is on anyway. It can short the ports out and maybe even cause odd behavior (??). PS/2 is not plug n play hardware.
never hurt me before? many time i have pluged them in wile the system was on? The thing is, my windows was not dectecting my USB keyboard, and it would not boot with a PS2 installed.....kinda sucks hua? so i tried booting then puting it in before post was over, in the past this has help even if it was pluged in after the computer was booted at post, it still picked up in windows...

I see that Epox board is in stock at newegg... i wish they would exchange it for me.. i guss ill be giving MSI another chance.... by force...
well i've heard that you can short out your board like that and someone else told me it's bs haha. i know mine comes unplugged sometimes and i just pop it back in, never had a problem. hopefully my neo plat doesn't have the same probs yours has... should be here in a few days.
I read this title and think "Oh Crap!" because I just ordered that board this morning, anyway....

Tell us whats what. Also you started this thread on the 8th and its now the 13th thats some quick turn around time.
I also received my replacement this morning. Everything is perfect! Temperature is stable at 44 degrees and ethernet port is working flawlessly. There is no audio distortion either. I'll have my fingers crossed for now. :D

A64 3000+
MSI Neo Platinum K8N
Corsair TwinX 3200C2 1Gig
Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb
WD SATA 120gb
Enermax Noisetaker 480W
Lian Li PC-65B
yup, newegg turnaround time is kick ass!

im running right now on the 1.43 Beta BIOS, CPU temps are 42c, clocked at 2.42 (267HTT, memory set to 166) 1.65v CPU core...

Its running great....this is with my new Alpha PAL8150 HS and a 50cmf SUNON fan...damm i missed the simplicity of air cooling.... (COPPER + AIR is all you need)
Time to load up some Doom3 and see how she dose.....
MSI seems to be having some serious quality control problems for the last couple of years. I AM NOT trying to start a flame war - I promise!! I personally have had problems with their motherboards and their RMA's so I've been there and done that.
Links about this motherboard recently:
Roberty said:
MSI seems to be having some serious quality control problems for the last couple of years.
Yeah I've always avoided MSI because of that, I just hope that the Neo Plat boards are different (although it seems like some are getting crap boards). It's a shame really since this one looks like one of the best A64 boards out there.
diablo111 said:
What kind of power supply you running that on?

antec 550w, moded 5v and 3.3v (12v is moded, but i didnt crank it up anywhere past stock)

Like I mentioned in another post

MSI is like the OCZ of motherboards. Both companies have an above-average rate of complaints/rumors/avoidance rate/reputation. However OCZ only suffers from *past* difficulties, while MSI seems to still be swimming in it.

That is, from what I've read.
still runnign good, i cranked the AC in my house to 65f, and turned up my fans, and got up to 253 HTT, 3 LDT, for 2.53Ghz, 1.75v CPU 2.85v DDR i set the DDR to 166, Running fast as hell, This seems to be a good board.
The sata controller on my k8n wont function above 230htt. There are many others in the msi forums reporting this.

No bios settings fix it.

Mine is rock stable up to 230htt. I've tried 2 different A64's and 2 different type's of memory. 230 is the boards limit with sata raid. I havent tried without raid but some report higher clocks with ide drives or non raided sata drives.

The reviews of this board forcast the second coming....

I cant wait to see what the DFI board 250 board does when its released, and I have a kv8 pro getting rma'd right now.

This msi is a great motherboard, with the above exception. I would still recommend it to mild overclockers. I just want higher that 230.
Lith1um said:
The sata controller on my k8n wont function above 230htt. There are many others in the msi forums reporting this.

No bios settings fix it.

Mine is rock stable up to 230htt. I've tried 2 different A64's and 2 different type's of memory. 230 is the boards limit with sata raid. I havent tried without raid but some report higher clocks with ide drives or non raided sata drives.

The reviews of this board forcast the second coming....

I cant wait to see what the DFI board 250 board does when its released, and I have a kv8 pro getting rma'd right now.

This msi is a great motherboard, with the above exception. I would still recommend it to mild overclockers. I just want higher that 230.
Well, its a good thing i dont use onboard controller for anythign (other than CD ROMS) IM all about addin cards. Right now im running my Maxtors PATA drives on a promise Fastrac TX2, in RAID 0. And i have a promise s150 SX4 SATA RAID card, but im aiting for the price to drop on raptors, i want ot run 4 of them. With the 256mb stick of RAM on that bad boy it should run pretty damm fast.\

On board controllers (expecially RAID) is a joke, unless its a server baord with a good onboard SCSI setup, but even then i prefer a addin card. The addin card allways preform better (alot better than the Raid there putting on gamming baords thease days)....i did like the RAID on my old MSI kt3 board, i hard moded it and flashed it to a full raid (its was promise <3 ) But other than that with most baord your stuck with this "lite" Raid chip....booooo

Now if a MFG would only start giving me at least 1 64-bit PCI slot id get some real kickass results...or i guss if promise would make a PCI express RAID card i could wait for a board with PCI express...

Back on topic.... That dose suck for the 230 limit with SATA enabled (I dont have that problem as my controller are not inuse) they should fix that as a boat load of people use sugestion to you is buy a promise fastrack sx150plus... There 60 bucks, and have 2 SATA RAID ports and a singal IDE u133...this way you can get you SATA drive off the onboard, and any IDE drives you have.. you dont have to use RAID on it i dont think...if you not looking for RAID there are cheaper cards..and if you dont have and PATA drives then you can put you CDroms on it too :)

problem solved ;)

And what voltage and multiplyer are you useing with you 230? How high is high on thease A64s?

EDIT IN: I wouldnt get oo hyped up on the DFI board for A64's..the only good thing about them was the FSB overclocking, other than that they sucked ass (expecially in voltage circut area) I think its one of the worst AthlonXP board (and i had a pretty good one that was good to me for a wile) Im assumming DFI will mask a shitty produck behind some UV PCI and memory slots again... lol, but really...i highly dout there board will do any better HTT clocking than what on the market now. That if they even make a sockey 754 board, its a dying socket that has no future.. alot of people arnt building board fore it anymore.
I(illa Bee said:
EDIT IN: I wouldnt get oo hyped up on the DFI board for A64's..the only good thing about them was the FSB overclocking, other than that they sucked ass (expecially in voltage circut area) I think its one of the worst AthlonXP board (and i had a pretty good one that was good to me for a wile) Im assumming DFI will mask a shitty produck behind some UV PCI and memory slots again... lol, but really...i highly dout there board will do any better HTT clocking than what on the market now. That if they even make a sockey 754 board, its a dying socket that has no future.. alot of people arnt building board fore it anymore.

Yes they're introducing a 754 and 939 boards. I'll definitely check out the reviews on the board before i commit, since I've never even seen a DFI product, let alone touch one.

As for socket 754 dying, you're way off on that one. Socket 754/939/940 are all staying for years, each with their own market. And who are those "alot of people arn't building board fore it anymore"?? AFAIK, all those companies that used to make 754s still make them.
Decelerate said:
Yes they're introducing a 754 and 939 boards. I'll definitely check out the reviews on the board before i commit, since I've never even seen a DFI product, let alone touch one.

As for socket 754 dying, you're way off on that one. Socket 754/939/940 are all staying for years, each with their own market. And who are those "alot of people arn't building board fore it anymore"?? AFAIK, all those companies that used to make 754s still make them.
I thought roadmap showed the 754 droping off?
Decelerate said:
Then where'd Semprons go?

940 - Workstation/Server
939 - Performance
754 - Value
whats the deal with Semprons anyway? is the a socket A Sempron and althlon 64 Semprons?
Double Jesus said:
well i've heard that you can short out your board like that and someone else told me it's bs haha. i know mine comes unplugged sometimes and i just pop it back in, never had a problem. hopefully my neo plat doesn't have the same probs yours has... should be here in a few days.

Actually, that's happened to me. I plugged in my PS/2 keyboard, and it didn't work. So I turned the computer off, plugged it in, booted up, didn't work. So I tried a different keyboard, didn't work. So I was "forced" to upgrade to the Logitech Cordless MX Duo (which uses USB, except for the mouse) from the $2 budget keyboards and mice I used in the past. I'm happy now, though it was through a roundabout method.
Lith1um said:
The sata controller on my k8n wont function above 230htt. There are many others in the msi forums reporting this.

No bios settings fix it.

Mine is rock stable up to 230htt. I've tried 2 different A64's and 2 different type's of memory. 230 is the boards limit with sata raid. I havent tried without raid but some report higher clocks with ide drives or non raided sata drives.

The reviews of this board forcast the second coming....

I cant wait to see what the DFI board 250 board does when its released, and I have a kv8 pro getting rma'd right now.

This msi is a great motherboard, with the above exception. I would still recommend it to mild overclockers. I just want higher that 230.

I read somewhere using the 3th and 4th SATA controller allows you to go higher. Just don't use the 1st and 2nd ones. I'll poke around and try to find it...
OldPueblo said:
I read somewhere using the 3th and 4th SATA controller allows you to go higher. Just don't use the 1st and 2nd ones. I'll poke around and try to find it...
This i read that too.... intresting....
hey killa do u have any updated pics of your case? with everything installed?
i bought a neo platinum yesterday and along with an athlon64 3000+...

got it setup, installed windows xp pro...everything was cool...

started to overclock...set it at 2400 mhz @ 1.75 volts vcore using a xp-120, started prime95 and 3 minutes later poof...board fried itself...

ive had two 865 msi boards fry the same way...


serious overclockers stay away!

iv'e used several MSI boards in the last 2 yrs and haven't had a prob with ANY of them.

oh and if they suck at overclocking , my sig must be the exception then ;)