Sorry but its time for a WT*(<--letter after E) IC7-Max3 issues


Feb 26, 2003
Just got back RMA'd processor and motherboard. Barebone install, outside of case. Still no POST, same thing, long spaced beeps, no screen. Tested all main components in other machine and works fine. Even switched psu's, everything. Is there a switch im supposed to flip to get this thing to work, gahh im so pissed at newegg and abit, even though its probably something im doing wrong!
Originally posted by LoStMaTt
Even switched psu's, everything.
Have you:

1. Swapped RAM with *proven working* sticks?
2. Made sure that the said DIMMs are fully locked and in their slots?
3. Tried switching RAM slots?
4. Tried swapping with a *proven working* video card?
Originally posted by LoStMaTt
Just got back RMA'd processor and motherboard. Barebone install, outside of case. Still no POST, same thing, long spaced beeps, no screen. Tested all main components in other machine and works fine. Even switched psu's, everything. Is there a switch im supposed to flip to get this thing to work, gahh im so pissed at newegg and abit, even though its probably something im doing wrong!

If a board beeps, the processor is likely to be good.

If a board beeps, the board is likely to be good.

It sounds like the error exists between the chair and the keyboard in your situation, which quite honestly pisses me off. Now, I along with everybody that buys motherboards will be subsidizing your stupidity. The LEAST you could have done before RMAing it was to go through a troubleshooting process with a few different forums and see if your problem(s) could be resolved.

You have no right to be pissed at newegg or any other vendor unless they don't know how to pack a box for shipping. You have no right to be pissed at abit unless they didn't test the board properly before it left the factory (which they do). The only person you have to blame is yourself, and I hope newegg charges you a diagnostics fee for sending them back perfectly functional product (or user damanged product).

I sold hundreds of motherboards last year, and not A SINGLE ONE OF THEM was TRUELY DOA. Restated: I didn't RMA a single one out of hundreds of boards that I personally sold last year.

Geez, Schro, chill out. :eek:
gahh im so pissed at newegg and abit, even though its probably something im doing wrong!
Anyway, to LostMatt: do you have another graphics card you could try in it? That's probably what your problem is, given the beep code. Also, what graphics card are you trying to install?

As for the RMA, well, that was silly. (Start threads like this BEFORE you RMA—it makes the [H] a far more helpful place. ;)
in the bios..."advanced chipset features"

take the ram OFF SPD and set it to manual...same values as spd is fine...

last five options...


try it...and see if it werks

forgot to mention...hold down the INSERT key when rebooting....wait for the post to begin...release insert key...will reset ram timings..
Cant even get a screen still. Swapped out with working memory and working video card, still no screen. Also swapped the PSU and still no go. Sending these components back again as I took it to a computer store just to confirm that the processor and motherboard were no good. I did some searching on Abit's forums and found some interesting posts made by BigEd. Bascially his PSU was frying all his parts..I thought this was the case until I put the PSU in another machine, flip the switch, everything is fine. This is just making me so upset, I can barely sleep at night, seriously.