20 Pin ---> 24 Pin Converter

The Doc

Jan 2, 2005
I know I can run a modern Pentium 4 system with a standard 20 Pin power connecter; however I would feel more comfortable using a 24 Pin power connecter. Where can I find one and how much do they cost? Lastly, would a 350W PSU be enough to run the following hardware?

Abit Fatal1ty AA8XE
2X256MB Crucial Ballistix 4-4-4-10
6200TC/X300 (I need a cheap video card to hold me over for the time being)
i seen it go in the FS section. you can also get it at pcpowerandcooling.com
350W by which brand? A Deer 350W PSU will most likely perform differently than a Fortron/Sparkle 350W PSU.
The Doc said:
I know I can run a modern Pentium 4 system with a standard 20 Pin power connecter; however I would feel more comfortable using a 24 Pin power connecter. Where can I find one and how much do they cost?

don't bother.
adding in an adapter like that is only going to hurt.
not only does the 20 pin cable still have shoulder the same load out to the start of the adapter, but you're adding another connector (and it's small, but non zero resistance) into the line.