

Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2003
well, I just upgraded from a zalman 7000A CU to a thermalright SI-97 to see if I could get some good temps at 2.6ghz on my barton xp-m

running 1.875V in it and the temps at idle at 48C with out a 120mm fan spacer and 49C with the 120mm fan spacer in. The spacer consists of a 120mm fan with the center removed as to lift the 120mm silenX 58cfm fan I am using now. Rising it will bring the deadspot up was my hope...but alas didnt work

what kind of temps are you guys getting

using artic silver 5 on a abit nf7-s rev 2.0 board...ideas
opps forgot with the zalman i was at 48C i am at the same spot...the case is an antec sonata with a 120mm intake and a 120mm exhaust both vantec stealths
You're using a 120mm fan on a 92mm sink? I dunno how you even got the thing on there but I'm sure the outer edges of the blades, where the most airflow is, aren't pushing air through the fins.

And don't even try a 120->92 adapter even if you can figure out how to attach it to the sink, cause with a 58CFM fan you'll get backflow around the edges from the restriction.
c00z said:
well, I just upgraded from a zalman 7000A CU to a thermalright SI-97 to see if I could get some good temps at 2.6ghz on my barton xp-m

running 1.875V in it and the temps at idle at 48C with out a 120mm fan spacer and 49C with the 120mm fan spacer in. The spacer consists of a 120mm fan with the center removed as to lift the 120mm silenX 58cfm fan I am using now. Rising it will bring the deadspot up was my hope...but alas didnt work

what kind of temps are you guys getting

using artic silver 5 on a abit nf7-s rev 2.0 board...ideas

58CFM? even my fart produces more than 58CFM... anyway.. as the previous post said... the heatsink is meant for 92mm fans.. with 120mm, you're only able to push the air across the edge of the heatsink... thus producing and even larger dead spot
the SI-97 comes with attachment bars for both 92 AND 120. But I agree, I didn't see the since in using a 120, big dead spot in the center of the cooler and all. I have a Panaflo 92 on mine and it does just fine.
I used a spacer 120mm as mentioned above to raise the deadzone above the heatsink. I am just suprised that this heatsink isnt as superior as it has been said to have been..and a 58cfm fan is quite alot of cfm since the recommended fan is only 48cfm 92mm so i am above the recommended by 21% so that is more than enough to offset the losses from the sides
what are you guys temps like and what are you running with with processor speed and voltage as well as case temp

My case temp is about 28C-30C depending on cpu that seems normal it is just the high delta temp above the case temp that is frustrating me
48C seems pretty high...i was getting 37C idle on my desktop barton at 1.85V....i'm assuming you've tried to reinstall the hs and TIM....
I know it is quite high...sandra says i am putting out 133 watts but i dont believe it..i would say closer to 100W max..I will try the cpu disconnect that my friend mentioned to me to see if it drops my idle temps....but otherwise i am not impressed by this cooler what so ever
Have you tried reseating it and applying a fresh layer of thermal paste? More paste is not always better. Try everything before you bash the company / cooler... :rolleyes:
yeah i have mounted it twice
i have also pushed and pulled it, also allowed the 200 hours of burn in for the artic silver 5...just wondering if anyone else at 1.875V and 2575mhz is having such high idle temps too?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the SI-97 come with 80mm and 92mm retention clips?

I've been getting pretty decent temps with a Sempron 2500 in a case with no fans other than the cpu one ... I average around the low 30's and it doesn't get above 40C at any point, even when the heat was turned on in my dorm room.

I should note that my motherboard doesn't support the lower voltage of the Sempron, so it's running slightly over-volted right now.
yep you are correct about that..only 80 and 92mm fan clips. However, you can simply use the 92mm ones on a 120mm without any issues...Basically what i am looking for is someone with the same heatsink running at a similar clock speed to see if these temps are correct or if there is some unknow issue
Not quite sure how you are measuring your temps..but my NF7 can be 10c inaccurate. (Cold boot temps reads about 8c higher than a warm boot read). It can also depend on the airflow in one's case and ambient temp. For pc60 is stock so airflow will be restrictive.

In anycase, I will clock my barton-m to approximately 2.6 (11.5x230 @1.875v) and report back.
Ok...back with the results. with a zalman 53cfm 92mm fan and mb set at (12x220 @1.875v) I'm doing 51C with ambient temp around 70F. Please keep in my my pc-60 is stock so the case air flow patter isn't that great.

I would say your temps are about just right with the si-97....its not the idle temp you should be worried about but rather the load temp which should be lower than the Zalman 7000. You're running near Water Cooling territory IMHO once you go above 2.55ghz and 1.8v...airflow and ambient temp plays a much more important role. I think it is normal to idle this high at this clock speed and voltage. But just to be on the safe side...we should confirm this with at least another person with similar setups. Hope this helps bro.

edit: Fluctuating between 51c to 53c now.
c00z, use a 92mm fan, will you please? Half the air from that 120mm is not moving through the heatsink.
I dunno about the 120mm fan bashing. I stuck a 120mm fan on my XP-90, and am getting better temps with less noise, and it is made for 92mm fans. I'm idling at like 30C (just checked my Asus probe). That with a different CPU and so forth (A64 3500+ Winchester), but idling at 48C seems pretty abnormal... that's 4C higher than the worst load temps I've seen, and that was with my case fans barely spinning.
ok, tried dropping it down to 2500mhz at 1.825V and getting idle temps of 47C and load temps while priming of about 59C...but the case temp goes from 30C to 37C which i think it a main reason for such a difference between load and idle temps. I have two 120mm fans, 1 vantec stealth intake (58cfm) and one outtake 120mm vantec steath running at full, guess the case still needs some more airflow seems the temps are showing it is a bit restrictive when the cpu is loaded up.

is 59C you think a tad high for load? also what is the max load temp you would want to run?
hey said 51-53C that is your idle correct? and what is your case temp as well as load temp? and is that with the sp-97 of the si-97?
c00z said:
is 59C you think a tad high for load? also what is the max load temp you would want to run?

According to AMD that is running well within specs, but personally I don't like my load temps to break 50C. I am currently running at 51C load temps on a 2400+ @ 2.2 (11x200). I have my SI-97 on order with a 92mm fan so I will post how my results turnout. I am currently running a Vantec Aeroflow.
I have a SI-97 w/AS5 and a 92mm Vantec Tornado and im Idling at 25C and 30C Load.
Other things may make your temps jump, like how the HS is seated and if you put the AS5 wrong on.

My Specs:
Barton 2500+ @ 2.3Ghz
2.3ghz with a load temp of 30C, something is wrong with that numbers they just dont add up. What is you ambient temp is your case temp is only 25C. Honestly watercooling wont even get your processor that cold. Your temps must be off quite a bit since the SI-97 is only rated at .23C/W meaning that it will rise .23C per watt applied. Thus lets say that your processor on the low side is putting out a low ball of 80W at 2.3ghz. So 80W *.23C/W = 18.4 C rise above ambient and since ambient is your case temp since the surrounding air for the heatsink is being supplied from the case one can assume that the ambient temp can be replaced with that of the case temp. So 20C case temp (amazingly low) + 18.4C means 38.4C. Now you can see why I find that hard to believe, you are 8.4C lower than that of the ideal and I lowballed everything from you amazingly low case temp to the wattage outputted from your processor
Opps, im sorry, this is when im not Overclocked. Im at 32C Idle and 36C Load. Plus, dont forget i have a Vantec tornadoe. I dont know my ambient temps.
what are your case temps as well as what voltage are you running throught the processor?
with these heatpipe coolers most of the heat is dumped along the outside edges of the fins
so having a deadspot in the center won't hurt anything.
Actually using a spacer prob hurts temps because the flow around the edges of the cooler
(where the heatpipes dump there heat) is slower.
yeah their was no improvement either way with the 120mm*38mm i think it was, so I removed it. I think I will attempt to remout this again, however from teh earlier post of the one person running a similar speed as I and the same voltage getting over 50C idle, makes me hope that it is simply just a remount problem and not me maxing out its cooling abilities
hey said 51-53C that is your idle correct? and what is your case temp as well as load temp? and is that with the sp-97 of the si-97?

anyone else running similar speeds/volts with a SI-97 can you post your temps to see if I am in the range or if I am not that it is an unresolved issue...thanks
Just installed my SI-97 with a Thermaltake 90mm Smart fan and AS 5. Load temps are between 46-47C.

I have an Abit NF7-S rev 2.0 -- 2400+ (210 x 10.5) @ 1.85v. Case temp is about 25C.