3200+ @ 1.09ghz?


Jul 9, 2004
Hey guys, i've just gotten back into the computer scene, dropped out for about 2 years.
So i just built up a new system tonight, everything went smoothly, and i am quite happy.
Except, when i booth through DOS, it comes up saying AthlonXP 1010mhz, and in Windows (XP) in the System Information screen i see an Athlon XP at 1.09Ghz.
What's the go here? Is this simply a problem with the computer not showing the correct speed? or am i not getting the full speed from the CPU? I believe a 3200+ runs at 2.2ghz? Correct me if i am wrong?
Motherboard is a ASUS A7N8X-X if that helps any.

Perhaps there is some small setting i need to just change, i'm not quite sure.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

make sure your FSB and multiplier are setup in the BIOS correctly. it should be set to 200 and 11x
If it's a new system that you've just built, chances are that the motherboard manufacturer has set the speeds to a "safe" setting in order to prevent damage to the processor or other components.

The stock multiplier for the AXP 3200 is 11, and the stock FSB is 200. Try setting those as the settings. If you have time tonight, try and run Prime95 to make sure your system is stable.

(edit: aiyee, the [H]Supreme beat me to it).
felix88 said:
make sure your FSB and multiplier are setup in the BIOS correctly. it should be set to 200 and 11x

Thanks guys, much appreciated, and speedy informative replies too :)

I'll reboot in a few minutes and see if what you have said is correct.

Maybe i'll stick around in here :)
Well done guys.
I can't believe it was so simple.
It was set to 100mhz and x11
Back where it should be now, and wow, did Windows load fast this time around :D

Thankyou guys so much, if you're ever in Canberra i'll buy you both a beer.
synoptism said:
(edit: aiyee, the [H]Supreme beat me to it).

yeah, but you typed more big words than i did. ;)

Aurora, glad you've got it working. now try overclocking that bugger.
i had that same problems, you should look in your manual for the pin/jumper settings. There will be 2 jumpers incase you overclock your cpu too much and it wont boot. Just set the jumpers on user mode and put the other jumper on the bus speed, probly like 166 and you put the fsb to what it should be. 11x200 or somthing like that to = 2.2ghz. GL
Yeah, it's semi working now.
Had CONSTANT crashing problems, talked to the guys i bought the parts from, and they said sounds like memory, run this test.
Ran it, nearly 2000 errors on the RAM. Kingston RAM...was it a bad move on my part?

They are replacing it with Kingmax for no cost.

But it's annoying, it will be almost a week since i got it all, and it's still not running right.

Also, while i am making a post, what temp should the 3200+ be running at? What's too much, etc.
High 20s-low 30s @ idle, i saw it hit 44 at one stage.That's celcius BTW.

Once again, thanks guys.
If the ram is not PC3200, you are probably going to rape it!
If it is PC3200, set you bios to set it's timings by SPD and see if that helps.
Kingston RAM is better than Kingmax anyday.

i agree with nweibley, make sure it's PC3200, and check your timings in your BIOS.
I had the same problem as Aurora, random reboots when i had my Corsair PC2700 in w/ ze Barton. Lowered teh timings and that helped out alot.
Well, i've sent the RAM back, so hopefully the new RAM arrives home with me soon.
If i am still experiencing these crashes, i'll check out the timing on the RAM, and set it to SPD...whatever that is. :)
RAM should arrive home tomorrow. I'll pop it in, hopefully no more random crashes.

As for the heat question...anybody know what heat the 3200+ should be around...or what's not an acceptable number?
Wish my CPU idle'ed that low.

Anyways, my mobile Barton @ 2.4ghz idles at 36c and on load hits about 41c. Running at 1.65 volts in a SuperLanboy using a Thermalright SK-97? LoL, don't remember, the one with the heatpipes.

44 sounds acceptable to me.
i recently just booted myy 64-bit 2800+. I am currently at 1.78GHZ. is this the standard speed for these chips, is is my multiplier off as well?
cool-n-quiet.? I have a 120mm on the back under 28db, with a side intake @ 30db, then the cpu fan....but thats no biggie. I wanted to know what the average off the shelf speed for a 64-bit athlon 2800+ with the chaintech board from the far cry combo clocks at. Any input?
is it the cool n quite in action?

paymepunk cool n quiet doesn't have to do with your fan speeds per say. Think of it like a laptop, when its not being used, the cpu is throttled down to save battery, and the athlon64 does something similar to this as well, and allows it to cool easier cause it isn't running as fast. The motherboard will slow your fans down when in operation if that fan is drawing power thru the mobo. Not many motherboards support it tho, but you probably woudn't notice it if you did have it on your board, its supposed to be a seemless operation, but I can't confirm that as I'm runnin a mobile xp right now. Also your 2800+ at 1.78 is about right, they're supposed to run at 1.8ghz stock, so 20 mhz won't be noticiable at all. Hope that clears things up for ya.
great, thanks so much. I am still learning alot of the jargon, and enjoying every ounce i get. Sorry to thread whore, but is there some software i can get for free to test the benchmarks of my system? I hear a lot about people using diff proograms to guage their systems, and although i know not to take these readings to heart, i'd like to see how my system performs. I guess its time to look into the OC manuals to try to figure out how to's. Is 2-2.2ghz unreasonable to expect from this chip and motherboard?
Boo yeah!
I got my RAM and everything is SWEET again! :D :D :D
No crashes, no random restarts, all smooth.

As for the heat, i pulled the fan speed controller out so the fan runs full speed all the time. I can stand having a fighter jet sound in my room, it's all good :D