my rig wc rig

Very nice. I can see that you've been handling your case a lot (lots of fingerprints). Got any more pics? Any of the inside or the watercooling loop?
Originally posted by mustang_steve
man you got the B rev board......

now i feel sad :p

its ok

and yes i will clean it and i need to re do my output hose from the pump cuz i can't get the psu all the way in

as u can c i took care in how i set up my hoses. i got a tube in a tube just incase the quick connects leak
Originally posted by Creizai
Where'd ya pick up that nice chip?

newegg i acualy got 2 of them but sold the other to a friend.

got them a week apart and that was last month
wow what a nice overclock with a 2100. :) my 2400 needs 2.0v to hit 2.5ghz :(
Originally posted by KoZLop
wow what a nice overclock with a 2100. :) my 2400 needs 2.0v to hit 2.5ghz :(

im running 1.93 as cpu-z reports
I still want to get my hands on a B rev, just so I can have the option of using bolt-mount waterblocks...I have no clue why they let the "A" get released without them..grr..