Search results

  1. O

    Recommendation for a P965 mb with 1394

    The title says it all. I need a p965 board for overclocking my e4300, and it needs to have firewire so that I can get all of my peripherals hooked up. So far all I've really found is the Asus p5b. I plan to look for more, but was hoping you guys might have some input for me when I get...
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    dvd drive +dvd burner == can't boot :(

    that's the way i originally tried it once i started messing with the jumpers... any other ideas? :)
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    dvd drive +dvd burner == can't boot :(

    (cliff notes at the bottom) ok, i've been trying to install my new NEC 3550A dvd burner all night. originally, i tried to install it as my 2nd dvd drive...the 1st being a lite-on dvd drive that i've had for awhile, but, when i attempted this, i got the following error: "Windows could not...
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    what are the best mobile processors for gaming? ranked...

    so what would be your ideal cpu for a lappy? and if you can't afford it, what would be the next best solution? thx for your opinions! :D
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    ideas for a hsf that will fit a ssf

    i need a quieter than stock hsf for a 9800pro that will fit a sb61g2 shuttle ssf case. any ideas?
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    ideas for hsf that will fit sb61g2 case and 9800pro

    any ideas on finding a hsf for a 9800pro that will still fit into a shuttle sb61g2? thx in advance
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    blank screen with DVI -- HELP ME PLZ!!!

    yah, i suppose that is an idea, i'll try it out tomorrow, hopefully my roommate will have dvi on her card :rolleyes: (probably not with my luck thou)
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    blank screen with DVI -- HELP ME PLZ!!!

    i tried, but it always flips back vga . . . at least you tried thou
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    blank screen with DVI -- HELP ME PLZ!!!

    thx for the help guys :(
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    blank screen with DVI -- HELP ME PLZ!!!

    I have a x800pro, a dvi-d to evc(p&d) adapter, going to a hp p1100 crt. vga output is fine (meaning it works, but it can be alittle 'redish' at times) dvi output on the other hand is a no go. i've tried pluggin in only the dvi/evc cord to the monitor to no avail, and both the vga and dvi...
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    For people who did the X800XT From Gateway...

    mine was due today, i ordered june 30th, and it obviously didn't come in. so i called gateway and they said they had "no information on the product," so i don't think it's not coming in anytime soon. i did manage to get bumped up to overnight delivery, so that is cool, and i made sure they...
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    you know, i really, REALLY thought about cancelling, i did have over $700s worth of video cards on order (the x800pro and x800xt); especially since i had given my lil'nephew my 9700pro a day or two after i ordered the x800 (which was the day i started this thread). But you know, it has totally...
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    ah good time are but a few short minutes away. . .yes friends, the wait has finally paid off :p and i have in my hand a dented cardboard box containing my sweet sweet x800pro! thank the gods, i was starting to forget what games looked like :eek: now the only question is, do i play some...
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    checked my email this morning and . . . Dear OCKKY : Thanks again for shopping at! We are pleased to tell you that we shipped the items listed below. We suggest you save this e-mail in case you have any questions about your order. sw-w-w-w-w-eet! maybe if i'm...
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    Finally after weeks of calling, and checking the web site, my order has gone from "back ordered" to "In Process"! sweet, I can't wait for it to change to shipped next month! :p ORDER SHIPPING STATUS Item Status----Item#----------Product Name In...
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    lol, i called today, and they said there was no known ETA. looks like we's gots a long LONG time to wait :( for any who don't know, i was the one who started the thread incase you're wondering when i ordered it.
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    not a bad damn idea. . .
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    lol, called today, and they now say 'they will be in on the 5th'. christ! so, i'm keeping this order, and jumping on the x800xt order at gateway, i figure, one of them has to ship this year right?! :rolleyes:
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    i also called today, the 29th, and they said they are expecting the x800's on the 3rd, same as above. i ordered mine around 9am, on whatever day I started this thread :rolleyes: ( as if it will help me any?! )
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    Hot x800pro $329 shows as $399 till checkout

    Here's a x800pro that shows up as $399 then turns to $329 :eek: upon checkout. I just ordered it. shipping was about $7 ground. Shipping begins on the 28th of June D'oh!<---linkage site seems to be sporatic today. . . :rolleyes: UPDATE: we who ordered, may just have found something...
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    online places to buy??

    Metallica, hold your ground buddy, these people are all idiots if they want to pay an extra $20-30 dollars everytime they order something online. I'm with you and have always thought NE was a ripoff. Only every now and again will they have a decent deal. . .and who wants a decent deal? Nobody...
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    and obviously a momma's boy who needs his hand held whilst crossing the street. . .sheesh :rolleyes: on another note: Hotlanta in the heezouse!
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    Awesome stuff for sale!

    sweet, sweet, nakies
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    X800 for $365

    i ordered one, but have since canceled, mostly because the cards are all on backorder. so that kinda blows me thinks
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    FS: 9800pro, 512mb thumb drive, 80g HDD, Evangelion Box Set

    bump for an arse kicking price for the eva box set! too bad i've already got it :(
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    X800 for $365

    er, its an x800 not 9800. . .and seeing that you are from the good'ol GA, i have to say that there are some smokin hot chicks in the athens starbucks currently! go dawgs! oh ya, i just got in on this deal, and i'm starting to second guess myself as far as, sheesh, i just spent $360, what was...
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    X800 XT PE at for $434.95

    crap, the link is already down! noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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    9700>9800 flash...possible?

    lol, we are the only people reading this forum for sure! okay, so between the following, which is the better to use: powerstrip rage3d tweak ati tool radlinker/radtweaker speak up people! and what about flashing to the 9800 bios? answers answers, we need answers!
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    9700>9800 flash...possible?

    not that this is an answer to your question. . .because it's not, it's just another question :P . .. what would be the best tool to overclock this card, other than doing a straight bios flash, inorder to figure out it's speeds. so far i know of powerstrip, ati tool, and rage3d tweak, and I was...
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    should i upgrade to the x800?

    i've got a p4 2.7 with a gig of pc2700 and a 9700 pro. is my processor going to be fast enough to push the x800, or would i just be wasting my time. . . someone needs to create a site that keeps comparisons on all of these cards . . .i'd do it, but i have a dog thanks for the help and...
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    year round hot deal at CompUSA

    hotlanta in the hizouse!
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    how to limit time for network users?

    sweet! bignasty you rock! mwhaha, now my kids will be forced to camp and get mosquito bits and ticks and mwhahahahaha :D Thanks a load
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    how to limit time for network users?

    i'd perfer to prevent the kiddo's from getting the extra time, than having to ground them for trying to be sneaky. It's a good thought thou, thanks. any one else willing to take a stab at this?
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    how to limit time for network users?

    I've got some kids at home and I'm trying to get them out of the house more often, so i'm i've told them they can game for two hours a week on the home network. unfortunately, me being a working dad, i can't be there all the time to watch them(time-wise), so i was wondering if there were any...
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    lol, cracking games illegal?

    since my last thread was "dethreaded," i have to reply by post a whole new thread. (what sillyness):rolleyes: last i knew, it was only illegal to play pirated games, not crack games you own and play. the fact that I am a programmer (hence where i would gain experience), and want to crack a...
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    Cracking Games. (system shock) Where to start?

    I don't know why, but as of lately I'm interested in learning how to crack my System Shock 2 game. I was wondering where I should start? I don't actually want to download a crack for it, I want to make my own. Should I do it with a Hex-editor or something else? Any ideas would be greatly...
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    best wireless laptop card?

    what is the best (distance-wise) laptop wireless card to get? It can be B or G. i just want a card that gets the best distance, i'm tired of sitting in the same room as the router. thanks