how to limit time for network users?


Feb 18, 2003
I've got some kids at home and I'm trying to get them out of the house more often, so i'm i've told them they can game for two hours a week on the home network. unfortunately, me being a working dad, i can't be there all the time to watch them(time-wise), so i was wondering if there were any programs out there that can limit a user's time usage by the network admin (me).

thanks for any help
you can turn on auditing for logon events. then you could see when they log on and off in the event logs. not the best solution, but pretty easy (and free) to get going.
i'd perfer to prevent the kiddo's from getting the extra time, than having to ground them for trying to be sneaky. It's a good thought thou, thanks. any one else willing to take a stab at this?
get a computer case that has a key door and a power button behind it ;)
If you have/get a router, usually you can specify which IP addresses can access the internet, and you can specify at which times they can access the internet.. example..

Set them up on a Domain and you can pick their logon hours. Just deny logons from 6pm-10 or something..
hehe glad you weren't my dad. I'd be a hellishly better hacker if you were trying to cut down on my PC time :D
Perhaps start out by auditing their access, then if they abuse it, crack down by actually restricting it. That way your kids will know that they can't pull a fast one on you. But then again, what do I know, I'm not a parent... :cool: ;)
don't know, but maybe remote access to monitor it and if they abuse it you can disable the ethernet card from work
Originally posted by gymboy689
don't know, but maybe remote access to monitor it and if they abuse it you can disable the ethernet card from work

Big Brother is watching YOU! ;)
Fortres makes a nice little program called Time Limit Manager, unfortunately it only works for 95/98/ME that kinda suks, but if you really need it it is worth it, i have tried it and you make a disk that has a certain amount of time then the user had to put that disk in in order to get access, if you are using XP or 2k i got it to work but i found a couple work arounds... Good luck.
If you were to go with the first posters idea then all you'ed have to do disable (not delete) their accounts when their time is exceeded,

I'm not sure if this can be done via a local access policy might be albe to, I might look when I go back and see why my local pokicy is even effecting admins GRRRRR!
sweet! bignasty you rock! mwhaha, now my kids will be forced to camp and get mosquito bits and ticks and mwhahahahaha

:D Thanks a load