For people who did the X800XT From Gateway...


Jun 10, 2004
What is your current status? I don't mean Your estimated arrival date is X/X/X, I mean have you kept the order, canceled and bought another X800XT, or gone with a 6800 series?

Myself, I'm still waiting, and my arrival date is the 15th... by the end of this week, however, when dangerden gets their 6800 waterblock out, I'll either have my x800, or be ordering a GT + Waterblock.

I know this topic has been beat to DEATH, but I'd still like to know :)
Since D3's benchmarks came out, I'll bet Gateway has had a lot of canceled orders.
Repost of mine from an earlier thread...

Another Gateway horror story...

Ordered on the 2nd, got an order status yesterday saying I must call customer service for info. I was informed that my order did not go through because of bad "credit". I tried to get him to explain what he meant and he said either my card got rejected or a system error...... . So I ask him where I stood concering others people's orders on the video card. He told me that the product that I orignially order was no longer for sale, and may have been replaced with the more expensive X800 Pro. I of course told him no, and he then said that I could not repurchase the product named x800 XT PE since, he was certain it was renamed the x800 Pro. I chuckled a bit, but was let down after a month of waiting. I really thought they were going to get it right since no one else had got theres. Once again gateway has proven themselves to be the most unorganized company around.

I will say that the week before hand, I had ordered from NewEgg no problem, and even went through the trouble of talking to the CSR of my CC company. They said there was no issues concerning my credit. I just got fed a bunch of crap
interesting link, but not really... ya know... useful :p Unless you mean "ATI is bad, so people canceled", but whatever.

Even more interesting with the gateway credit thing.... they've called me a total of 4 times, just making sure I want to keep the order... each time, yes, keep it.

Gateway IS unorganized, I beleive that... but I just wonder if they have the cards, and don't want to sell, or what exactly the story is.

Sorry for beinging this dead horse back up, but I had to comment again :) Just let it die now... unless you don't want to, heh.
Anyone want to keep their order and I can give you money for the card todaY?
I was about to say the same thing... anyone want to keep there order and let me pay for it? =).
I have no opinion on Gateway other than they continue to send me stuff but have yet to correct my name. Hell, I even tried to stop their mailings and it's the same ole crap.

As for your credit card problems, I wouldn't be quick to blame Gateway on this (although it's fun). I'm guessing they probably needed a CCV code in order for it to authorize and if one was not given on the order, it wouldn't go through. CCV codes are usually requested by cc companies to thwart fraud. This is about the most common cc decline now days other than the normal idiots that are way over on their limit.
TypeO said:
I have no opinion on Gateway other than they continue to send me stuff but have yet to correct my name. Hell, I even tried to stop their mailings and it's the same ole crap.

As for your credit card problems, I wouldn't be quick to blame Gateway on this (although it's fun). I'm guessing they probably needed a CCV code in order for it to authorize and if one was not given on the order, it wouldn't go through. CCV codes are usually requested by cc companies to thwart fraud. This is about the most common cc decline now days other than the normal idiots that are way over on their limit.

That is a valid point, because I dont remember them asking for it. But why would they be trying to charge it anyways, unless they actually had it in stock, which I think we can all agree that they dont.
For anyone who defended against the reviews, please have a little more faith in next time. ;)
I ordered mine on the 16th of June, it still shows when I check the order status. I did get a call just before they missed the 15 July ship date to see whether or not I still wanted it. My next ship date is tomorrow 7-28, which I know they will miss as ATI has semi-offically stated it will not ship in any quantity until 8-15 or later. Like I said in the previous post, it costs me $0 to wait in line. If the deal falls through, no problem. I just badmouth Gateway on the forums, report them to the BBB and never do business with them again. If it works out I save a ton of $$$. In the meantime when the 6800's get in stock at Fry's I will pick one up. If the XT comes in within 30 days of me getting the 6800 I will simply return the 6800 to Frys for a full refund, no harm done. Nuff said....
I am also waiting for the card. I'm trying to be calm about it, but its tough when eveyrone is buying up 6800GTs and screaming about its success. But this is such a good deal that I just have to wait to find out if it will work out. Its just too good of a deal (X800 XT for $385). I've called just about every day trying to get a status on the order, asking them to read me the name of the card (to make sure its not a PRO), and the price they ahve listed. Am I being a pest? Probably. But, its also a large sum of money despite the discount, and I want to make sure I dont get screwed. On a side note, when I called today to get a status, the lady noticed how long I have been waiting and upgraded my shipping to next-day for free. :)
UltimaParadox said:
That is a valid point, because I dont remember them asking for it. But why would they be trying to charge it anyways, unless they actually had it in stock, which I think we can all agree that they dont.

Well...when you place an order (with most companies), they will go for preauthorization regardless if the items in stock or not. They are basically verifying that you have the funds to complete the transaction. If they cannot ship the item, they will usually attempt preauthorization every 3 days so that when the product does come in, your card is approved and ready to go. I'm sure they don't have it in stock and will continue the same ole song and dance. For those of you that are told "your card declined". I would ask them what the decline code is. Each code points to a reason on why it was declined. Two individuals at work ordered laptops from Gateway within the last sixth months, both experienced ridiculous ordering problems. I personally won't deal with them.
I'm still waiting for mine. $464 with tax and shipping, and so far Doom 3 is the only game that it plays second fiddle. That latest review it still outperforms a watercooled 6800 Ultra in many tests. Having said that, I also have a 6800 Ultra on order, both scheduled for the 2nd, so..... one will get sold.
TypeO said:
Well...when you place an order (with most companies), they will go for preauthorization regardless if the items in stock or not. They are basically verifying that you have the funds to complete the transaction. If they cannot ship the item, they will usually attempt preauthorization every 3 days so that when the product does come in, your card is approved and ready to go. I'm sure they don't have it in stock and will continue the same ole song and dance. For those of you that are told "your card declined". I would ask them what the decline code is. Each code points to a reason on why it was declined. Two individuals at work ordered laptops from Gateway within the last sixth months, both experienced ridiculous ordering problems. I personally won't deal with them.

Yeah wouldn't I have gone through the preauthorization when I ordered on the 2nd of JUNE. I had no problems up till the end of July, when my order status changed from Delivery expected xx/xx/xxxx to Call Customer Service.
mine was due today, i ordered june 30th, and it obviously didn't come in. so i called gateway and they said they had "no information on the product," so i don't think it's not coming in anytime soon. i did manage to get bumped up to overnight delivery, so that is cool, and i made sure they mark me as "do NOT cancel". next time i call i'm gonna make them give me free shipping so that my total cost with overnight shipping will go down from $398 to $391 total. it's gonna be one hell of a christmas when i get this baby in, woot! thank god i got one of the few $330 x800pros to hold me over till then :D