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  1. R

    First Elder Scrolls Online Trailer has been Released

    It's been in development since 2007, and all Bethesda can put together for an announcement trailer is an animated CGI graphic?
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    First Elder Scrolls Online Trailer has been Released

    The trailer shows nothing, don't waste your time.
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    $304 Million Apple Austin Campus "In Peril"

    California government is dead broke, and they are giving Apple $30+ million in tax incentives? You have got to be kidding me.
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    Blame Netflix Troubles on Spotty Streaming Selection

    Did the streaming service for about 3 months maybe a year ago or so, and then un-sub'd. The movie selection just wasn't compelling enough and from what I understand, it has gotten worse since then. Honestly, I would be willing to pay around $30 / month for a movie catalog that includes all DVD...
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    Company Aims To Strike It Rich By Mining Asteroids

    Would have loved to have seen what Gerald Bull could have pulled off had he had legitimate funding and support from a western democracy. Oh well...
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    Facebook Nude Pics Earn Boyfriend 6 Months in Jail

    How many times does this type of story have to run before people realize that posting anything questionable to facebook probably isn't a good idea?
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    Big Government Wants a Black Box in YOUR Car

    Infowars? Really?
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    Potential For Digital Pearl Harbor Is Real

    He might be right, but we all know what happened AFTER Pearl Harbor. A "cyber Pearl Harbor" would be considered the same as an attack on the US mainland, and would elicit a military response in kind. This serves as a deterrent to this type of attack. So I am not too worried. The bigger fear...
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    Zuckerberg Did $1B Instagram Deal On His Own

    At 1 billion he still overpaid. The thought of someone like Zuckerberg having the negotiating skill and experience to get fair price for Instagram is laughable. It's almost as if he looked at Facebook''s value and said, "What's a billion to me?".
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    French Designer Working on "Revolutionary" Product For Apple

    That is hideous. My eyes are bleeding.
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    Get Ready for a Summer of Sci-Fi

    No. I appreciate good acting more than good looks. She can't act and totally miscast in her role.
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    Get Ready for a Summer of Sci-Fi

    The Total Recall trailer looked great...and then Jessica Biel showed up.
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    IE Reclaims Lost Ground in Browser Battle

    I left FF about 6 months ago. Just too many lockups when loading pages. I am not sure what has happened to that browser, but is is starting to remind me of what happened to Netscape back in the late 1990s. I am using Chrome now but may switch to IE once Windows 8 releases.
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    LG’s 55-Inch OLED Arriving Early for the Olympics

    Yeah $8k is much less than I thought it would be. Looks like these could become affordable in 3-4 years.
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    Apple’s Biogas Fuel Cell Plant Could Go Live By June

    This makes me feel much much better about their use of Foxconn for slave er...outsourced labor.
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    Jim Balsillie Has Left RIM’s Board of Directors

    RIM will eventually exist only as an interesting case study.
  17. R

    Chapel Hill Bans All Cell Phone Use While Driving

    Rubbernecking is human nature, cell phone usage isn't. However, your point is well taken, considering how many accidents are caused by people playing with their phones, which in turn causes everyone on the other side of the road to rubberneck. So, ban cell phone use, reduce accidents and...
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    Chapel Hill Bans All Cell Phone Use While Driving

    Good. I can't wait until a nationwide ban is in place. I have experienced people driving slow, lane drifting and simply not paying attention...all because they are on their phones..way too much. Put your fucking phone down and concentrate on driving your car.
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    iPad Vs. Lasers

    Flash torches? Those things look wicked.
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    iPads Break When You Drop Them On Concrete!

    I found the idiots smashing a ps3 on release day more entertaining than this.
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    Gordon Freeman VS. The Master Chief

    Gordon Freeman...BECAUSE HE HAS A NAME
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    Best/Worst Launch Titles

    I second the original Mario Brothers. Everyone was blown away that that game you played in the arcades or at pizza shops was playable...on your own home TV back in the mid 1980s.
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    Anonymous Posts Response Letter To FBI Informant Sabu

    Your kids, freedom and honor are all at risk when you chose to do the things that Sabu did. These are the rules of the game. Don't like the rules, don't play the game.
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    The best space strategy game ever made is...

    Imperium galactica
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    FFXIV - World merges

    This isn't surprising since the game was practically DOA. With SWTOR released and Guild Wars 2 and TSW coming later this year, this game has absolutely no chance of surviving it through 2012.
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    Looking for a Cyber-Punk RPG

    ShadownRun on the SNES is one of the best games I have ever played and in my top 5 ever. The game was an absolute masterpiece.
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    dell 2405 round 2

    I game on one of these quite a lot. If you are going to game at the 2405's native res (1920x1600) then you will need a pretty good video card. I have a 7800 GTX right now and it can drive this monitor fairly well. I will be buying another card in the future and going SLI since I would like to...
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    Win2K3 and 7800GTX

    Do not install Win 2k3 Server if you intend to use that machine as your main productivity/gaming machine. That OS is explicitly intended to be used as a server, period. Use Windows XP Pro instead.
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    2405FPW owners - please read, dead pixel survey

    I have used DPT almost daily to look for dead pixels. I have found none. I have had my 2405 for about 1 week now.
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    Actually...if I put my ear up against the back of my 2405 I can hear a very slight whine. I have to turn off ALL background noise, though, to hear it. It's a non-issue for me. I would not have even known about the whine if other people weren't reporting it. I don't hear it even in a quiet...
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    No high pitched sounds or dead pixels on my 2405. I have had my 2405 since March 11th.
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    Dell 2405FWP $849 Shipped (USA)

    Buy a 2405 get one free? There has to be a catch to that deal somewhere.
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    I have been using mine pretty heavily since Friday when it arrived and no dead pixels have shown up on my 2405 yet either.
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    You most definitely must turn the gamma down on the monitor, the factory settings are way to bright. Once you have the colors finely tuned the monitor looks fantastic running both productivity apps and games. Half Life 2 is incredible on this screen. WoW required me to up the aliasing to...
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    I am loving my 2405. It just arrived today and software development on it is just awesome. I use Visual Studio.NET and it makes the IDE sooooooo much more manageable and easy to work with. I haven't delved into my image manipulation programs yet, but I am sure it will work very well. I...
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    Dell 2405FWP $849 Shipped (USA)

    Mine just arrived today. Thanks Dell!
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    Dell 2405FWP $849 Shipped (USA)

    I got a Dell representative's information from FatWaller and pulled the trigger on this deal yesterday. The order information took a day to get through the system and now my order is in Processing. I got it for $860 + tax w/ free 2 day shipping. The total came out to $ incredible...
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    BestBuy's "Recommended" (aka pressure to sell) Hardware for Doom 3

    Cold Cathode Lights.........adds 5Mhz!!!!! :rolleyes: I am going to ask Best Buy what I can buy to make Doom 3 run better just to see if they reccomend these lights.
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    I feel bad for id

    This is Maybe because I want to stay away from that source of news? I wasn't trying to get your panties all in a bunch.
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    I feel bad for id

    What in the hell? That has to be the most idiotic thing I have ever heard! What was the reporters name and who was he working for?