First Elder Scrolls Online Trailer has been Released


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
We reported on Thursday that The Elder Scrolls will be online in 2013 and on Friday, the first teaser trailer of what will surely be many to follow, was released. It doesn’t really show much, but that’s what makes it a teaser. :D
The only interesting thing so far about this game is that Michael Gambon narrated the trailer.

I knew I heard a familiar voice there. The game itself sounds terrible, I hope it fails badly. You don't put TES in a fucking MMO
I hope this bombs so badly that it discourages other studios from taking a steaming MMO shit on their single player RPG franchises. :mad:
I'd say making multiplayer nullifies the main thing that makes Elder Scrolls great, but that would be stating the obvious. For everyone's sake, please leave the MMO crap alone Bethesda.

Now to go practice my British gravitas accent so I can be set for life doing voice overs...
I hope this bombs so badly that it discourages other studios from taking a steaming MMO shit on their single player RPG franchises. :mad:

Normally I wouldn't want an elder scrolls game to flop, but WTF. One of the biggest reasons I like the elder scrolls series(except 4) is that the games are massive and expansive worlds without a population of morons to go with it.
Yeah, this doesn't look so good. They're taking out many of the elements that make an Elder Scrolls game an Elder Scrolls game (1st person, hotbar, gritty graphics). This might as well be generic MMO #78.

That said, it's still very early so maybe as we get more info it'll all start to make sense.
This is utter garbage, how's this even a teaser? Just a rendered video and not even a speck of actual in-game footage. All I can say is, this thing is disappointing!
I still like the idea of a whole world map (all lands together) and the ability to plan on LAN or host a dedicated server. Not behind this MMO shit though...just give me LAN play damnit.
This was nothing but an animated game logo you see on the loading screen of a game. :mad:
Zenimax/Bethseda just needs to get it out of their system. Seems everyone with enough money thinks it's worth trying making an MMO. Hopefully they will return to TES6 after they get this out of their system. I can't see any reason why this would succeed.

I still like the idea of a whole world map (all lands together) and the ability to plan on LAN or host a dedicated server. Not behind this MMO shit though...just give me LAN play damnit.

Mostly indy devs make games with LAN now days. Hardly anything else.
This sounds like a horrible idea. An MMO concept in the Elder Scrolls universe wouldn't be a bad idea itself but does the story line have to be so crappy? Make it a Stormclocks v. Imperials thing, or a characters v. Falmer trying to take over, something where an unfinished but established side story is explored. But this?
The characters don't even have any shadow on the ground. Its 2012, I'm sure most PC out there can handle something better than that.

I blame that on early revision graphics. Hopefully as it gets closer to retail they'll flesh out the graphics.
■TES Online will be seen from a third person perspective, and skills will be activated from a hotbar. (see below where we no do netcode good)
■Fights will no longer be in real time. See PvP play above. (Because we can no do netcode good)
■Presently, there are no plans to include a system that allows players to invest in property as they could in the single-player experience. (Because no MMORPG has evar done this)
■Marriage and relationships will be confined to inter-player relations, rather than arrangements with NPC characters. (Divorce rate is over 9000%)
■Players will be unable to contract Vampire and Werewolf diseases, but there will be Vampires and Werewolves in the game. (Because... We don't know, just because!)

As usual, a company hires fantastically talented CGI artists. The only problem is that CGI has nothing to do with playing the actual game. Ingame footage next time please.
As usual, a company hires fantastically talented CGI artists. The only problem is that CGI has nothing to do with playing the actual game. Ingame footage next time please.

That annoys me about trailers. Almost every steam game has some trailer which is a load of CGI footage of something vaguely related to the game. But it tells you around 0 outside for a few character designs.

I don't mind if it's that laced with a few ingame shots, but it needs some. Otherwise it's just a waste of time!
This has been in production since 2007, with design goals set around that time.

If that doesn't answer nine out of then questions about this..
I've been trying to track down the original source of the info you quoted and I've only been able to track it back to here:
Which seems to be some kind of anyone-can-edit wiki-thing, and it doesn't appear to have a source there. Maybe it's just rampant speculation/trolling?

Hopefully! I did just read it from that from a few comments back when it was posted.

Though, knowing bethesda, it does have a strange level of believability about it for some reason...:D
At first i was like :D

But then i was like :eek:

And now I'm all like :(:(:(:(:(

I just hope this money pit that will probably fail won't end up putting Bethesda out of business. We could end up with another Westwood studios over here.... They made a first person shooter and attempted a MMO several times and they alll sucked, they should of stuck to RTS style games.
This has been in production since 2007, with design goals set around that time.

If that doesn't answer nine out of then questions about this..

It's been in development since 2007, and all Bethesda can put together for an announcement trailer is an animated CGI graphic?
So its a wow clone. Yay. Seriously, they should have kept it first person and kept the combat the same then at least there would be something in it's favor.
Holy SWTOR Batman! I hope I'm wrong but that looks like the Hero Engine.

Yeah, it looks like every other piece of shit wow clone out there.
Greed makes people stupid.:(

The "Zero Engine" would be the icing on the cake lol.
It is the same Hero Engine that is used in SWTOR.

Oh WTF, seriously?

SWTOR marketing mode high-rez texture fiasco.
SWTOR Ilum world PvP fiasco.

The game engine still can't handle high resolution textures for squat even after all of the patching that Bioware did, and it's ability to handle no more than 20-30 players in an area is why Bioware basically eliminated the relevance of Ilum from the game so they wouldn't have to deal with patching it for world PvP. It still can't handle SLI and crossfire quite right. It still suffers from horrendous input lag, which is mindblowing since the global cooldown exists to deal with input lag in the first place. There are probably a half dozen other reasons why the Hero engine is garbage as well.

I can only guess that they started development back in 2007 before they knew any better, and at this point have to launch with what they have rather than switch engines to something that isn't garbage. If Bioware(and admittedly they did squander craploads of money on the voice acting while ignoring everything else. The voice acting is nice, but apparently the producers couldn't get their priorities straight) couldn't get the hero engine working with the estimated 150-200 million dollar budget they had, how the hell is Zenimax supposed to produce a game that isn't garbage?

Then with all of the gameplay issues(ignoring the horrible engine choice), there is no way I'll even try playing this game, let alone buy/subscribe.