iPad Vs. Lasers

I can't afford one iPad to keep, these videos agitate me.

I'll just keep rolling with my TF101, that thing can take a beating.
The only one I can actually understand is a drop test. That makes sense. Shooting it with guns and lasers sounds less like a durability test and more like a passive aggressive way of saying "Apple sucks".

That being said, I'm gonna go ahead and jump on this bandwagon and shoot one of a cannon. :D
People are going to run out of ideas on how to destroy an iPad. What's next, iPad vs shark? Actually it would be pretty cool to see a shark bite an iPad. I have always wondered if sharks like the taste of Apple.
Destroying apple gear just...

Never gets old!

I can't wait til our planet to run out of resources so people can stop wasting them.

But then what would be the point of becoming middle-class? You have to spend all that disposable income on something...
It's funny how you never see Mac users blowing up a bunch of XP towers or the like. :rolleyes:
They probably can't afford to buy anything to destroy... what with them being all Apple'd out :D

That said, about 1:10 in it looks like he puts a couple heavy duty flashlights on the iPad? The light looked too wide and too yellow to be a laser.
They probably can't afford to buy anything to destroy... what with them being all Apple'd out :D

That said, about 1:10 in it looks like he puts a couple heavy duty flashlights on the iPad? The light looked too wide and too yellow to be a laser.

Yes they are from the same company that makes the spiders, I forgot the name of what they're called. AFIAK they use a halogen bulb and NIMH batteries.
Okay. We get it. The new iPad is not bulletproof, laser proof, or even drop proof. Ipads must be the suckage if it can't even deflect a tiny .223 bullet.
Okay. We get it. The new iPad is not bulletproof, laser proof, or even drop proof. Ipads must be the suckage if it can't even deflect a tiny .223 bullet.

I don't think anyone it saying it sucks, it's just fun to watch it get destroyed in various ways. :D
It's like the people destroying a PS3 or Xbox or Wii when they first came out. 1. It's fun to destroy anything, or at least try. Anything. 2. If it you don't mind blowing money on things you enjoy you have a sad life. Therefore even if it means destroying an electronic item that is considered fairly expensive, if it gives you a good rate of return in the form of enjoyment, so be it. 3. Its even more fun to troll, take an item that is in low supply, that some people can't afford even if they are in abundance, and to destroy it in front of them (while they are waiting in line for the item) or posting it on youtube, makes it all the more fun to do.

It would be like a Billionare crashing a Ferrari on purpose. Just something middle class people can do. The only reason Apple products are chosen most of the time is due to both the lines that every launch has, the short term supply issues, and the usually increased cost and lifestyle choice associated with the product. People who like apples would rarely ever want to put one in harms way because it isn't just a product, but a symbol.

This doesn't work on Android or PC users. Even though in the end Apple phones and tablets have become the more disposable items (eagerly replaced every year), PC/Android users actually recognize this. I love my droid x, but I don't treat it well, I have actually spiked it to show it to show its toughness. If it died, oh well, getting a new one sooner then I thought. I would actually watch these videos of an Android or PC getting destroyed just to see what it takes to get them to pop. When it comes to Apple products, its fun watching these, not just to see an item get destroyed, but knowing that it makes some apple users squirm, like trolling by proxy. Apple users will never be able to get that feeling out of PC/Android users, unless there was a can't miss product, in real short supply that almost everyone wants. With so many options out there, that is going to be really hard to come by.
Top said it. They have videos where everything gets destroyed, not just apple products, so chill out fan boys. Actually, don't, because that's why the Apple videos are the ones you see the most, because they get the most reaction. I've watched so many things get blended, shot, burned, blown up, or even dropped from low orbit, and the reaction never matches up to when you take something from the cult of Mac and destroy it lol.

Apple guys wonder why your videos are on top? Cuz yall get wicked butt hurt every time someone does something they choose with something they bought with their own money that you don't like.

And to play the other side, stop being butt hurt because as far as apple cares I bet they love these videos. TONS of free publicity, can't fight that, and most of them start people talking, which is what a company wants, people talking about their products, cuz they know that once you destroy and apple relic all the fan boys will talk about how awesome you are, and even if a troll won't say it, everyone reading those pages, even for trolling only, is reading about the pro's and con's of owning whatever apple product it was.

So really, you do it to yourselves guys lol
Top said it. They have videos where everything gets destroyed, not just apple products, so chill out fan boys. Actually, don't, because that's why the Apple videos are the ones you see the most, because they get the most reaction. I've watched so many things get blended, shot, burned, blown up, or even dropped from low orbit, and the reaction never matches up to when you take something from the cult of Mac and destroy it lol.

Apple guys wonder why your videos are on top? Cuz yall get wicked butt hurt every time someone does something they choose with something they bought with their own money that you don't like.

And to play the other side, stop being butt hurt because as far as apple cares I bet they love these videos. TONS of free publicity, can't fight that, and most of them start people talking, which is what a company wants, people talking about their products, cuz they know that once you destroy and apple relic all the fan boys will talk about how awesome you are, and even if a troll won't say it, everyone reading those pages, even for trolling only, is reading about the pro's and con's of owning whatever apple product it was.

So really, you do it to yourselves guys lol

... and yet I don't see anyone "wicked butt-hurt" in this entire thread. So your generalizations fail. You at least get points for looking at both sides I guess.

Bravo, thanks for the link.

Though reading descriptions on that company's page about the various things they sell, it's quite obvious they build things just to destroy other things, and not so much for usefulness. World's brightest hand held flashlight, hurray....

Battery Lifetime: 5 Minutes,
World's most useless flashlight too apparently!
These threads are fun, you can always pick out the Apple-ites when they crawl out of the woodwork. :D
These threads are fun, you can always pick out the Apple-ites when they crawl out of the woodwork. :D

It's just as fun when the anti-Apple posters show up and post whenever they can. These videos are fun to watch, but its still stupid.
1.) That's hot! (Sorry, Paris Hilton. :p)
2.) That music kicks ass! :cool:
It's just as fun when the anti-Apple posters show up and post whenever they can. These videos are fun to watch, but its still stupid.

I don't see a whole lot of people in here hating on Apple so much as enjoying a piece of tech being destroyed by cool lasers.

People in here bitching about destroying Apple stuff, however...
I will say, for what he threw at it, it did a decent job surviving. and that was fun to watch! i do like the idea mentioned of ipad vs shark. would make for a good web series.
I will say, for what he threw at it, it did a decent job surviving. and that was fun to watch! i do like the idea mentioned of ipad vs shark. would make for a good web series.

Decent job meaning . . . being reduced to a pile of smoldering glass and plastic?
I can't be the only one who was a little surprised at the way it it BURST INTO FLAMES. I mean, I know lion batteries are combustible, but holy cow, it was like the devil just farted in there.
I can't be the only one who was a little surprised at the way it it BURST INTO FLAMES. I mean, I know lion batteries are combustible, but holy cow, it was like the devil just farted in there.

I LOL'd at that. Haven't heard of that before. :D