I feel bad for id

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Jun 5, 2001
They worked so hard on Doom 3 and now, before the official release date, by just looking at suprnova, you can see that 50,000+ people are downloading it via bittorrent, and these people probably will not buy the game. That's a whole lot of lost $$$.
$2,798,000 dollars lost if 50,000 people don't buy the game :(.
Honestly though, who is not going to buy this game? I think even the most hardcore of the warezers will still buy it simply because it's Doom3...
It will still sell record high though. But I guess fps games are the largest victims of piracy. Those who are into flight sims I guess are more mature, intelligent and have more of a spine.

Can you imagine how many kids who will get Doom 3? Me too though I am not a kid but like everyone who played Doom or Doom 2 :cool:
ScretHate said:
They worked so hard on Doom 3 and now, before the official release date, by just looking at suprnova, you can see that 50,000+ people are downloading it via bittorrent, and these people probably will not buy the game. That's a whole lot of lost $$$.
Heh, in all fairness to those people downloading, this game cannot be LEGALLY BOUGHT yet. So I can understand why they might jump the gun and download it before they can buy it, and then buy it later.

Some people are scum, some are not.

don't kid yourself. id is still going to make a huuuuge gross sum of money, what with the engine patents and just doom 3 itself.

and on a strange note, a guy i know just called and said 'so, i just downloaded doom 3. wanna come over?' but i also know that he'll still buy it regardless.
most of those downloaders will in fact buy the game. I bet once its released that torrent will fall to under a thousand people.
It's times like these where I can say I don't care how much it cost... buying Doom 3 is a worthy investment. If people don't have enough integrity to buy a game thats just making a statement about themselves. I have bought every game I own, and am extremely proud of it.

Another question you ask is how often do these people end up having crap happen to their computers because some smart fella puts a virus in that torrent file. Just think... one man has control of 50,000 computers due to the D3 craze
Can or will id take action against the people that download D3 or do they always get away scott free?
alot of these people ARE going to buy the game, i can guarantee it..

edit - odoe: No one here cares if you downloaded the game or not. Don't dicuss your personal dealings in obtaining warez, as that is clearly against the rules of the forum.
quote from the simpsons "Its their fault for making you want it so bad"
I could have waiting until weds for this game. Then the new trailer came out. I can no longer wait. My friends girlfriend is currently working every store she can to get this game early. Im downloading it now, but i can gurantee you that me, my brother, and my best friend are buying this game. We're not even sharing copies.
if anyone would do anything, it would be activision, not id.

FluxCap said:
Can or will id take action against the people that download D3 or do they always get away scott free?
Bullseye_blam said:
Heh, in all fairness to those people downloading, this game cannot be LEGALLY BOUGHT yet.

It is illegal to buy a product before Activision's marketing department says I can?
Smith said:
$2,798,000 dollars lost if 50,000 people don't buy the game :(.
but you can't guarantee that each of those people downloading it were planning on buying it anyways.

so your statement is pointless really, you could just as easily say 300 billion dollars would be lost if six billion people don't buy the game.
They cant play it online anyway, so what's so worrying. CD keys have been very effective in turning away game pirates. Sure, they can play through the SP game once or twice, but mods and online play are what will take Doom 3 beyond the first mont of its release. Plus, I think after those people play it they will go out and buy the game because they will want to join the action online.
HRslammR said:
don't kid yourself. id is still going to make a huuuuge gross sum of money, what with the engine patents and just doom 3 itself.

and on a strange note, a guy i know just called and said 'so, i just downloaded doom 3. wanna come over?' but i also know that he'll still buy it regardless.

but they wont get what is entitled to them or what is fair.
CD keys may eliminate online play for pirates, but in many cases, LAN play is still possible..and with a multiplayer scope as small as doom.... this may cause it to suffer...
Wondernerd said:
It is illegal to buy a product before Activision's marketing department says I can?

I think i can straigten this one up here. When i worked at one of our store (specialty retail, footwear) lets say we had a release one air force ones all white set for aug 3, iff say champs sports sold it on the 1st, we would purchase a shoe from them, have the receipt with date and time, then we could legally start selling that shoe. Now can action be takin on champs, i suppose, however i have never heard of a case, but once the date has been broken its sale time for everyone else, all you need is the receipt to prove they did it first.
im buying my copy of D3 regardless. I choose to buy games that I feel the developers deserve credit for and my money. Example: Warcraft 3 etc.

Now games like CS etc.....
Forget valve someone gave me a copy out of pity hahahaha so i still have a legit copy but only for pity
people will always download if they can, I'll always give credit where its due by paying instead of being a thief.
Regardless of your intent, please refer to the [H]ardForum Prime Directive ;)

(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm

barking frog said:
idiots will always make generalizations if they can.
ScretHate said:
They worked so hard on Doom 3 and now, before the official release date, by just looking at suprnova, you can see that 50,000+ people are downloading it via bittorrent, and these people probably will not buy the game. That's a whole lot of lost $$$.

This is where online CD-keys come into play(with good authorization policies). Sure, you can play single-player, but if you want to play Multi, you have to actually go buy the game. This happens a lot.

Again... Who is going to arrest me for illegally purchasing Doom 3? I know the RIAA likes to conduct raids on pirates, and I could understand if I stole the game. But I purchased it. Wal-Mart still has about a dozen copies on the shelf, so they are guilty of Criminal Facilitation.

Should I call Activision and turn myself in as the rapscallion I am for giving them 50 dollars for a product they make?

I'm being pissy because a reporter told me it was illegal to not answer direct questions from a reporter. That isn't against the law either.
Wondernerd said:
I'm being pissy because a reporter told me it was illegal to not answer direct questions from a reporter. That isn't against the law either.

What in the hell? That has to be the most idiotic thing I have ever heard! What was the reporters name and who was he working for?
Maximus825 said:
Honestly though, who is not going to buy this game? I think even the most hardcore of the warezers will still buy it simply because it's Doom3...

not buying it. dont care.
I'd be downloading it if I had the time or paitience, and didn't want to feel the great feeling that I'll be getting on Wednesday ripping into the box :)

Note - By "downloading" I meant "download now, buy later."
Smith said:
$2,798,000 dollars lost if 50,000 people don't buy the game :(.

Or not, by any means. Even giving a somewhat generous 50% to Id, with the rest going to the publisher, that knocks it down to $1,399,000. Out of those, most people probably wouldn't buy the game anyway, and the major sentiment that I've heard about Doom3 is that most people seem to be planning on buying it, even those downloading it. I figure that somewhere around only 10% of that 50,000 people would be prevented from buying it because they downloaded it, or simply have no intention whatsoever of buying it, even if they couldn't download it. That brings you down to a loss of $139,900, which is still not insignificant, but considering that id will likely sell hundreds of thousands to a million or more copies, not even counting the xbox port or engine licensing, the $139,900 starts to look meaningless when overall profits are at $25 million.
RyanR100 said:
What was the reporters name and who was he working for?

This is relevent...how? I forget the fucksticks name, but he worked for the Daily Acadian or something similar. I went to lunch wearing a workshirt, and he started asking questions about my employer. I told him to contact PR. That is when he said I had to answer him. Which is when I started laughing.
I will not buy it because of the multiplayer...But, if i hear great things about the multiplayer i will, but i doubt it will fit my style with only 4 people.
This is relevent...how?

Maybe because I want to stay away from that source of news? I wasn't trying to get your panties all in a bunch.
Munka said:
CD keys may eliminate online play for pirates, but in many cases, LAN play is still possible..and with a multiplayer scope as small as doom.... this may cause it to suffer...

most people don't have time for LAN play. And tons of pirating goes on at lans regardless.
MajorDomo said:
Regardless of your intent, please refer to the [H]ardForum Prime Directive ;)

(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm
lol, you said "Prime Directive" :p As for me, I got it pre-ordered and paid in full but I still want it before my friends do.
Anybody remember those letters from Comcast to those caught downloading Mummy Return off Bit Torrent. MGM had servers set up with certain movies and logged everybody who pulled from them. I wonder if ID did something similar. I had a scan of one of the Comcast letters at one time I might still have it on my site.

Here is a link to the Comcast note:
http://www.student.gsu.edu/~asamara/comcast letter.html

For all those downloading Doom 3 off Bit Torent, happy downloading. ;)
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