FFXIV - World merges


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 16, 2009
Looks like XIV's not doing so hot, they are merging servers already. I wanted to like this MMO badly, but it was more tedious then any other I've played before.
I remember reading that they will be releasing a final fantasy 14 part 2/version 2 or something in the future.
I remember reading that they will be releasing a final fantasy 14 part 2/version 2 or something in the future.

The guy who was hired to take over FFXIV spent about 6 months trying to rework the game. They had an 8 month timeline of planned changes posted on the site however he recently announced that the only way it was gonna get fixed is to scrap the game and start over. So yeah I don't know what they've worked out. FF depends heavily on customer loyalty like CSGO the idea is to migrate all FF11 players so giving up and making a new title might be a bad step hard to say. I think best case scenario is they release an FXIV-II.

Frankly I don't care I want another Phantasy Star Online plzzzz
The guy who was hired to take over FFXIV spent about 6 months trying to rework the game. They had an 8 month timeline of planned changes posted on the site however he recently announced that the only way it was gonna get fixed is to scrap the game and start over. So yeah I don't know what they've worked out. FF depends heavily on customer loyalty like CSGO the idea is to migrate all FF11 players so giving up and making a new title might be a bad step hard to say. I think best case scenario is they release an FXIV-II.

Frankly I don't care I want another Phantasy Star Online plzzzz

You and me both, I can't wait for PSO2!
It's a shame that the Final Fantasy name has become synonymous with "piece of shit".
This isn't surprising since the game was practically DOA. With SWTOR released and Guild Wars 2 and TSW coming later this year, this game has absolutely no chance of surviving it through 2012.
It just pisses me off that I bought the collectors edition with nothing to show for it, not even a good time.
Looks like XIV's not doing so hot, they are merging servers already. I wanted to like this MMO badly, but it was more tedious then any other I've played before.

Most games seem to do this anymore. Every game starts off hot then is merging servers within 4-6months.
Is FFXI still going?

I've got 2 copies of that game (for various reasons) that i've never even loaded. I'm not really into MMORPGs...(because of the grinding and usual lack of any storyline or feeling of progression)

It was the worst "game" I have ever played.

So, you've never played Brink? Maybe the next free weekend you can find a new, horrible definition of the "worst", as it has absolutely no redeeming qualities. This game at least had nice graphics and more than 1 kind of enemy. :D
Looks like XIV's not doing so hot, they are merging servers already. I wanted to like this MMO badly, but it was more tedious then any other I've played before.

This game was nothing that I imagined. The inventory system/crafting system drove me nuts. I was hoping for a WoW clone UI atleast for us PC users. I really liked the graphics and such. But the general feel of the game was, console first PC second. I didn't want to play this with a controller. Atleast Tera has a good balance keyboard/mouse and gives you the option of using your xbox 360 controller if you want.
So, you've never played Brink? Maybe the next free weekend you can find a new, horrible definition of the "worst", as it has absolutely no redeeming qualities. This game at least had nice graphics and more than 1 kind of enemy. :D

Brink at least has some action. Final Fantasy 14's combat system feels as action packed as writing a book about all the reasons you love flowers.
They are releasing FFXIV 2.0 patch later this year, new game engine and so forth.
Most games seem to do this anymore. Every game starts off hot then is merging servers within 4-6months.

Likely to be quite normal and hopefully developers will plan for it. Any time a new MMO comes out, a bunch of people want to see what's what. We all like new toys. So if you did a good job, you can expect a million or two people to buy it and try it. However in most cases, many will leave. Not because the game is bad but just because they don't like it better than whatever their current favourite MMO is. So they'll head back to that. Not many people play more than one MMO at once, takes too much time.

So that means you need to have a bunch of servers ready for launch, so people aren't pissed off and not able to play, but then be ready to scale them back after the initial round of people checking it out are done. Also then need to be ready to scale it back up, if people later decide they want to play.

Basically MMOs are going to operate more like single player games. People will get new ones when they come out, most will play them a bit, then go back to playing the favourites.

Makes sense as there is now more competition. You can get your MMO fix from many, high quality, games. So people will find the one they like the best and play that for quite awhile. However they'll still check out new ones.

Personally I played WoW for many years. However I also picked up Star Trek and played it for like 2 months, EQ2 and played for 3 months, DDO for about 3 months, and so on. Then when Rift came out, that took me away from WoW for good. I'd actually canceled my WoW subscription a few months before due to being tired of it, but Rift has pretty much seen to it that I'm not likely to go back to WoW.

Same shit is happening with SWTOR. Pretty good launch, like 2 million copies sold or so but already people are leaving. I'm one of them. Bought it, enjoyed the leveling process quite a bit (the story mainly) hit 50, got bored, back to Rift. My $60 was well spent but it isn't the game to take me away from Rift.

That kind of thing is likely to continue to be common.