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    E6750 and tuniq tower, these temps look right?

    I think the BIOS is the only thing that's accurate on the temp. Too bad you can't run your system under load and check the BIOS temp at the same time.
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    E6750 and tuniq tower, these temps look right?

    So I just built my new comp today with: Gigabyte P35 DS3r Intel E6750 Tuniq Tower 120 Plus much more stuff that is needed I'm just messing around with my tuniq tower and E6750 to see how low my temps can go under stock speed. Right now, Easy Tune5, which came from the P35 driver CD...
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    Any word on the next WoW expansion ??

    It's incredibly easy to get to 70. I have an alt shaman and managed to hit 70 in 3 months by just playing 4-6 hours on her per week. But I knew exactly where to go and how to stack the quests in outlands. The only thing you won't achieve as a casual player is the end game PvE dungeons, like...
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    So exactly where are the price cuts?

    The price cut isn't on EVERY Intel CPU. The one that's getting all the attention is the Q6600. They are also releasing a E6X50 series with G0 stepping. Here's a chart: Plus, some retailers haven't completely updated their prices yet. Everyone's saying...
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    P35 DS3R and crucial 6400

    I read from another forums that you have to press ctrl+F1 to access it in BIOS
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    P35 DS3R and crucial 6400

    I just ordered some Crucial Ballistix 2 weeks ago, these: And I just ordered a Gigabyte P35 DS3R last night. The voltage on the ram is 2.2. Will my comp boot up? Will I need to switch in some lower volt DDR2 ram and change the...
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    Q6600 and big tower coolers

    I really like the idea of the string. I have a tuniq 120 and it's quite heavy. I'm afraid that it'll just break off from my motherboard one day.
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    StarCraft 2, more than rumors now?;title;1 Starcraft 2 may be a rumor, but them announcing a new game isn't a rumor. The only reason why there are so much speculation that it's being announced in Korea
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    StarCraft 2, more than rumors now?

    How credible is that site?
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    StarCraft 2, more than rumors now? I've been reading articles about it everywhere. In past experience I would ignore it and just say they are mere rumors. But these rumors are so rampant and ubiquitous than the...
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    Computer freezes at "Detecting IDE drives"

    So, yesterday I was playing WoW and my computer started to have abnormal sporadic freezes of 15-30 seconds. I turned off WoW and it completely frozed at Windows XP. Then I turned off my computer and re-booted it. Now it freezes at "Detecting IDE drives" in BIOS after the memory test. I...
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    cant see slave HD

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    World of Warcraft Commercial?

    You can see it on the main site
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    No FPS for the holidays?

    UT2k7, but they kept pushing it back even further
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    WOW players with families?

    It's called time management and discpline. Those who fail at it, often criticize the game being addictive and taking too much time. I can manage to fit in more than 30 hours a week into WoW, WITH a 40 hour job, 2 hours a day with the kids and wife and 15-20 hours to do whatever I want. People...
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    MMO Addition Hype

    I am addicted to cigarettes. I smoke 3-4 packs a day. Now I have lung cancer and I blame this on the cigarette companies, not on my weak self-control and lack of discpline.
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    Help With Warcraft 3

    You said you were able to connect to the Asia server a couple of times. If you can do that, then Blizzard did not ban your cd-key. What's the exact error message you get when you try to connect to Bnet?
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    Help With Warcraft 3

    There's your problem. Blizzard doesn't ban people for using no-cd programs. I use no-cd programs for War3, but I always save a backup of the files that are replaced. If a new patch comes out, I would restore those files and use my TFT cd to get the new patch. Unless you've saved the original...
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    Proudest gaming achievements

    StarCraft: 2000-2002: Endorsements/prizes/etc from various companies to play professionally ($~18,000) 1999: 1st Some Local Lan Tourney ($1,000 + new computer) 1999: 1st Master's Craft ($3,500) 1999: 2nd Lan Masters Tournament ($2,500) Ended when War3 came out. StarCraft gaming was...
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    WoW: BC Closed Beta, NDAs lifted

    It CAN remove divine shield. I don't know what else it can remove. I believe in general, it can remove things regular dispel can't, besides curses and non spell buffs.
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    Worst MMO.

    QFT. don't complain about ANY grinding problems in ANY MMORPG until you played Lineage 2. At least the grinding WoW isn't killing monsters for 1-2 weeks straight only to gain 1 level and then die once to lose a half of it. Well, I'm exaggerating on losing half of it when you die but the grind...
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    WoW: BC Closed Beta, NDAs lifted

    For those who play WoW:
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    Burning Crusade Collector's Edition

    Yep, sometimes for 300-400 dollars in profit
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    newbie C++ question

    I see where the problem was with pressing 0. if(!(choice == 1 || choice == 0)) work correctly. That hit the spot. I took out cin.get() and replaced it with while(!kbhit()); and it didn't close the program instantly until I saw my message and hit any key. For some reason cin.get() worked in a...
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    newbie C++ question

    So I just started to take up C++ again and doing some refresher coding and I'm having some trouble here. I wrote up a random program on visual C++ express and compiled it from this: #include <iostream> #include <ostream> using namespace std; int main() { int number; int...
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    Your holiday shopping list

    Just WoW: burning crusade. Would of been UT2k7 too but it was pushed back to next year.
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    South Park and WoW!!!

    Nah, if the typical WoW is that hardcore, then over half the population on WoW would have Naxx on farm status. What a hardcore player does is acheive the accomplishments ASAP. I could relate to so many elite guilds on a variety of servers about that. They only do it to get the best items. No...
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    Is WOW as addicting as South Park showed

    -From 1-59 it's great for a casual player. -At 60 and endgame: the only thing you can do is PvE and raids. You can do PvP but to be at the level of most players item-wise, you will end up doing PvE for the items. If you're a big PvP person, I'll suggest you wait for the expansion and...
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    South Park and WoW!!!

    My friend plays WoW but wait, he makes $68 an hour, has a wife, and 2 years from getting his doctor's degree........ he has no life. What South Park showed was the life of the hardcore gamer, NOT the typical WoW player. I don't even think 80% of the WoW population is like that. My whole...
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    War3 back in the day?

    1. That patch that changed the entire AMM system screw up the matchups. It means that the level of an "average player" is about 25-28. If you play enough games, you will eventually reach that level. The system was based on your winning/losing streak. Level in War3 means jack shit right now...
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    South Park and WoW!!!

    The general theme was that the majority of MMORPG players are stereotyped as people with no lives spending 24-7 at the comp. You gotta play the game to understand the other stuff.
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    Your Video Card Upgrade Ladder

    some cirrus logic 4mb on a 25mhz comp -> some 8mb on a 166mhz -> Geforce 2MX -> Geforce FX5500 256MB ddr -> Geforce 6800XT 256mb ddr (my last AGP before PCI-e)
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    WoW budget Gaming rig

    i have 768ram and my comp doesn't lag in IF or origmmar. Only get lag delays on weekend nights when visiting the auction houses but that's only for 3-4 seconds and everything runs back to 40-45 FPS after all the characters and stuff is loaded. 50-75 FPS outside and about 40-45 FPS in major...
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    So how many games do ya?

    UT2k4 Warcraft 3 Lineage 2 (it's 14.7 gigs, WTF??) World of Warcraft Starcraft Brood War
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    Anyone Else having Problems getting to

    they're doing massive hardware changes these past weeks. It'll go down from time to time but not that often.
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    Video drivers uses 100% CPU?

    I just replaced my geforce FX5500 with a geforce 6800xt a couple days ago. If runs games perfectly fine and much better than my FX. But everytime I try playing video files (.avi, .mpeg, .mkv, etc) the media program would use 100% of my CPU's power. May it be winamp, VLC, zoom \player, windows...
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    WoW, are the fps locked?

    FPS is locked on AMD dual core something something computers. I'm not up to date with the AMD and intel CPU chips atm :rolleyes: I read it on the tech forums on blizzard just a couple hours ago.
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    enough power for geforce 6800xt?

    It's probably the last AGP card I will buy until I switch to a PCI-e card and mobo. I thought it will be good enough to replace my FX5500 for a bit until I get more money.
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    enough power for geforce 6800xt?

    A worker friend of mines wants to sell his XFX geforce 6800XT to me for 75 bucks, which is this It sounds like a good deal since he only had is for 2 months but before I buy it, is my 480W PSU able to handle it? I'm looking thru...
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    Upgrade priority

    Thanks quadnad for the suggestions. I've been researching on some hardware since I was out of the comp/technology world for a while and might be force to switch to a PCI-e mobo sometime in the future. And yea, my mobo supports dual channel ram. But would I have to get a whole set of dual...