South Park and WoW!!!

Just finished watching this and it has to be the most awesome thing i've seen in ages

And I dont even like or play WOW :)
Eh. It wasn't that funny.

Maybe I missed some jokes because I don't play WOW, but for the most part, I found it "decent" at best.
The18thLetter said:
Eh. It wasn't that funny.

Maybe I missed some jokes because I don't play WOW, but for the most part, I found it "decent" at best.

The general theme was that the majority of MMORPG players are stereotyped as people with no lives spending 24-7 at the comp. You gotta play the game to understand the other stuff.
It was an absolute classic! Trey and Matt have been on a roll lately with stuff like this and the Tom Cruise in the closet episode.
Martyr said:
you think?

have you played any mmorpg?
Well unless it's some really WOW-oriented shit involving Arcane Missiles or something, then I got the jokes.

I used to play Ultima Online back in the day, btw.
Namork said:
I had too much pride to become like that. Dumped WoW and took up running, weight lifting, a speed bag, and exercise in general :p

Loser :p

I remember being like that for a short time. Not to the point that I was getting fat or anything, but it definitely made me forget I had a girlfriend and classes.

Sadly enough, watching that episode reminds me of what I regularly do after work on TS with Counter Strike Source. However, getting up and doing some exercise or playing with my parakeet tends to balance it out. :)
hahahha i love southpark! apparently some of the southpark creators play wow... interesting
Pretty damn funny IMO.

I like in game, TIMMAH!

Who pronounces it 'pohned' though? Since there is rarely an o there, I always figured 'pweened'.
Jake said:
Pretty damn funny IMO.

I like in game, TIMMAH!

Who pronounces it 'pohned' though? Since there is rarely an o there, I always figured 'pweened'.
Jake said:
Pretty damn funny IMO.

I like in game, TIMMAH!

Who pronounces it 'pohned' though? Since there is rarely an o there, I always figured 'pweened'.
Well considering it was originally a typo of "owned", that's why it's pronounced "powned".
Yea I watched that ep last night. Didn't realize that it was comming on untill like 5 minutes before it started. I've told a few friends they need to find it.
They took it off of googlevideo and youtube, have to watch it on the tele.
I thought that was the best episode since Towelie.
I've lost one of my best friends to MMO's and funny enough, the exact same stuff happened to him physically and socially.
I loved the lingo and general authenticity of everything, too.
One thing did bug me about the episode though, they didn't have AF enabled in the game, the textures were blurry.
I watched a South Park episode one time. I want that 30 minutes of my life back. Something about short badly drawn cartoon figures talking like something is in their ass just isn't funny at age 26. Probably would have been awesome back when I was 15 though. :cool:
Tantrix said:
I watched a South Park episode one time. I want that 30 minutes of my life back. Something about short badly drawn cartoon figures talking like something is in their ass just isn't funny at age 26. Probably would have been awesome back when I was 15 though. :cool:

No funny bone huh, South Park is a blast at any age and Im need for trolls in this thread, go back to your bridge
blueadept33 said:
wow, there were a lot of funny subtle things. even cartman sounds emo on teamspeak.

Haha, I freaking loved that too, dead on some of the people that were on Teamspeak when I used to play. Damn funny episode I couldnt help but laugh at all the little things they threw in there that I knew from actually playing the game.
Kingpin said:
No funny bone huh, South Park is a blast at any age and Im need for trolls in this thread, go back to your bridge

Trolls don't watch South Park? Damn...that must be what's wrong with me. :rolleyes:

Hey, if they can sell it, more power to them. Everyone has to make money somehow.
Tantrix said:
Trolls don't watch South Park? Damn...that must be what's wrong with me. :rolleyes:

Hey, if they can sell it, more power to them. Everyone has to make money somehow.

If it wasnt funny it wouldnt be so popular, like I said you lack a funny bone
My dad is 52 and he likes south park so your age excuse does not work :p
Stu55 said:
My dad is 52 and he likes south park so your age excuse does not work :p
i know many older dudes that watch southpark....i actually find it amusing talking to 60 year old about pooping out of your mouth.
"He has become so powerful he killed all our admins..."

Probably most realistic quote was, "I bet half these people are korean."
I'm not denying it has a fan base. It clearly does, even though it's not as popular as it used to be. Some guys got together and said hey lets make another controversial cartoon like Beavis & Butthead and out came South Park. The only problem I see is it has even worse animation, flat out dumb scripts, and the most annoying voiceovers in cartoon history.

Not saying Beavis & Butthead were the best thing I've ever seen, but come on.

It fills the niche I guess, we always have to have a controversial something on TV. I'd say Family Guy is/was probably the most brilliantly done adult cartoon script-wise with the exception of The Simpsons, since it is the longest running one ever. Family Guy feels more like South Park with a brain.

I guess after watching Family Guy so long I'm spoiled. No going back now though, I tried South Park again recently and it just didn't do it for me. Maybe a different episode on a different day.

Not bashing it for the language by any means, because the amendments I fight the most for are the 1st and 2nd...and soccer moms the world over hate South Park because of it's content/language. Rather I watch it or not I don't want it taken off the air because some yuppie bitch caught her perfect little child watching it and got a wad in her panties.
Tantrix said:
I watched a South Park episode one time. I want that 30 minutes of my life back. Something about short badly drawn cartoon figures talking like something is in their ass just isn't funny at age 26. Probably would have been awesome back when I was 15 though. :cool:

29 here, been watching since season 1. even my wife thinks it's funny, meaning that you, sir, have no sense of humor :p
Tantrix said:
It fills the niche I guess, we always have to have a controversial something on TV. I'd say Family Guy is/was probably the most brilliantly done adult cartoon script-wise with the exception of The Simpsons, since it is the longest running one ever. Family Guy feels more like South Park with a brain.

I guess after watching Family Guy so long I'm spoiled. No going back now though, I tried South Park again recently and it just didn't do it for me. Maybe a different episode on a different day..

You should have seen South Park's take on Family Guy. I love both shows but SP was dead on in labeling Family Guy...
PNut12345 said:
29 here, been watching since season 1. even my wife thinks it's funny, meaning that you, sir, have no sense of humor :p

Nope, can't be that. I watch just about every single other comedy cartoon on the air. Not to mention, a person's sense of humor isn't going to make their voiceovers any less annoying.

Matter of fact I think that's my problem with it altogether. If it wasn't like sticking pine needles in my ear I wouldn't mind it.
Tantrix said:
I Family Guy feels more like South Park with a brain.

Dude. Family Guy (God bless it) is fart jokes and pop references. South Park is brilliantly written, multi-layered and full of awesome social commentary. I love both, but for very different reasons.
its kinda hard to just jump right into south park, but if you followed it from the start, you realize that it beats every comedy cartoon out there, IMO.

I love offensive humor, and matt and trey alone as people make me burst out in laughter, basically anything they say is like a big "FUCK YOU, IM GUNNA DO IT ANYWAY!".

Its all about History.
It's still up on Youtube too, not sure if linkage is allowed though :confused:

Great episode, they didn't go into as much detail as I wanted but had a lot of decent references!

Do people use TS though? WHen I played, people only used Vent.
Loved the dialogue though, especially the unmotivated cheers and Cartman's lazy-yet-strategic leadership talk. It's pretty true but exaggerated. Not to mention people don't automatically get fat when they play computer games :p

I have this recorded with my DVR program (SageTV)... gonna watch it tonight, I play Dark Age of Camelot (another MMORPG) and it sounds freaking HILARIOUS!