StarCraft 2, more than rumors now?


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2002
If they do decide to close down the servers, I'm sure coders would create their own compatible servers. The game is just too popular.
Wasn't there just a diablo III thread, no chance in hell they would release both close together.
Wasn't there just a diablo III thread, no chance in hell they would release both close together.
There was a D3 thread, yes, but it was about a game that had nothing to do with Diablo and was not affiliated with Blizzard in any way shape or form. Regarding this latest SC2 rumor, it's all speculation still at this point. All of the threads and articles that have been posted all link back to a single source so even though there has been widespread coverage, it's entirely possible that it's all a crock. The only reason it's gotten picked up everywhere is that starcraft is one of the most popular games ever and as such, ANY news spreads like wildfire.
I'm not sure if you guys were posting those to respond to me or not, but in case you were: check the source of both the linked articles. Both of them (and every other site with this story I've seen) link back to the original post at thisisgame.

Granted, some of the news sites should get credit for translating it since the original is in Korean, but it's not like this has been independently confirmed by a Blizzard rep or any other site.

Personally, I have no vested interest in whether or not this is true since I was never a huge fan of starcraft. As far as I'm concerned, the best thing it will bring me is another platform to play a new version of dota and tower defense maps on, but I just wanted to point out that everyone seems to be jumping on this bandwagon really quickly despite the fact that the original news was posted on a Korean gaming forum and nowhere else.

EDIT: Apparently it's been confirmed by Blizz . . . sort of. All it says it that they confirmed they're announcing a new product May 19, but doesn't go into specifics. Given the rumors, my guess is that this site had it right all along, but I guess we'll have to wait and see to be sure.
EDIT: Apparently it's been confirmed by Blizz . . . sort of. All it says it that they confirmed they're announcing a new product May 19, but doesn't go into specifics. Given the rumors, my guess is that this site had it right all along, but I guess we'll have to wait and see to be sure.

How credible is that site?
Well, I say due to the location of where the announcement will be made, I'm willing to say it's going to be SC2.
Personally, I have no vested interest in whether or not this is true since I was never a huge fan of starcraft. As far as I'm concerned, the best thing it will bring me is another platform to play a new version of dota and tower defense maps on, but I just wanted to point out that everyone seems to be jumping on this bandwagon really quickly despite the fact that the original news was posted on a Korean gaming forum and nowhere else.

I hope we do get another platform for DOTA soon, the limitations of WC3 is a little irritating, and to see it on a more updated game will be a nice addition (not to mention the tower games)

Little skeptical though to see if it would happen or not, icefrog would pretty much have to scrap everything he has for the current DOTA and rebuild it from scratch, he would need an increadible amount of support from the community to get this done.
I know people who are 10x more into SC than WC. I can only imagine the money Blizz will make. I could totally see SC being their new project. Blizz is hot right now, but its going to cool quickly, if they want to keep it going, SC2 is the way to roll. hit that other demographic into sci fi. Good plan.