Is WOW as addicting as South Park showed


Aug 18, 2004
I just got done watching the South Park WOW episode. I thought it was pretty hilarious but it got me thinking. Do you think that its actually possible to balance WOW with an active social life playing casually, and still enjoying the game?

It seems that everyone rags on this game saying that its hurting families etc, but isnt it possible to provide a balance? I'm considering playing past the 14 day trial, but I have a great engineering job and only want to play 2 hours a day max.

think its possible?

If you want to advanced after 60, social life is not an most raid guilds raid during the hours you should be out :D

Hence why I quit.

Don't even think about PVP. LOL :p

Before I made my twink I spent a lot of my time killing newb horde when I see them around newbie areas so I can draw enough attention to call some 60s...which are stupid too. Only when they send multiple tier 2 players is when I duct out for awhile. Good times.
I play maybe 6 hours max a week, but i have no problem dropping the game if someone calls and wants to do something. It all depents on how well you can seperate your priorities, if WOW is what you live for then well, thats what you live for.

Its possible, because i do it, so i guess anyone can
played it for one year, never going back as its REALLY boring, no point in that game.... im burned out on mmo's, back to fps's and stuff for me, and back to real life, so much better than WoW, all i can remember from WoW is omgzor noobs u pulled them u noobs go suck a **** u noobz..... so much crap, got tired and 1 day said fuck it... never going back and proud of it ..... (runs to eb games and preorders BC :p (jk) )
you can be a causual if you understand a few things first, the game is based around time invested = reward
and @ 2hours a night you won't be getting in to endgame instances until the raiding population has leveled past them beyond that the game is loads of fun. and with the expansion coming out in a month or two doubly so
That episode was one of the funniest episodes I seen on any tv show in a long time.
Riddlinkidstoner said:
If you want to advanced after 60, social life is not an most raid guilds raid during the hours you should be out :D

Hence why I quit.

Don't even think about PVP. LOL :p

Before I made my twink I spent a lot of my time killing newb horde when I see them around newbie areas so I can draw enough attention to call some 60s...which are stupid too. Only when they send multiple tier 2 players is when I duct out for awhile. Good times.
OP yes its possible to balance, as most players do. Those who suffer with addiction to it are in the minority imo.
Once you are not aiming to be the best of the best, and have the best of the best equipment, yes you can casually play and have fun, without it taking over your life whatsoever.

And even though WoW does have many hardcore players, its probably the most casual friendly MMO out there.
I have to agree with what others have said. There are 6 million subscribers to WoW and you hear about less than 1% of those. The media loves a beat-up, especially about computer games which seem to be the new evil they must attack. I doubt the average person finds it as addictive as is portrayed on tv.

I played for a bit over a year and played it a fair bit but not to the point where I had trouble quitting. Basically I saw and did everything I wanted to and stopped playing about 4 months ago because of the amount of time required to do end game instances. Up to 60 is fun for casual gamers but if you want to get Tier 2 and 3 gear it will seriously cut into your social life (as in you won't have any).

The expansion may change that with smaller raiding parties etc but I'm not sure about that.
yeah i play wow casually, im not effed up....

now if you would just hand me that cleaver....
playrh8r said:
I just got done watching the South Park WOW episode. I thought it was pretty hilarious but it got me thinking. Do you think that its actually possible to balance WOW with an active social life playing casually, and still enjoying the game?

It seems that everyone rags on this game saying that its hurting families etc, but isnt it possible to provide a balance? I'm considering playing past the 14 day trial, but I have a great engineering job and only want to play 2 hours a day max.

think its possible?


It depends on what you think balance is. Post 60, you will be forced to commit at least a 4 how time investment into raids. Period. And you will be forced to join a guild if you actually want to succeed in the raid. Even the "casual" raiding guilds usually raid 3 times a week, though attendance is optional. But if you don't show up enough, you don't get any of the loot ever because thats how the loot system most guilds go by work. You can ninja-loot, but then you get black-listed. So if you actually want to get something for your time, you have to show up to as many of the raids as possible.

Now, if you consider investing 4 straight hours into a game, 3 or 4 times a week, usually during prime hours (7pm to Midnight) balancing wow with your social life, sure, it can be done.

But most of us would rather have a life :p
If you want to try out WoW; wait for the expansion. Right now raiding and PVP'ing both take TOO MUCH time. It's not casual gamer friendly. However the expansion will chagne this. I would read up on it. WoW was originally intended for casual gamers. That kind of got lost but with the release of TBC. They're moving it back to that point.
yeah 2 year ago when it first came out I was hooked pretty much for a couple months, but I did have a life and a GF and honestly that came first. and now I play it here and there, and I am just waiting for the expansion pack to come out before really putting any more time into it.
Well i havent played in like 10months and after seeing the episode, i had to go ahead reinstall and activate my account. Winded up showing my gf the game having her create a character, teached her how to play and stayed up til 1am which is unlike us. lol.. i dig that my old chars are still rdy to play but i might make a new one anyhoo.! ;)
One day, my girlfriend wanted to play WoW. I said no, not ever, it would not be allowed, even in this day and age of free will. She would not do it. She has Diablo 2, Morrowind, and plenty of other electronic opiates (just got Lego Star Wars 2 as well).

Will. Not. Happen.
I think it depends on the person. I play it now and again and I'm around 60. Yes some seem to know where the off button is and other don't. Gamespot had a thing called the horrors of WOW that had this guy basically blame the game for the addiction verus himself not being able to stop playing the game. It's basicaly like any junkie that blames the drug versus the user.
1-59 = Good fun casual gaming with 5 man parties
60 - Endgame = 4 hours a night hardcore raiding and on the days you don't raid your farming for consumables (potions, bandages etc.) so that you can perform your best in the raid.

I'm in a hardcore raiding guild right now and we raid anwhere from 4-6 nights a week for at least 3-4 hours a night. I still have a life and work 8 hour days and have a wife, but she also plays too.

I'm not big into the clubbing thing etc and all my friends are away at school, so really I have alot of time on my hands.

So my answer to the OP's question is yes and no. You just have to decide whats more important and or fun at the time. For me, right now its WoW, 3 months later? Probably not.


P.S. - Don't pick a rogue if you ever want to join a guild. Warlocks are hot.
-From 1-59 it's great for a casual player.
-At 60 and endgame: the only thing you can do is PvE and raids. You can do PvP but to be at the level of most players item-wise, you will end up doing PvE for the items.

If you're a big PvP person, I'll suggest you wait for the expansion and hopefully it'll kill all the hardcore guilds or most of it and level the playing field for casual players. It'll make you PvP at your own pace and make it easier to do endgame raids (it'll be much easier to organize and schedule raids with 25 people instead of 40).

Oh, and the answer to OP's question, the game is only addictive depending on the person. I've met people who hate it and those who love it.
Nixxon said:
P.S. - Don't pick a rogue if you ever want to join a guild. Warlocks are hot.

Not necessarily true. I play a rogue,in a naxx guild. We take a max of 3 warlocks per raid, because that's as many as we need.

We'll take up to 7 or 8 rogues though. Because we're the nastiest DPS you'll ever get.
I play and still somehow make it to work. I play and still somehow take the fiancee out to dinner and the movies etc. (She is just as avid a gamer as I am BTW) I really hate when people assume their own lack of self control is shared by all. And isn't it awfully curious how the same people telling you to "go outside and join real life" are sitting in a room somewhere typing that at you on their computer.
playrh8r said:
I just got done watching the South Park WOW episode. I thought it was pretty hilarious but it got me thinking. Do you think that its actually possible to balance WOW with an active social life playing casually, and still enjoying the game?

It seems that everyone rags on this game saying that its hurting families etc, but isnt it possible to provide a balance? I'm considering playing past the 14 day trial, but I have a great engineering job and only want to play 2 hours a day max.

think its possible?


Yes it is, I do it, its called not being a piece of crap. I play maybe 15-20 hours a week, which seems like a lot but its just the time I would normally spend on my computer, instead of doing other things on the computer I play WoW, no big deal.

It has however distracted me from other personal projects, take a look at my site, see when it was last updated... lol
lmao at that episode.

i've never played WoW but that was hilarious.

"looks like you're about to get pwned".
I played from release until about a month ago.

Biggest issue is time, and having to login AT certain times in order to Raid, which ends up bieng the only way to progress your character at a certain point.

If you can tolerate people, who have no job, life, or IRL responsibility. Who are also half your age in somecases, getting mad at you because you didn't login on time. Or do not log in enough. Then you might stand a chance.

If you just want to play, and don't mind getting Obliverated by others with gear that is light years better than your own, Then it's the best Casual MMO out there.

Try to raid, and get Everything you really want in the game......IRL is over, and you will be givin a schedule as to when you are needed to login for raids.

Normally when someone says "it takes over your social life" they make it sound like it's a bad thing. But get this, some of us already have a significant other who also plays WoW, family members and friends we hang out with a couple times a week, a full time job, and things to do around the house. I don't really need "a social life". I've already moved past that phase in my life. So if I play all day or only a couple times during the week it doesn't really affect anything.

It's been my experience that the people that get addicted to WoW are the personality types that are easily addicted to anything, be it gambling, alcohol, smoking, drugs, partying, shoplifting, gaming, or even work or school. If you're that type, and I'm not saying it's bad, because that energy can be used in a positive way also, you should probably avoid WoW because it has the same addictive qualities and triggers as the other activities I listed above can have.

The other type that get addicted are the escapist types. Their life pretty much sucks, or they can't deal with it, and they can't see a way out, so they play WoW as many hours a day as they can to escape it. If this is you, DO NOT PLAY WOW, you'll just make yourself worse.

Otherwise, it's a fun hobby, cheap entertainment, gives you something to talk about with your friends and family, and can give you a sense of accomplishment. In my case, since my brother and best friend live in different cities than I do, it's an easy way for me to chat with them and have fun with them at the same time.
Well now that BF2142 is sucking it up (at least thats my opinion on the demo) i'm going to subscribe past the demo time.

I've currently got a level 15 warlock on a PVE realm. I plan on just casually playing it to see if it keeps my interest.

Quick question: Is it worth getting the Burning Crusade expansion if I am less than level 60? I supposed I could pick up jewelcrafting. I doubt I will be higher than level 35 before the end of november.


as others have said it depends on the person. I know before meeting my Fiance I could play for a whole day if I wanted to, although I only did it twice. But my priorities changed and just started having no time to play so I quit. Yeah I kind of missed playing it because it was fun but I was not addicted to it in the least. I have almost reactivated my account a couple of times but just have no desire to pay the monthly fee if I dont have more than say 1-4 hours a week to put into it tops. I am actually looking at giving Guild Wars a try since it has no subscription fee and is reasonably friendly to the casual gamer. All I can say is give it a try past the 14 days and see how it goes, but if you find yourself skipping a shower and meals and not doing anything with friends or a girlfriend (if ya got one) then seek help and quit the damn game. When I was an active player I was in a guild, I was in the guild from the beggining and it was primarily an all adults guild and the GM was about 40 years old with a wife and 2 kids. Now everytime I got on he was on. Sometime went by and I started paying for a Vent server for the guild members to use, and I started chatting with the GM and we both started up a Mage and leveled them. About a month or so goes by and he hops on Vent while I was on sounding very upset and crying and passed the guild to me and left and deleted all his characters and accounts. Basically he was on the game so much his wife came to him and said its either me or the game. He quit but they still eventually divorced. Not saying this is the games fault, as they more than likely had issue before that but it just shows that you can get hooked on these if you let it happen. Have FUN!! :)
playrh8r said:
I just got done watching the South Park WOW episode. I thought it was pretty hilarious but it got me thinking. Do you think that its actually possible to balance WOW with an active social life playing casually, and still enjoying the game?

It seems that everyone rags on this game saying that its hurting families etc, but isnt it possible to provide a balance? I'm considering playing past the 14 day trial, but I have a great engineering job and only want to play 2 hours a day max.

think its possible?

My friend has picked the game up for "casual gaming". Now he sits in front of his pc for 10+ hours a day, just playing that byatch... if you advance past lvl20 in that game, I would bet that you will lose any social life that you have.... By the way I saw that South Park episode, lol, it is a bit overexadurated, but the game is very addicting.
Resistance is futile....
You must play WoW...
You will be assimilated...