WoW, are the fps locked?


May 22, 2006
So my gf is an avid WOW player (raiding and whatnot) but her fps is always low on any machine I throw it at to test. I rarely see the fps move from 64/65 fps even in the non-populated areas. The setup she is on is the following:

(** vsync is of course not on**)
x2 4800+ @ 2.7ghz
asus a8n32 sli deluxe
2gb pc3200 ddr
74gb raptor
evga 7950gx2
silverstone 650w psu

on a dell 2007wfp LCD

I wasn't sure if there were some settings or some drivers that you guys would recomend as sometimes during heavy raids (BWL or AQ40 or Surpression Tunnels specifically) the fps get really low. I know this has to be an issue with the software as the hardware is damn near top of the line and will run any game out there.

So is this just the wow servers being so bogged down with so many users + the raid instances being demanding? Or is there some kinda tweak to really let the machine unload fps? Lemme know what you guys think thanks!
Well, I know that with vsync on it's capped at the refresh rate of the display. But even with my rig I get well over 600fps on css stress test shouldn't that be worthy of at least 100fps in wow?
FPS is locked on AMD dual core something something computers. I'm not up to date with the AMD and intel CPU chips atm :rolleyes:

I read it on the tech forums on blizzard just a couple hours ago.
I believe WoW enables vsync by default, but their has been bugs with their support for dual core systems, you might check their techinical support forum for more info on that.
on my comp (sig) it sticks right at 64 fps. some naxx bosses, not so much.