Proudest gaming achievements

Being asked to join FPS clans and turning 'em down....
Quake1-2-3,Vietcong, UT
lone mercenary for me
Unlocking EVERYTHING in Goldeneye on the N64 & people telling me online " You're no EZtarget." :D EZ
Beating quake 2 when i was like 5, 6, or 7! And of course, i've never played WOW but i can't resist the urge!
Quitting Warcraft III was a huge step for me. That dam game took 4 yrs of my life :mad:
Mr. Stryker said:
Quitting Runescape after 3 years.
i second that, as much as that game sucks balls, it IS more addictive then WoW, (can anyone say blue phats and x mas crackers)?

2000-2002: Endorsements/prizes/etc from various companies to play professionally ($~18,000)
1999: 1st Some Local Lan Tourney ($1,000 + new computer)
1999: 1st Master's Craft ($3,500)
1999: 2nd Lan Masters Tournament ($2,500)

Ended when War3 came out. StarCraft gaming was great while it lasted. I wasn't up to play professionally. Did I get a life? No. Getting paid to play a video game is no different from having an office job from 8 to 5.
Colt___45 said:
Winning a LAN game of AOE2 against 10 of my buddies in a free for all using only Persian Elephants =)

haha, pwning the whole Computer Programming class Junior year of HS with Persian Elephants.
playing against John Romero in Doom1 head to head just before doom2 came out. We played to 100. Lets just say he won but i at least got in 49 :)

What a friggen rush that was on my newly 28.8 modem
I was goofing around in DoD:S when a guy says,

"were is the mgs?"

So I replied back,

"'Where are the mg's?' you educated fuck".

As a grammar Nazi, I once again clicked my heels. I felt very proud of myself.


Ok, really though, things I've felt pretty proud of myself for:

1) Summing up the courage to ask my girlfriend out back in May 2006. Still with her. ;)

2) Quitting Everquest. Was a hardcore raider for 3 years. Started raiding just as Luclin ended. Quit just as Prophecy of Ro came out. Never saw Mayong die, unfortunately.

3) Winning 3rd place in an Unreal Tournament contest way back in 2000/2001. I won one of the original designed Ratpadz. Still have it too, and it's still in tip-top condition.

4) Owning my current system in my sig for about two years without ugprading. That's a big thing for me because I used to spend hundreds of dollars every 6 months for minimal upgrades. I'm still playing and enjoying the same games as ever. I'm just also saving a lot more money because of it.

5) Quit drinking aspartame products, like Diet-Coke. Ran into some serious health issues because of it.

6) See #1 :D
Ranari said:
I was goofing around in DoD:S when a guy says,

"were is the mgs?"

So I replied back,

"'Where are the mg's?' you educated fuck".

As a grammar Nazi, I once again clicked my heels. I felt very proud of myself.


It would actually be "Where are the mgs?" By adding the apostrophe, you are indicating possession, as in "Where are the mg's rounds?" Plurality doesn't require an apostrophe. I am far from a grammar nazi, but I sure do love irony. :p
Denying clan offers in FEAR MP DM
Pwning mad noobs in UT2k4.
Getting invited to the best jet squad in Battlefield 2, it was fun for a while, im pretty sure they were the best pilots in BF2.
Getting a ton of medals in BF2142 (yep, 2 1 4 2)
bazylik said:
Not buying BF2142


Back in 81 playing Space Invaders on the 2600 until the score counter reset to zero.

Beating Far Cry single player

Getting a godlike capture on the last point on Mango River during a scrim with Draco Clan in Far Cry.

The few times I have gotten luck kills on Hischadness or Grandmasterfl in BF2.

Oh and the most recent was a very well placed arty strike in a scrim against Nemsis in BF2 on Gulf of Oman, caught like 5 guys at the railroad tracks in a cluster. It came right before the end of the round. Very sweet moment.
When it was the popular game,
I used to play on Apple's Quake III CTF server.
Can't remember the exact name, "17" or something like that.
It always had fun competitive pub games 24/7.

One time on Q3CTF4 (the space map)
I scored 16 flag captures in a 30 minute match.
I was on fire, something like 80% rail accuracy. :cool:
I was proud because these were good players.
Owning noobs is nothing to brag about. :D
When I was probably 8 or 9, I beat the first Myst in a weekend...probably for a total play time of 6 hours. - no cheats. I told my adult (at the time) friends who had been trying to beat it consistently for 2 months with no success - and they didn't believe me. Luckily, I had my mom as a witness. :)

Playing Virtual Cop 3 on one credit (25 cents in my local student union) and beating the game. Granted, it's a not very difficult gun game - but it is fun to get 50 minutes out of a single quarter. Great thing to do in-between college classes at the time.
Getting Quel'Serrar in Wow.

Then quitting WoW.

Ranking #1 on a CS server by a long shot. #1 with the para pwnage. :)

Beating Mario64 and Pokemon when I was like 10.
CS:Source, stoned off my ass, blind from a flashbang, yet somehow i get two headshots with a TMP...classic.
Beating all 5 acts in Hell mode in D2 solo at level 70. Took only 30 minutes with no maphack. 1.10 patch.

Also found a Zod rune off of Pindleskin after more than 2 years playing LoD. Pretty exciting moment.
My very first online game, which was Medal of Honor Allied Assault, not really my proudest moment but one of the funnest experiences of my life.
won the hall of heros + defended for 3 rounds in guildwars with a team put together randomly in a waiting area.

breaking 80 honor in americas army...

being the only person left on the assault bridge team and sniping to win the whole thing...

that's happened a shitload of times.
Ranari said:
I was goofing around in DoD:S when a guy says,
4) Owning my current system in my sig for about two years without ugprading. That's a big thing for me because I used to spend hundreds of dollars every 6 months for minimal upgrades. I'm still playing and enjoying the same games as ever. I'm just also saving a lot more money because of it.

Ive have mine for about 4 years now, only upgrades was a new sound card and going froma 9600xt to a 9800pro.
That_Sound_Guy said:
Joining a clan in UT99 IG CTF and making it to number 1 on the ladder. Was a great group of guys to just BS with and have something credible as the outcome.

Then hackers took the game over :(

** waits for UT2K7 **

What clan?? i too held that spot

I was pretty proud of beating top gun on NES landing the plane was brutal
Breaking all the target times in Goldeneye. They were all pretty hard in general, but Facility is just fucking insane. I spent so much time endlessly retrying that one until one day I actually got one second under the target. Talk about a happy moment.
Getting really good at sneaking up on people in FPS games and getting the close-proximity kill (binoculars in COD and shock paddles in BF2 FTW!).

Seriously, I got a ton of practice as a spy in TFC, and the "close-encounters" continued through a game called Global Operations, to CS 1.6-ish, to COD, and now BF2. Long-live inventive ways to kill people - I just wish the engineer could take people out with the wrench.

"If you hear the footsteps, it's already too late."

Game = CS (can't recall which version)
Map = Italy
Teams = 12CT vs. 11T
Me = Terrorist

30 seconds into the round it's 11 vs. 1 and I am the 1.

T's win.

No AWP's were involved.

'nuff said.
The_Law said:
It would actually be "Where are the mgs?" By adding the apostrophe, you are indicating possession, as in "Where are the mg's rounds?" Plurality doesn't require an apostrophe. I am far from a grammar nazi, but I sure do love irony. :p

I was thinking the same thing...
Killed 7 people on my own in Counter-Strike to win a round. I got vote kicked for "hacking," but I was proud regardless.
1. making it into the original who's who of war2 based off of my skills and not who i knew.
2. achieving rank #10 on starcraft season 2 ladder. (didn't finish out the season in 10th though =[ )
3. Does standing out in the cold, rain, wind, and snow for 18 hours to have an xbox and xbox360 on day1 count?
Getting the Beastmaster Icon for 1500 Orc ladder wins in Warcraft 3/TFT.

Numerous War3 Battles where I was declared god, or accused of cheating (never did, never will though).

3v3, 2 newbs drop, I win with taking over both their armies.

4v4's intense 1.5 hour battle where all resources on map were depleted. All I had left was a level 10 Tauren Chief and a Witch Doctor and managed to wipe out a flotilla of wyyverns by using heals and orbs for the win. They couldn't believe it. I wish I coulda saved that replay but it disappeared in a re-format.

One particular incident got me notoriety. A guy creeping with his hero and about 9 archers were all more then half dead and Town Portals on top of my level 6 Tauren Chief after an attack on his team mate. one War Stomp killed them all.


Suppose I should add my numerous head to head victories in Madden Football and NHL Hockey in my Dorm/College years. Whippin ass as the NY Jets and NY Rangers (pre, 94 Cup). It caused a lot of drunken brawls and smashed games/consoles/controllers against the concrete walls. The one that killed them all the time was 'all-time teams'. the Joe Namath to Don Maynard bomb. I whipped that out in the 4th quarter all the time and it drove everyone insane :D
Selling Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest for $350 cash at 2:30am to some guy that drove to the net cafe I was playing at in his beemer.

Seeing the guy ingame 6months later when the value dropped to nothing = priceless.
Winning Hall of Heroes in Guild Wars
Taking #1 ladder ranking in TWL for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Objective
Taking #1 spot on Madden defensive lineman mini-game for a day (I think 2005)
Beating my high school chess club's advisor (he hadn't been beaten by a student in over 5 years prior)

Probably more that I can't think of at the moment.
Beating every "level" in Quake 3 Arena on Nightmare setting

:eek: Thats ASTOUNDING... I just couldn't beat that last guy on nightmare setting, it wasn't even close. He just railed me constantly.

Lets see...
I once won a 4on4 RT in WC3 after three of my partners left. Of course, two of my oponents were rank noobs, but still... HERO POWER! Also, I was #3 on the FFA ladder for a while, but I've totally fallen apart since then. If you don't play FFA for 4 hours a day, you lose your skills rapidly.

As a lad, I once got every single treasure in a game of Pitfall...

And frankly, beating Ultima 4 on my C64 was one of the most satisfying accomplishments of all, even though I'm sure plenty of others have done that.
pwning hell in Doom 2 co-op and then going to Cub Scouts...

for some reason going from BFG to 'penci holder' (aka wood with holes that the rents felt compelled to think was amazing) is really amusing.
Arkangyl said:
for some reason going from BFG to 'penci holder' (aka wood with holes that the rents felt compelled to think was amazing) is really amusing.

thats not a game achievement, thats a lifetime achievement
I gained the ability to sit at my computer even after letting out the funkiest smelling farts.
Lsv said:
Selling Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest for $350 cash at 2:30am to some guy that drove to the net cafe I was playing at in his beemer.

Seeing the guy ingame 6months later when the value dropped to nothing = priceless.

As a fomer Diablo II addict, I think it's fair to say you owned this guy hard. I laughed at this a lot. It didn't take too long before I was giving this item to noobs to put on their freakin' mercs. That, or not even picking it up because it's such garbage.

GG rich idiot.