Search results

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    Ultra X3 1600w Power Supply @ [H]

    "We want whats best and the best delivery of our bang for our money." I'm not sure I understand your engrish, but I'll assume you meant something like: "we want the best bang for our buck." A $450 power supply is most definitely not a good value.
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    Ultra X3 1600w Power Supply @ [H]

    I don't live on hardocp as you may. I browse occasionally. That doesn't really make what I said any less true... They should sell this PSU at Brookstone with vibrating solar powered soup makers and other worthless crap.
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    Ultra X3 1600w Power Supply @ [H]

    Products like this are simply moronic. I'm sure all 4 people who buy and use this PSU will be really happy. It leaves the rest of the community wondering: what was the point of this review? And more importantly, why does such an undesirable insane niche product garner the "editors choice"...
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    BFG warranty question

    Yep. I told them I bought it from Circuit City and lost the receipt. They don't care I guess.
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    I think my 6800GS is half dead. TV out works, DVI Broken?

    Yesterday I restarted my computer after a windows update and my monitor didn't come on. My TV does it's normal thing though, and windows has made it the main monitor. When the computer boots, there is weird garbled text on the tv, and then it posts as normal. At no time does the monitor come on...
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    Samsung 204B Backlight Intermittent DOA

    Hey all, I just got my 204B in the mail. I hooked it up to a PC here at work using the Dsub cable. The backlight didn't work. I could faintly see things on the screen, but the backlight was completely off. So I removed it from it's stand with the intention of opening it up to see if a...
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    Why is Apple missing the midrange?

    One of the many reasons apple is garbage.
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    Upgrade an Alpha 8150 to Skyth Ninja or Big Typhoon?

    Greetings all, I currently have an Alpha 8150 on my 3800X2@ 2.63ghz 1.5V. I've got a panaflow fan on it running @30db/68CFM. If I got one of the big bad new coolers, could I get away running that fan at say, seven volts, to decrease the noise? Thanks for the input!
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    Weird Overclocking Problem with Asus A8N-E

    I solved my own problem. Apparently if you don't enable the floppy drive, the BIOS acts gay. So everyone with this mobo, make sure you've got your floppy enabled!
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    How is it possible to OC with Clockgen but not BIOS?

    I am experiencing this problem too. My board will only boot at 220mhz, but in windows using clockgen my system runs prime stable at 2.633ghz. Something fishy is going on here...
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    Asus A8N-E will not boot past 229 FSB

    I am having a similar problem. In windows I can get my CPU running at 2.633ghz with a FSB of 263.3mhz. If I try to set that in the BIOS, it won't boot past 220mhz or so.
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    Weird Overclocking Problem with Asus A8N-E

    Hey All, I figure someone could help me with my problem, since you're all probably way more experienced overclockers than I. Here's the situation: I've got an Asus A8N-E motherboard and a 3800X2 processor. I read the overclocking guide on this site to figure out my processors top...
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    Quick Link to Driver?

    Anybody? It's shift change time and I will have to go home with no drivers. :(
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    Quick Link to Driver?

    I'm on a computer where I can't download exe and zip files. Can anyone provide a source to the latest Nvidia driver in a RAR file? Thanks a lot.
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    Abit KV8 Pro Refuses AGP/PCI Lock

    I have updated to the latest BIOS. I have an Athlon64 3000+ and 1GB of crucial ballistix. I can't OC worth a damn and it's because of this stupid lock not engaging. I've tried reflashing to the latest BIOS and it still doesn't work. There's another strange problem. After installing...
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    Memory Recommendations: Abit KV8Pro

    Hello All, I've got some Mushkin Blue memory and I'm very disappointed in it's ability to run at anything over stock. I've got an A64 3000+ and I would like to get it to around 2.5Ghz. I want RAM thats reasonably priced ($230-250), but able to easily run at 250Mhz while offering maximum...
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    New Abit Flashmenu version 135

    Thanks for this post, helped me out.
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    Cellular Phone as a laptop modem

    Back in NOV03 I got a letter from Sprint warning me that if I continuted to use so much bandwidth that they would cancel my account.
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    What's my CPU core?

    I'm not going to damage it. I will just tell them it causes errors and send it back. On Pricewatch they now list the 3000 as: "- (IN-STOCK) - ADA3000AEP4AX" It seems that my replacement processor will be what I want. :D
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    What's my CPU core?

    RMA? What do I tell them the problem is?
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    What's my CPU core?

    Dammit Monarch! :mad: Why the hell are they selling old chips? I thought C0 hasn't been produced in many months.
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    What's my CPU core?

    So are people experiencing significant differences in overclocks between the C0 and CG?
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    What's my CPU core?

    According to your FAQ post, it's a C0. "3000+: ADA3000AEP4AP 1.5V (CO rev, F48h)"
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    What's my CPU core?

    I've done quite a bit of searching, and most sources tell me my CPU is an old Clawhammer. I just bought it from Monarchcomputer two weeks ago. ADA3000AEP4AP Newegg has the model number listed as a Newcastle. What's the real deal?
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    Are SFF Power Supplies incompatible with full size motherboards?

    I have an ABIT KV8 Pro and an Athlon64 3000+. I am waiting on the PSU and the case I ordered, so I hooked up the PSU from my Shuttle 41G2 to the board. The LEDs on the notherboard come on, and the letter 8 is displayed, but when I short the jumper to turn it on, the LEDs go off and the number...
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    Which Heatsink for A64 3000+

    I just bought an A64 3000 with the intention to overclock as high as possible, with minimal noise. Here's what I got: Alpha PAL-8150T Heatsink PAL8150T 1 31.99 120 x 25 mm Vantec SF12025L 1 14.99 Stealth Fan (53CFM @ 28dBA) SVC 80mm to 120mm Fan...
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    post a pic of where you work warning 4MB link inside

    Wow they shut them down? What kind of diciplinary problems? What are the buildings used for now, and where do all the students live? I'm AD in Italy.
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    $520 (usd) price range, looking for something digital and fairly manual

    Owned the Minolta Dimage 7i. Loved it. I bought an A2 and I love it. I sold my 7i for a measly $365 on ebay. What a robbery!
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    post a pic of where you work warning 4MB link inside

    I'm F-16 backshop. I was in the 365th. I lived in 516, then 726, then uhh, the ones closest to the squadron.
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    post a pic of where you work warning 4MB link inside

    Holy shit. I went to school in that same hangar for four months. Are Mr. Bass, Mr Josey, and Mr. Klepper still there? WEIRD! Sheppard AFB is a DUMP.