the 2004 "post your macro shots" thread


Oct 15, 2002
I thought it would be good to start a new thread on macro shots for 2004. It was the old one that actually helped decide what digicam to buy! Here's what I've shot recently:

A bunch of ladybugs started to hatch on the outer walls of our house. We didn't even know that's where they came from at first. This first shot is of one that recently came out of it's coccon:

Here's a closer shot:

This is the same bug a day later:

All shots with a Canon A70 in "macro mode".

Let's see what the rest of you have shot recently -close up!!!
Sorry,...HAD to be done


Hehehhee....*cough* Anywho.......


Picture of a dial thats on my fan controller for my computer.

lock on computer door

play buttom on dvd player

used a Nikon coolpix 995
I have to do a macro assignment...but all I have is a 50mm prime! Welcome to the wide world of blurry enlargements!
Originally posted by matt fury
I have to do a macro assignment...but all I have is a 50mm prime! Welcome to the wide world of blurry enlargements!

turn the lens around and shoot it backwards, will give you a good macro lens.
i have heard people talk about there a site or something where i can learn to do this? or maybe you want to give me a quick rundown of how it works? thanks!
Originally posted by Mr_Bucket
turn the lens around and shoot it backwards, will give you a good macro lens.

If that's the ONLY lens he has, I wouldn't risk taking it off, and leaving the mirror subject to dust, just to get a few 'decent' macros.
I can't remember if these all qualify for true macro, but I did use a set of extension tubes. These are mostly full frame, but might be 8x10 size crop.



This thread is off to a great start. Well I have some new ones but need to, go to, Kinkos to load them up. Im back at 56K so loading up will take too much of a day. Got a great rattlesnake close up too. Glad to see the forum back up. Great shots all.
bromide said:
i have heard people talk about there a site or something where i can learn to do this? or maybe you want to give me a quick rundown of how it works? thanks!

That guy does some AMAZING work with a reversed lens...his site has a description of how it works and what you need to take super-closeups with a "poor-man's macro."

Here's his portfolio favorite shot
Here's what some more mortal people have come up with
You'll need something like this to mount the lenses

I've tried this before, mounting the 18-55mm Canon Digital Rebel kit lens backwards onto a Canon 75-300mm, with interesting, albeit mediocre results. It's impressive to see 7-micron wide (if I did my math right) scratches on a paperclip, but the depth of field is extremely short...1/20mm or shorter. It's very hard to focus, and I've gotten the best results by taking several photos focused at slightly different points and making a composite image in Photoshop. I could post some pics if someone wants me to...let me know of a good image hosting site (I'm new to posting on forums and such). Hope this helps.
phixt said:

That guy does some AMAZING work with a reversed lens...his site has a description of how it works and what you need to take super-closeups with a "poor-man's macro."

Here's his portfolio favorite shot
Here's what some more mortal people have come up with
You'll need something like this to mount the lenses

I've tried this before, mounting the 18-55mm Canon Digital Rebel kit lens backwards onto a Canon 75-300mm, with interesting, albeit mediocre results. It's impressive to see 7-micron wide (if I did my math right) scratches on a paperclip, but the depth of field is extremely short...1/20mm or shorter. It's very hard to focus, and I've gotten the best results by taking several photos focused at slightly different points and making a composite image in Photoshop. I could post some pics if someone wants me to...let me know of a good image hosting site (I'm new to posting on forums and such). Hope this helps.

thanks for the great reply. if you need a place to host those pictures i might be able to do it for you..just shoot me a PM
all my shots are using a reversed olympus/zuiko 50mm lens on my olympus 2040z digital camera.
OK! So I loaded a couple up for this thread. It took awhile but, want to add some new stuff. These are taken with a Nikon CPix 995 so make that 3 of us, still using one. First pic is of a Trupet Cactus bloom. Second will be a Century plant bloom. Unfortunately the bugs got to it the first day. Third is a Wild Iris. And last will be the Rattler close- up. If it X's then hit my homepage.



Im going to add some more to my gallery. We got some moisture late this spring and, had quite a few plants show up. Which is unusual here.
All pics were taken in hawaii last summer, with a C750UZ(w00t)



Yes, the bird only had one leg :(

Full size pics available upon request
So there are three people with the Nikon Coolpix 995. :)

Look, focus at 14.60mm! My favorite pic out of about 30 that day.

Tim_axe, that's a great shot...I've been trying to get a good photo of a bee for a while now but that's one of the best I've seen

Here are some shots I've taken with a Canon 75-100mm and a 18-55mm reversed...nothing too wonderful, just giving an example of a reversed lens

A paperclip, I had a better one but I must have deleted it by mistake

The side of a pad of paper

The fill on the lower left number on a US $100 bill

The side of a CD jewel case

This one took a's a composite image of five photos taken at slightly different focal points to enhance DOF. Note the little bubbles of pollen :)

Actual size of flower:

I forgot to mention before, vignetting can be a problem when using a reversed lens. It's not as much of a problem if your reversed lens is fast (mine is slow, about f5.0 for these shots).
Here is a pic of my girfriends eye. The other pic is a tulip in my moms garden. These were taken with a Sony V1


thanks. Thats one of my favorite pictures. I think her pupil looks like nebula or something in outer space. I grey-scaled everything except the pupil in photoshop.

Kinda sucky quality...need more light. I'll retry later.

One more of my Taylor

The grasshopper I took with my G3, the Bee I took with my 10D and a borrowed Canon 180mm F3.5L Macro.



Hello all im new to the forums, thought id start the ball rolling with a pic of this lil critter from the garden.

ThomasJHoldren said:
Here is a pic of my girfriends eye. The other pic is a tulip in my moms garden. These were taken with a Sony V1



if that eye didnt have the flash in the pupil that would be an amazing shot.