$520 (usd) price range, looking for something digital and fairly manual

Jul 16, 2003
Any recommendations?

Canon's G5 would be nice, but it's $100US out of my fixed price range, so. Is there a toned down G5? I'd definitely go for a G4, but availability is slim to none, especially in Canada.

Here's what I'm concerned about:

- Good focal range (down to 2cm preferred, but not even the G5 does this, it's at 5cm)
- Decent Zoom, atleast 4x (optical, digital zoom is useless)
- Min shutter of 10 seconds or more
- Atleast 4mp
- Fairly manual (ISO control, manual focus, shutter control, aperature control

Here's what I'm not concerned about:

- Size, weight or look
- Media type
- Ease of use
- Brand (I don't care who makes it, if it's quality, it's quality)

I'm looking to do amateur photography really. I've been using my parents' Pentax Optio 550, but I'm moving out so I need to buy my own.

Oh, and yes, I realize that the obvious answer here is "Sounds like you want an SLR". :p

A DSLR would be nice, but there isn't much in the $500USD pricerange.

Recommendations welcome! Thanks a lot guys.
First of all, im pretty sure there isnt such a thing as a G4.

second of all, somebody on genmay.com is selling a G5 for 475$ i think.
Hmmm, you MIGHT be able to find a used Canon D30 around photo.net or even Ebay, but that's wishful thinking.


Canon Powershot S1
Olympus C-750
Canon Powershot S500
Sony V1

BTW, BHPhoto has the G5 for $519 here

Good luck! :)
you should look into the Sony F717. thats a pretty nice camera with plenty of manual controls, nice optical zoom (for a P&S camera) and a pretty decent 5MP sensor.

some Circuit City stores have them for like $478 or so.
I was gonna mention the 717 as well, but I just didn't like the proprietary media it takes, cause of the price. Even though he stated he didn't care about the media. lol ;)
i've heard great things about the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ10. It's in the $450-$500 range. I've been thinking of getting one myself.
dell just had the g5 for sale for 475$ or something, so if you watch the online specials sites (www.techdeals.net anandtech hot deals forum, fatwallet or whatever) you can probably get it in your price range.

theres the g3 which may be available some places.
Owned the Minolta Dimage 7i. Loved it. I bought an A2 and I love it. I sold my 7i for a measly $365 on ebay. What a robbery!
i would not go for the sony.

canon power shot series is awesome. good lens.

ive seen shots from the sony and its all noise all time. the pix are big and unclear. more MP isnt always best.
Originally posted by chinaboy1021

ive seen shots from the sony and its all noise all time. the pix are big and unclear. more MP isnt always best.

far be it for me to not argue with someone on this forum :)D) but you sir are correct...

more MPs arent always betta.