How is it possible to OC with Clockgen but not BIOS?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2000
a couple weeks ago i posted about how i couldn't get my Opty 165 to go past 2.2 Ghz no matter what BIOS settings i tried. In fact, it tops out now at 245HTT and needs a 1x HT Link multi to do so, no matter how high i set vcore or relax RAM timings. Anything higher and it would lock up right after detecting devices in the boot screen.

Anyway, i was tinkering around some more and noticed i can set it to 270HTT and beyond using clockgen and it runs just fine without any hiccups whatsoever, even at stock voltage! It's a slight pain launching clockgen each time, but for 300+ extra Mhz it seems worth it.

Any idea why it gets stuck in the BIOS, but overclocks just fine once i use clockgen? Also, is it ok to overclock this way instead of using the BIOS? BTW i am using an Asus A8N-E with latest BIOS.
well, if your pc can't boot with that OC then its not considered stable
and I would not run it like that 24/7

clockgen always allows leeway with the OC but being able to BOOT with your OC is important.
I am experiencing this problem too. My board will only boot at 220mhz, but in windows using clockgen my system runs prime stable at 2.633ghz. Something fishy is going on here...
Just because the pc can't boot doesn't always mean it's going to be unstable.

In many cases the manufacturer deliberately disables HTT past a certain point as a failsafe just to avoid all the RMA's from overclockers that would otherwise push it a bit too far.

Case in point: later revisions of ASRocks's Dual939-SATA2 bios.