Weird Overclocking Problem with Asus A8N-E


Limp Gawd
Mar 17, 2002
Hey All,

I figure someone could help me with my problem, since you're all probably way more experienced overclockers than I.

Here's the situation:

I've got an Asus A8N-E motherboard and a 3800X2 processor. I read the overclocking guide on this site to figure out my processors top speed, which is 2.633 ghz. I can run Prime for hours in windows (using Clockgen) at this speed. When I go to the BIOS and just set the FSB speed there, the computer gets to the "PCI device listing", and then stops after it lists all the PCI devices, where normally the windows screen would come up. I am running my memory at 200mhz to rule it out of the equation. I tried chaning the PCI bus speed from "auto" to 33mhz, and that didn't fix it.

Anybody have any suggestions?
I solved my own problem. Apparently if you don't enable the floppy drive, the BIOS acts gay. So everyone with this mobo, make sure you've got your floppy enabled!