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  1. V

    Halo 2 PC now works on Windows XP

    I find it hilarious; A) How bad the game looks in 1680 x 1050 :p (It was the ONLY res that was properly in my range) B) How well it runs on my setup, given its supposed to be dx10 crap (Or is it?) C) How fun it is for how crappy it looks :D (Oh god, the tank... MOAR TANK!) Wow. Way to go...
  2. V

    ECS KN3 SLI2 and IDE/ATA133 woes...

    Actually starting to experience strange happenings with this thing. It appears that the connection on the two lan ports is sketchy, on/off at time randomly, but it doesn't do it terribly enough for most apps to disconnect, mostly just aim. Also, i'm getting random reboots, and a couple...
  3. V

    ECS KN3 SLI2 and IDE/ATA133 woes...

    I'll give it a whirl. I was actually considereing returning it and getting another mobo heh, but i'll give this a try first. Thanks for the input :D
  4. V

    CnC 3 Strategies

    Zing. Build fast, useful against tanks.
  5. V

    CnC 3 Strategies

    Yet coh is just as repetitive. Lack of defenses means you pretty much have to run all over the place defending your flags, which gets WICKEDLY boring after a while, imo. Also, the old apc eng/rifleman rush for one. cnc3 has more strategy aspects than coh does. cnc3 fills a niche, just as...
  6. V

    ECS KN3 SLI2 and IDE/ATA133 woes...

    Got a reply back from ecs that said i should throw it in cable select mode and try it on the first ide channel. Been there, done that. evidentally reading isn't a high priority in taiwan. :mad: Anyone out there have problems with this board or problems like this before? should i rma it...
  7. V

    CnC 3 Strategies

    Uh, it does. If you take a group of recon bikes up against tanks and you keep em mobile, they prevail. If you use groups of nod's suicide bombers vs almost anything but riflemen/anti-inf defenses, they prevail. If you throw snipers up against groups of infantry, they prevail. If you take...
  8. V

    CnC 3 Strategies

    Yeah, mass and charge works in wc3, its mostly what you use to keep the otherside busy while you micro your spells into use. COH you're too busy managing territory to properly defend against what usually happens; a mass apc/engineer rush. However, if you really want to get away from mass and...
  9. V

    ECS KN3 SLI2 and IDE/ATA133 woes...

    bump of desperation
  10. V

    Using an old PSU with nforce4 motherboard

    i'm runnin an x2 4600+/2 gig dd2 800/x1950xt 256/2 hdd's and 2 dvd rams on a generic 500 w/ a 20 pin that i've had for over a year and a half now... so yeah, he's probably ok ;)
  11. V

    Using an old PSU with nforce4 motherboard

    i've got a 500 watt 20 pin psu, and its driving my KN3 SLI2 with an x2 4600. same with the 939 i'm upgrading from. never saw any problems.
  12. V

    ECS KN3 SLI2 and IDE/ATA133 woes...

    I just upgraded my system, and one of the upgrades was ECS's KN3 SLI2 mobo. I got it all up and stable, with one glaring issue; I can't get my DVD-ram to get its proper speed, and its stuck in PIO. I've gone through different OS configurations, reinstalled XP almost half a dozen times now...
  13. V

    The Next Big Gaming Failure

    I actually think bf2142 is a huge improvement over bf2. bf2 just felt like a flavor of dc without the fine helicopter flight model that dc had. 2142 also doesnt have that flight model, but i can live with that. Also, i got news for you morons saying its not selling; almost all the servers...
  14. V

    Games with realistic handguns/pistols?

    They are fantastic pistols, but yeah, unless you live in europe, the ammo dealer might as well be raping you as a prerequisite for purchase. Give it some time though, price may go down as people buy the civie p90's for noire. :D
  15. V

    Games with realistic handguns/pistols?

    And its crappy, cuz that pistol should be the single most effective against armored targets, as should the p90. Hooray for unrealistic balance!
  16. V

    Company Of Heroes Excitement!

    Ambushing is about the tactics you use, not the units you use. You can ambush the hell out of the ai, and keep it focused on you... its not hard. Ambushing players is even easier. You have snipers with camo, the nazi's have AT guns with camo, you can effectively hide your infantry in...
  17. V

    I'm boycotting CoH because...

    Its made by Relic, its based on DOW, it looks fantastic, you can upgrade just about anything realistically, and most of all... it was made by Relic. I have yet to be impressed by a Relic game. Relic is quickly becoming like Blizzard used to be, imo.
  18. V

    Pick 5!!

    Assuming no intarweb. I'd probably take conquest frontier wars, total annihilation, x3, joint ops, and probably gta san andreas or IL-2 w/ all xp's. All with every mod tool i could find. 'course, the problem really is... in 5 years, all this equipment is gonna crap out and we'll be left...
  19. V

    Favourite FPS Weapon

    Cerebral Bore from Turok 2 the Microwave gun from (i believe it was) Soldier of Fortune that made people pop the claymore mine, g36, m14, m4, USP, TMP, and UMP from Raven Shield the ability to piss on stuff in Postal 2 the Boot and Shrink Ray in Duke3d the Scar-L with gren launcher in GRAW...
  20. V

    my oblivion chracter

    Go to the arena in imperial city, do the gladiator thing. You'll learn soon enough how to fight well.
  21. V

    Worst RTS ever!

    I think this guy likes "Real Time I win all the time so the game rules a lot Strategy" games. Aka, strategy games that are so easy that he wins everytime. Someone should invent a game for his bleeding twat that makes it so even online, he always wins, and so does the other guy. Just like...
  22. V

    Halo 2

    Nuff said.
  23. V

    Death of the Space Combat Sim?

    Actually, I love the whole series. If you played the second one, play the first one... and see the vast difference. IWar 2 isn't particularly realistic either, but they have good background for things like "why am i hearing sound" and such ;) IWar 2 is probably the most realistic one out...
  24. V

    Halo 2 gamers face Vista upgrade...

    Yeah, I am right. Glad you admitted it. If you recall, bungie said it was going to do the Halo PC port themselves, and look what happend there. Also said they'd release Halo for both platforms at the same time when they got acquired, and look where that went. I take anything they say now with a...
  25. V

    Death of the Space Combat Sim?

    Realism isn't particularly a selling point. Besides, all his points are invalid and depend more of design of ships and bringing into account the actual forces allowed for. For instance, a starship lumbering, may be poor design, nostalgia, or simply a good idea. I drive trucks. I know i...
  26. V

    Halo 2 gamers face Vista upgrade...

    Last Halo to PC incarnation wasnt done by bungie, and it was, for all the sum of its parts, a direct port. A few mp tweaks, a few dx9 additions to the engine, and a ton of bugs. The Halo 3 crew is not going to work on the halo 2 port, that would be a misuse of resources, which is exactly why...
  27. V

    Halo 2 gamers face Vista upgrade...

    Not likely. If you remember, all the did with the halo pc port was goose it up to dx9 and release it. No significant engine changes otherwise. same game, same look, same play. Thats what you can expect with halo 2 pc. Not that it'll be a bad thing, just don't expect mass innovation.
  28. V

    Death of the Space Combat Sim?

    Either one ya want. I use a joystick with it all the time. Don't buy x3 for its story heh. The modding community is friggin nuts though, and the game is easy to mod. Thats why i bought it. Great scripts coming out, great mods coming out, lot of the old x2 mods that i liked are being redone...
  29. V

    Halo 2 gamers face Vista upgrade...

    See, if they were smart, they'd make it available to both platforms at the same time, as any one with a brain sees there are advantages to having the pc game vs the xbox game, and vice versa. But no. they wait til its old. because like the rest of the console world seems to think now, pc...
  30. V

    Halo 2 gamers face Vista upgrade...

    Vista... isn't that going to be the first windows with palladium? Yeah... PASS. To hell with Halo 2 then. I could go on and on about how ms ruined bungie, but oh well. Already having enough of a problem with fsckin starforce.
  31. V

    What game are you REALLY Excited for?

    Supreme Commander. Though, Empire at War looks like a good stop gap for now.
  32. V

    What have video games done for you?

    OMG! GAMES HAVE TAUGHT ME HOW TO SHOOT TEH GUNZ AND KILL PROSTITUTES TO GET MY MONEY BACK!@%% /sarcasm Mostly they've helped me waste time, some of the good ones I have actually learned stuff from. The occasional scifi game that does like movies and introduces some concept i wasn't familiar...
  33. V

    (BF2) Paying for booster packs is a bad idea, and i'll tell you y

    I suggest you reread my entire post. I said nothing about the end uses, I said the DEVELOPERS are getting paid. IF they hadn't been paid, nothing would be produced. Get it? Kthxbye. I nosed it out as a brand of politics, not a standard of politics... thus why i said American politics. By all...
  34. V

    (BF2) Paying for booster packs is a bad idea, and i'll tell you y

    They're always paid. period. See last response. No one is doing any work for no money. nope, but those without the money sure at a disadvantage, huh?If you have enough money to buy the game and the xp, then you get online only to find that you have to pay another sum to get ahead of everyone...
  35. V

    Rainbow Six 4: Assimilated

    So, thats a no to being shot. Being shot in the arms or parts of the body which do not have the layered plates protecting them will hurt a shitload more, but opposite limbs can do the work for the time being, one can limp, for instance, for a long time. Adrenaline is already high in a gun...
  36. V

    Mouse feet alternatives

    Teflon tape.
  37. V

    I need a Raven Shield CD Key

  38. V

    AOE III What do you think? Yes YOU!

    I thought it was claustrophobic (the view). If i could zoom out more, might have liked it better. Same old shite, otherwise.
  39. V

    Official: GTA:SA is Adults Only!

    Nice bout of ad hom. I'll be sure to consult you the next time i want to avoid the focus of an arguement.